
First day first entry

"I'll leave first" Jc said as he got up and went into the kitchen everyone got up after Jc left. "I'll wash everyone's dishes" Sin said as she took everyone's plates "I'll make everyones lunches" Red said as he got up and went to the kitchen. "I'll go pack the bags and bring them to the kitchen when they need the luches" Ace said as he left the dinning room "I'll finish getting ready than I'll start the cars" I shouted as I went down to my room and pulled out my make up and put foundation on that matched my skin tone perfectly. I put dark brown eye shadow on to bring out my eyes and blush on my cheeks and dark lip gloss. I put light blue contacts in and smiled I straightened my hair and put big hoops in and went to the cars. I started the black Lamborghini and the black Ferrari that could only seat two. Everyone came out off the house except jc who had already left Ace put Mine and his bags in the back seat of the Lamborghini and Red put his and sins bag in the boot of the Ferrari. "Hey will I'm sorry and Ace I'm sorry for losing it at you" Sin said "I forgive you" Are said but I couldn't look her in the eyes she had hurt someone I cared about and I didn't even know why I cared about this person. I just stayed silent "we will meet at the school" I said as I jumped into the front seat of the lambo and Ace jumped into the drivers seat and started the car. "you should forgive her" Ace said after about driving for ten minutes "she hurt you" I said as ace's hand touched my hand "I'm fine now" Ace said "I don't care" I bitterly said "she didn't mean to hurt me" Ace laughed "your body and the way you are walking are telling me other wise" I spat. "I don't want you to fight with her because of me" Ace said "she hurt you and than she hurt me" I spat "she didn't mean too" ace said. we had gotten out off the forest "we will be at school In 20 minuets" Ace said as he speed up and turned the mode into sports mode. "I don't care if she meant too she did and she hurt you purposely" I spat in anger "but babe" Ace nervously said as his hand moves to my thigh "I'm fine" Ace said "fine ha" I said as I poked his side "aaahhh" ace yelled as he stepped on the brakes "my point exactly" I laughed "that hurt" ace said as he started to drive again. we drove in silence for 20 minuets until I decided to say "I'm sorry" Ace didn't reply but his hand never left my thigh "I know your not mad" I laughed as I touched his hand. "I'm not going to forgive you that easily" Ace laughed as we stopped at lights and saw Red and sin pull up next to us I winded the window down and so did sin I forgive you" I laughed "let's do this" sin replies as she laughed as the lights turned green and we put the windows up. We pulled into the school driveway and the engines roared like lions everyones heads to look at us entering Sin and I had connected outer phones to the cars and played bitch better have my money by Rhianna and turned the speaks up as loud as they could and they played in sinc. We pulled into two car spaces next to one another and Red parked his car in backwards so him and ace got out in the middle and would open mine and sins doors. Sin and I stopped the music as the boys open our doors "Red my legs hurt" Sin complained as red took her hand and jumped out "Baby girl don't complain" red said as he hooked his arm around her waist and kissed her lips ever so gently. Everyone was looking at the two "what is this cringe shit" Ace said as he came to my door and opened the door. I turned my head to look at Ace "what" I mumble as I put one on my legs out the door than the other. Aces lips meet mine and his hands wrapped around my back and my legs wrapped around his waist. Ace picked me up out of the car not breaking the kiss and closed the door with his foot and place me on the roof of the car. our lips left each others lips "now that's over doing it" Red laughed I looked up to see everyone looking at us and realised I was just Ace's entry my hands finally came off his neck and my legs unwrapped from his waist. Ace went to kiss me once more my hand came up and cover my lips and pushed him away and turned my body away and stood up on the boot and saw everyone look at me. "Is my makeup bad" I whispered as sin came up to me "no you look fine" Sin laughed as her hands came up in the air I placed my hand on her shoulders and jumped down. "who the hell are you skank" a blonde girl laughed "OMG is that Sin" A boy called from the crowd as she turned around "who's the girl in the bra I'll smash that" another boy whispered.

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