
The twilight of the Gods and the mortal

Darkness enveloped every corner of the room, reflecting the somber soul of "----". With every beat of her heart, she recalled the broken fragments of her life, an existence woven with threads of tragedy and despair. From his loss-scarred childhood to the recent blows of fate, each step of "----" in this world seemed destined to plunge him further into the abyss of unhappiness. And on that evening, as the echo of his sighs were lost in the gloom, he faced once again the cruel reminder of his tragic fate.

- Yes... Let's do it, it shouldn't be too difficult.

Compared to what he has endured up to now, this is nothing

Nor when I was ignored by my parents because of my overreacting older brother.

Nor when I slept late to do my best, only to have my efforts backfire.

It's also not as bad as when my father and brother died in that car on the way home from a game that they didn't take me to.

Nor much less when I thought I could be happy when those two died.

And I would be alone with mom, only for her to take her own life shortly thereafter, leaving me behind.

Then somehow I survived on my own

Betrayals, heartbreaks, sadness, anger, will go, disappointmentes.... Everything.... Everything just to realize

- I hate people and they hate me equally.

Life is a curse, relationships fade, dreams crumble and the hope I believed in becomes a distant and almost unattainable concept. Small joys become ephemeral in the face of the cursed reality of existence, and the future is shrouded in a dark cloud of uncertainty and hopelessness. Every step forward seems to be accompanied by two steps backward, and the idea of finding true happiness becomes increasingly elusive. My life feels like a heavy burden dragging on day after day, with no end in sight.

-Let's get it over with... At once...

The boy said looking at the circular rope hanging from the ceiling.

-Ahh.. ha... Let's go... LET'S GO!

And once again he fails in that simple task


The boy still wanted to live, he did not want to give up yet, it was already the 68th time he thought about taking his life, but he never took the final step.

If it's so simple, why... Because I can't

-I'd better go have a few drinks, if I drink until late maybe I'll gain some guts.

I'm already running out of ideas, be it the way or the form, none of them is easy if you don't take the last step.

15 years since I've been on my own and I've only thought of 68 ways

I should quit my job, but starving to death is not in the best ideas.

And I'm sure if I quit those bastards will be happy, I won't give them that luxury.

Not until I get my compensation for my 9 years of working in the worst work environment.

How could you expect from a blood-sucking company, Deborah my blood, my time, my days off, my emotional state and what little physical and mental health I have left?

The boy recomposed what little sanity he had left and came out of the dirty and dark old apartment he has been living in for 9 years.

When he arrived at the parking lot, he saw his car, which, despite being relatively new, was already causing him problems.

-You're not going to stop halfway, are you?

he had very few things he could be proud of and one was his car which cost him a lot of money and effort.

had a sedan that stood with understated elegance in the parking lot, its smooth lines and aerodynamic profile standing out among the other vehicles. Its silver paint shimmered in the evening light, reflecting glints that highlighted its sophisticated design. The alloy wheels glistened with a subtle sheen, adding a touch of modern style to its overall appearance.

As you got closer, you could see the detail in every curve and contour of the car. Sharp, angular headlights flanked a chrome grille that gave it an imposing yet elegant front appearance. The lines of the hood flowed smoothly to the rear, creating a sense of movement even when the car was standing still.

The sedan's interior was equally impressive. Black leather seats were comfortable and inviting, while wood trim added a touch of understated luxury to the instrument panel and center console. A state-of-the-art touchscreen dominated the dashboard, offering access to a comprehensive infotainment and navigation system.

In short, the sedan was an example of style, comfort and modern technology. Whether on the road or in the parking lot, its imposing presence and refined design did not go unnoticed.

-Hahaha! How could I ever think of leaving you behind, I really won't do it again.... For the time being

I wouldn't call it a reason to live, but I'll settle for that.

as he got into the car the phone rumbled on the seat as it rang insistently, announcing the arrival of a call he deeply dreaded. With a nervous sigh, he picked up the receiver and held it to his ear, preparing to face the coming storm.


he said in a trembling voice, anticipating the worst.

On the other end of the line, the boss's voice echoed with unbridled fury, filling the space with his shouts and curses.

-[What the hell are you doing, ----?! This report is an absolute disaster! You are jeopardizing the entire project with your incompetence!]

Not again

He struggled to maintain his composure as he was bombarded with insults and unfair accusations. He tried to explain, in a trembling voice, that he had done everything in his power to meet expectations, but his words fell on deaf ears.

