1 Beginning

In the beginning there were 5 average kids who wanted to have dates but kept being turned down by every girl that was in the school so the one day that turn out to be the luckiest day ever was the day that they gain their powers but that's not how the story is about to unfold. one kid was like no other Else his name was dragon King and he did not like to be picked on but the reason how he became named dragon King is that he was playing a game where he was a dragon slayer but also a king in the game so one of his top friends decided to say you needed need to be called dragon King because you are a dragon slayer and a king at same time and it will be awesome name for you but his real name was Henry Richardson but most people just call him HR or dragon king. now but out of all the other we have one are the most top 4 oz of kids his name was Rickey Morales it was that one kid that belay you mess with me you mess with all of us but he named have a friend so he was like really you mess with me going to get messed up what year was the toughest kid on school and all other friends who have been in contact for a while and he was still talking to them. they now become two ordered member Marvin fudgerson the smart kid of the school he was the designer of all tech and was an odd number one a student and I'll fall other students in his class he outsmarted all of them. the fourth member of their

band Jaden xfire a kid that was so into music that he became music but he needed more people to join him.the last member of the group his name is craven iced and he was the guitarist of the group and he was still in the school parking lot playing his guitar.
