
Am I crazy

His lips fit perfectly with mine, kind of like they were made just for mine. "jacket please" I sweetly spoke as Tyler handed me his jacket "you actually kissed me" Tyler mumbled. "we have to get to training for the football team" I spoke as I grabbed Tyler's hand and walked to the football grounds. "Willow" Tyler said as I turned around and came to a stop "yes" I replied "your holding my hand still" Tyler blushed I let go of his hand instantly. "I thought, um I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" I said "No it's not that I'm just didn't think you wanted to" Tyler said. "I did" I said "I have to go to the change rooms and get changed into football gear but we will talk about this later" Tyler said. My lips instantly locked onto Tyler's once more but the time it was short but sweet "No one can taste your lips but me" I said. "That goes for you too" Tyler replied "you should go and get ready for practice I'll watch in the stands" I smiled as I turned and went to the stands. Ten minutes had passed and Jc, Tyler and Red came out onto the field in there football gear "where is that girl" Sin said as she looked all around the field "Sin I'm up here" I called "are you serious" sin said as she looked over and saw me and sat next to me. "You are so good at hiding" Sin smiled as we watched the boys train "when's there first game" I asked "Next week on Tuesday. "We will come watch but don't tell the boys and pretend like where not coming" Sin continued "ok fine by me" I laughed. "what I normal would expect you to argue and say hell no" Sin said in confusion "Yea normally but this is for our friends" I spoke as I looked at the boys training "you like him" sin smiled "I don't like anyone" I spoke as I looked down a Tyler who looked up at me and smiled. "you know there isn't a thing I wouldn't do for you" sin said as I looked back at her and saw her looking at Red "there's nothing I wouldn't do for you either" I said "Can you girls come down here" the coach yelled as he pointed at sin and I. we got up and walked down the chairs and walked onto the field to were the coach stood. "Willow and sin I want to introduce you to the team" the coach said as he called the team over "I'm so sorry coach we can go back to class if we're distracting" sin said. "No girls I want you to be the boys new advice team and Tudor's" the coach said as the boys got closer "Haha" I laughed and I kept laughing "I'm sorry sir you must have the wrong students" I laughed as I started to need air "I think she's right sir" sin laughed as well. We couldn't stop laughing until the coach said "These two young ladies would like to introduce themselves". "I'm sorry but I can't" sin kept laughing like a lunatic I turned to the boys still laughing as I took a deep breath and smiled "Hey boys so we are you sexy Tudor's and advice people if there's anything you need just ask and we will get it for you or try to help you with" I laughed. "Sir these two girls look dumb and I don't think they could do anything there supposed too" a boy said. "I'm sorry did you just call us dumb" sin bitterly smiled "I bet they couldn't do anything for the cheer leading team" another laughed. "Jc and Red stand there" Sin beamed as she pointed a few meters away "let's do this" sin smiled "But I'm wearing boo's sun glasses and jacket" I complained "Now" sin yelled. I took off the jacket and sunglasses and my shoes and ran to my spot Sin took her jacket off and shoes. All the boys looked at us and I smiled and yelled "all of you stand in a line and watch". Sin ran towards Red and did a front flip over him "what am I doing" I laughed as I looked at Red "she almost took my head off" Red whined. I walked a few feet backwards and started to do some flips as I got closer to my Jc I ran towards him and did a flip off his chest. Everyone was speechless as sin ran towards we and jumped over my head doing the perfect splits over me and landing perfectly I put my hands on her shoulders and lifted my body above her doing a perfect handstand on her shoulders. Red and Jc ran in front of her as I flipped forward and landed on there shoulders "Tyler can you get me down now" I yelled. Tyler stepped forward as I jumped off of the boys and Tyler caught me "yes I knew you loved me" I smiled. The boys still silent I jumped down from Tyler's arms and said "now let's introduce ourselves shall we". "I'm Willow but you can call me red back and that stunning girl is sin but you can call her sinner" I spoke "that's Chris, jack, luke, Jc, Tyler, Red, Kane, rick and there's also Tom" the coach said as he pointed at each person while saying there names. "I don't like any of you" I laughed "oof" sin said I turned around to put my shoes back on when I heard Luke say "neither do we". "that's because you are dumb and have no friends that have an high IQ than 20%" I spat as I sat and put my shoes on. "oooohhhhh" everyone said "now that's over you girls can train these boys as I have a date to get too" the coach said as he ran off. "don't leave me here with these people" I whined as I stood up and took my hair out of the bun than the plat. I put the sunglasses on my head than the jacket on and went to the boys as Sin put her shoes on than her jacket. "3 laps of the oval" I yelled as the boys started to run there laps I looked at sin to see her sitting on the grass.

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