The boss's anger seemed to know no bounds, and he continued to hurl an avalanche of criticism and threats that crushed the boy under their weight. Each word was like a direct blow to the heart, eroding his confidence and tearing at his spirit.

No... stop at once damn it

I want you to come here immediately and fix your screw-up!

-... Yes

The anger is overwhelming, but she has no choice but to boil it down deep in her heart and hang up the call.

-It's just another damn day

And accelerated in the direction of the company

-Cursed! cursed! Mistake? Mistake? Surely it wasn't because of your damned peresa Pig! Grease ball! Incompetent! ESCRY! How many times do I have to do all your damned work?!

The boss was a total scumbag, who just kept sucking up like a vacuum cleaner and sexually harassing the young rookies.

Those with power and money are untouchable in this filthy world and the weaker ones only receive bitterness, with only the power to pray for a good life.

If God existed, he would surely be the worst bastard in the world.

So much power, so much wisdom and it does nothing

Surely watching people suffer from high up in the sky must be fantastic.

That's right damn it

I sure could do a better job than that fucker.

He was very angry and tired, otherwise he could have been more attentive to that child crossing at a green light.

It was an instant


And he swerved with all his might

A sudden accident engulfed the scene in chaos. The metallic crunch of vehicles colliding echoed through the air, while the sound of screeching tires mingled with screams of surprise and horror. In the midst of the chaos, he found himself trapped in his car, unable to move, as he watched helplessly as time seemed to slow down around him.

The impact of the crash was devastating, causing the vehicle to be thrown violently off the road. The glass exploded into a thousand pieces, filling the air with a deadly glare as the metal twisted and crunched under the force of the impact. He was thrown violently forward, slamming his head against the steering wheel with a dull, ominous sound.

The silence following the accident was deafening, broken only by the moaning of the wind and the distant moans of witnesses. Blood dripped slowly from his head, forming a dark pool on the floor of the car. As the life left his body, a sense of calm and resignation enveloped him, as his thoughts faded into darkness.

Finally, he closed his eyes for the last time, leaving behind a world full of filth and the people who hate him so much and whom he hates himself.


-What is this... It's very bright... Everything!

was immersed in a luminous void, where the light enveloped him in a cascade of shimmering tones that danced around him. There were no limits or boundaries in this ethereal space, only a sense of infinity and serenity that surrounded him.

His clothes floated around him as if suspended in the air, and his hair swayed gently in an invisible breeze that seemed to emanate from the very light that surrounded him. Every movement he made seemed to be imbued with an innate grace and harmony, as if he were in perfect tune with the universe around him.

-Mmm... I know I died... that's undeniable.

Despite the absence of tangible form, he felt more alive than ever in this luminous void. A sense of peace and wholeness flooded him, filling every fiber of his being with an indescribable calm. His thoughts became clear and lucid, as if he were connected to a cosmic wisdom that transcended human understanding.

In this luminous void, he felt free from all the worries and burdens of the earthly world. There was no pain, no fear, no doubt; there was only the pure essence of his being, shining with a light of its own that illuminated the darkness that had inhabited his heart.

- It's not so bad, if I had known it felt like this I should have died sooner, although it was not something I planned, the best way is when it comes naturally.

The feeling of being in a state of spiritual elevation, immersed in a luminous void where light and peace reigned supreme. It was a moment of deep connection with himself and with the universe, where he felt complete and in harmony with the whole.

-Well, .... And now?

It's quiet and all but, I don't suppose I'll have to stay here for eternity? am I?

-..... Hello!... is anyone here!

No matter how much I called, no one answered

-Grandma Coco! God help me! -Somebody answer!

Uh! Mmm... Could it be? That I'm the only one here? This is kind of scary... it's soothing but... I think I might lose my mind or... Disappear...

A certain fear was growing, apprehending that he was someone who always wished for death.

Who would have thought that eternity would be more terrifying than death?

-I have to go... Already

was immersed in the glow of the luminous void, surrounded by the warm and comforting light that enveloped him. Although the feeling of peace and fullness was overwhelming, a voice echoed in him, urging him to seek a way out to a new destination.

With determination in his heart, he began to explore the luminous void, letting his intuition guide him through the mysterious recesses of this unknown dimension. Every step was a step into the unknown, every movement brought him closer to the luminous void that seemed to have no end.

As he went along, he encountered fleeting flashes of color and shape that seemed to illuminate a path.

-Well... I'm already dead, what could go wrong?

From here on the boy was not sure how much time elapsed.

it felt like being immersed in an endless flow of moments, where time stretched to infinity and every second seemed like an eternity.

every thought and emotion was amplified and expanded beyond boundaries.

