
our way

Laughter filled the empty house as I ran up the stairs and saw the two boys had fallen on top of one another. "Aww I thought you were together" I sweetly spoke, but it was obvious that Ace was uncomfortable with there situation so I pulled out my phone and took another picture. "Get off me" Ace yelled in rage as he pushed Red off of him, I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm a go clean the kitchen" Red quickly said as he ran to the kitchen "you are cute when your angry" I couldn't help say as. I looked at his face. His face was red and he bit his upper lip to suppress his rage "And your ugly" he spat I knew he was mad but it didn't give him the right to say that too me. "Go get dressed we will be going to the shops to get what we need" I said as I turned to go down the stairs and started to laugh "oh wait you can't get changed I didn't get you anything to wear but either way anything looks ugly on you" I couldn't help but smirk. I left to go to the car to grab my bag, My hand opened the car door and pulled out my small bag I turned around as the wind picked up and danced with my hair. But I could still feel and this pain, anger, sadness and hate that sat firmly in the middle of my chest and I didn't know why but standing there in the wind felt so good. I felt like I could do anything just standing there like I was in my own world and the sky was my limit. I dont know how long I stood there feeling the breeze in my hair but I knew it was probably best to go inside before it gets cold. I opened the boot of the car and pulled out 3 black outfits in long black covers so you couldn't see the clothes but it had our names written on one. I picked them up and shut the boot and went inside and shut the door behind me as I went to the lounge room. "Team meeting now" I screamed as the boys came into the room Ace leaned against the wall and Red sat on the floor. "What is it" Ace spat I instantly threw Ace's outfit at him and went to red and smiled and gave him his "Thanks" Red smiled. "you will get changes into those outfits and we will go have some fun" I spoke as I turned and left. I took the out of out of its bag and saw it's was skin tight leather jeans and a jacket that was black I got changed into it and saw there was a backpack with it with a note that said "you can make ur own room in this bag use it well". I instantly knew it was a magic bag and put it on as I went up the stairs to see Ace wearing black leather jeans and a top that read Gangster. Red was wearing leather jeans too but his top read try me he had sunglasses on his head and a smile painted on his lips. "so stealing what we want" Red smirked "steal what you need and want but you have to be able to carry it" I replied as I put my hand bag on as well. Ace's face was still the same but he had a playful look in his eyes "you have to turn into your beast forms" I laughed. "Meh what's so bad about being in my werewolf form" Red giggled "I can get to feel the adrenaline when I run in my vampire form" Ace smirked.

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