
My family my problem

"Aaahhhh" sin screamed and I felt like my world was gonna break as I saw a male had a hold off her hair. "Let go" Red yelled as I slowly stepped forward I came to a stop next to Red "I'm not gonna let go till she gives me what I want" the man replied. "what's your name" I replied "my name is shane" Shane said "what do you want from her" I spat "I want her to make me feel like a man" Shane spat. "That's not happening" I laughed "says who" Shane laughed "says me" I smiled. Shane threw Sin to the ground and kicked her in the stomach "aaahhh" sin yelled. This guy looked like the grey haired jerk in my class but has blonde hair instead of silver. I instantly did a spin but half way threw the spin my right leg came up and came down on Shane's face. After my foot had meet Shane's face his hands grabbed my foot and went to push me back but my other foot came up and hit him square in the chest making him fall back and let go off my foot. "Get her out off here" I beamed as Red picked sin up and moved her to a safe area but as I wasn't paying attention to Shane. I felt and arm on my jaw and turned to see Shane holding it "you will do" Shane smirked my left arm came up and my left elbow bent down and hit the crease in his arm. Shane let go and I grabbed his ark and bent it backwards *crack* I pushed him back as blood spurt out of his arm. "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh" Shane screamed in pain "I told you no one can help you with that cause you ain't a man" I laughed as my foot kicked him in the face and he went back and hit the ground with a loud thud. "OMG she beat up Shane" A voice called as people came into sight "call him an ambulance" I said as I left the grounds. "you are mine all mine" A voice kept replaying these words In my head "I'm no ones" I mumbled. I kept walking till I came to the car to see Sin and Red but Ace was no where to be seen. Sin had a new top on that was just Reds red jacket "Im so sorry" sin said as I got closer to the car. I didn't reply I just touched her face and smiled "I know I'm a mess" Red said as I looked at him with a red top on that made you see him muscular body. "There's that whore she beat up Shane cause she lead him on" the silver haired boy said as he got closer to us. "I don't know if you got the right crew" I spoke as I turned to see the grey haired boy. There was no lie that this boy was hot you could see his muscles threw his black shirt. "You got balls talking to boss like that" the blonde haired girl said "Hey Blondy how's ur face" Sin laughed. "it's Snow not Blondy" Snow replied "what a name" Red laughed "that it is" Sin laughed as red started to laugh. Ace finally came out off nowhere "Ace I was wondering where you were" The silver hair boy said but ace didn't reply. "Hey sweetheart you didn't by any chance see your "boyfriend" at the fight did you?" the silver haired boy smirked. now that I think about it I didn't see Ace at the fight what so ever, I saw him at the classroom but than he just vanished. "where was he" I said as I looked at the silver haired boy. "Shut up Tyler" Ace yelled "you didn't by any chance give him that hickey on his neck to him did you?" Tyler asked. what hickey is Tyler talking about as I turn to see Ace I can see he was covering his neck with his hand my hand came up to his hand and moved it to see there was a brand new hickey on his neck. "you didn't" I whispered as I saw a lipstick mark on his lips, the one thing I was afraid of happened and it hurt I was hoping he didn't do what I thought he did but he did. I turned to look at Tyler to see that there was a check from on snow's face and I could only see pity and discussed in Tyler's eyes. "I don't like players or cheats" Tyler said "you cake here for a reason now tell me what it was" I bitterly spoke. "well done beating up my brother and breaking his arm but I cake here to teach you a lesson but I feel sorry for you" Tyler said. "I don't want your pity" I rolled my eyes as I walked past snow and whispered "your hickey is payback but now you will know pain".

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