
That one word

I'm not one to care if you say I'm a whore or shit cause I know I'm not, I've never actually slept with someone in that way. "I'm sorry Miss but are you alright" a lady said. I came back to my senses and nodded "you are all in different classes" the lady said "I'm sorry say what" Sin laughed "two of you will be in the same class but the other two won't be" the lasldy said. I could only nod "that's not right" Red complained "you can choose who you want as partners are" the lady spoke once more as she gave me everyone timetables but no names were on them. I left the office after she gave them to me and after 5 minuets everyone else came out. "we will be going in our pairs" I said as I gave sin and red the sake timetable and Ace the same one as mine. "we will meet at the car after classes" Ace said I don't know why but I felt ok with not all of is being in the same class. I started to walk in the direction of my class "is she ok" sin said as I kept walking. To be honest I'm not even sure if I was ok I just kept walking I ended up at room 23 the room my first class was in. Everyone was already seated in there chairs as the class had already started I went to walk in but I felt an arm around my waist that pulled me into a corner. warm lips had cover mine and I started to respond to the kiss as the kiss broke I looked at Ace "were late" I mumbled as I pushed him away. I entered the room as everyone looked at me and Ace entered too "what" I said "you must be the new students" the teacher said I hated nodded "please introduce yourselves" the teacher said. "I'm Chase I'm 16 I came from orlando" Ace said "I'm red back Im 15 and I came from gorgia" I said. "how do you guys know each other" a girl called "our parents were close friends" Ace said. I walked to the back of the class and sat in my chair a note was passed back to me saying "lets be together" I just rolled my eyes as Ace took the note and threw it in the bin. Another note landed on my desk but this time it read "you will be mine even if I have to take what I want". I remember once I was given a note just like this the day before my innocence was taken from me, My father was so mad because I didn't tell him until a few years later. I felt sick to my stomach, I felt like was going to hurl but I just put my head down and did my work. "All mine" a voice said in my ear as I was handed a worksheet I looked up to see a silvered haired boy with light skin and grey eyes. "I'm no ones" I spat "well your mine now" the boy said as a smile spread across his lips. "Don't lie to yourself I'm not yours I'm not his I'm no ones" I said as I glared at him. "Baby girl we got to go" Red yelled as he came into the room I looked up from my desk to see Red had blood dripping from his lip and blood on his black top and a tear in his pants. I grabbed my book and my bag and shoved it into my bag as I started to walk but felt a hand on my wrist "Mine" they boy said once more. I felt like a burning sensation in my legs once more "I'm one of a kind and I ain't yours cause I'm mine" I laughed as I pulled my wrist from his grip and bowed to my teacher. "You should go" the teacher said as everyone look at me "thank you sir" I said as I turned to see Ace outside the door. My feet started to move towards the door "Football feild" Red said as I was outside the door I gave my bag to Ace "put the bags in your car and meet at the field" I said. my hands clenched with the note still in it, "we will meet you there" Red said as he picked up Hali's and sin's bag. I started to walk straight down the hall as I took my hair out and put it up high and platted it then put it into a bun.I put the note in my front right pocket and tied my shoes up tight. I was out off the building and my feet started to move it didn't even feel like I was putting my feet on the ground as I started to run. Adrenaline feeler my veins like a drug as I started to sprint faster, I could feel the wind in my fringe and the fresh air in my lungs. I had ended up at the field in less than 5 minuets and I could see that red was already there.

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