

I remember the day he walked into the diner. I hadn't been paying attention all day until the moment he stepped in. It had been a slow day after all. Tuesday afternoon and barely any customers.

If I had known what would've happened within the next few minutes I would've never agreed to take him on as a customer. I mean, I suppose it was greed that had led me there. I watched him pull up in a 1970's Mustang, blue, shiny, and sleek. Such a car could only warrant a heavy tip.

I was a waitress four hours into an eight hour shift. He was a good looking boy who had wandered into the diner. Nothing seemed too dangerous about him. In fact the only dangerous thing was me. Approaching him with a dazzling smile wanting nothing more then to conquer what he had in his wallet. The tables turned very quickly though. His innocent demeanor shifted almost to easily. One minute he was grazing the menu. The next minute he pulled out a gun.

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