As time passed, her memories and thoughts accumulated on top of each other, forming dense layers of recollections and sensations that intertwine in an intricate tangle of history and memory. Emotions, once intense and palpable, slowly fade into the backdrop of time, leaving room for an imperturbable calm that transcends the passage of time.

Only following the path of inexhaustible and endless light

As much, much time passed, his perception of time itself faded, leaving him in a timeless state of being, where past, present and future merge into an indistinguishable whole. The notion of age and time lost its meaning, and he felt himself becoming more and more an integral part of the very fabric of the universe, a silent witness to the endless flow of existence.

I... Why do I follow this path of light? I don't remember, how much more should I follow?


I don't know but I'm sure it will be something good... Maybe... grandma coconut?


Coco? Because I thought that... Who is coco?


Come to think of it... Who am I?


Mmm... if I remember correctly... I think I died...


But... How would I die in this place? There is never anything here... What could kill me?


Is there any significance in following this light?


Mmm now that I think about it... How did I get here?


Could it be that my reason for existing is to follow this light?


If so... So be it...






-Mmm? Oh? Oh? Could it be? Something new!?

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of exploration, the boy spotted a bright glow in the distance, a light that flashed with dazzling intensity and promised something different from this luminous void. With effort, he plunged forward, crossing the threshold into a new dawn.


On the other side, the boy felt, for the first time in several millennia, an environment other than just a luminous void.

And it was something that left him in shock

-What is this... A city?

I looked down, it was as if I was looking at the world from the top of a mountain.

And what he saw looked like a heavenly city rising majestically high above the clouds, a marvel of celestial architecture that had once been the epitome of splendor and glory. Its towers and domes soared skyward, bathed in a golden light that seemed to emanate from the stars themselves. But now, that splendor had been replaced by desolation and ruin.

The air was permeated with an aura of melancholy and hopelessness, while the ground was tinged with a golden liquid that flowed like blood, a reminiscence of something ancient that had once inhabited this place. The statues and monuments that adorned the streets were broken and mutilated, their divine faces deformed by the passage of centuries.

Silence reigned in the empty streets, interrupted only by the moaning of the wind and the crunching of stone underfoot. There was no sign of life in this ruined city, only the feeling of a glorious past that had faded into oblivion.

But despite the desolation that surrounded it, the city still retained an aura of majesty and grandeur, like a monument to what it once was. Though it now lay in ruins, there was still a melancholy beauty in its decay, a fleeting shadow of its former glory lingering in the air.

-Wait! Where am I?

He stands near a ravine atop a steep hill where behind him stands a ruined sacred castle, an imposing fortress that seems to have once been a symbol of divine power and grandeur. Now, however, its towers and ramparts are covered with moss and creepers, its battlements crumbling and its moat dry and overgrown with weeds.

Far to the rear of where he came from stands a sacrificial altar, an imposing stone structure covered in moss and vines, seemingly witness to silent, dark, ancient rituals. Columns carved into the rock rise skyward, supporting a roof that is now partially collapsed, letting in sunlight in golden rays that illuminate the macabre scene below.

-I left... From here?

In the center of the altar, a stone vessel is filled with a glowing liquid substance, a golden liquid that seems to burn with a light of its own. This looked like golden blood and the fruit of many ancient sacrifices that were poured on this altar in honor of some deity.

As the sunlight strikes the golden blood, it ignites with a sacred fire, an ethereal flame that dances and flickers with an unearthly glow. The sacred fire burns with an inexplicable intensity, as if fueled by a divine force that transcends human comprehension.

But it was dying out

-This doesn't explain anything to me, shouldn't there be someone to explain it to me?

He circles along the edges of the altar, where the remains of past offerings are scattered: bones and skulls bleached by the passage of time, relics of those who were sacrificed in honor of the gods. The atmosphere is permeated with the metallic scent of blood and the smoke of the sacred fire, creating a sense of solemnity and terror that hangs over the place like an evil shadow.

Although the sacrificial altar lies in ruins, its power and presence remain an unsettling force.

The golden liquid spread like blood seemed eternal and insoluble.

-This place keeps giving me a bad feeling.

Wait, feeling? Come to think of it, I feel different from the way I always did.

Until recently the boy felt as if he was floating in a state of dissociation, detached from the physical and emotional sensations that once defined his existence.

But now, slowly, gradually, she begins to regain the feel of her body. At first, they are only fleeting glimpses, the gentle brush of a breeze on her skin, the comforting weight on her shoulders, the whispering sound of the wind.

these sensations become stronger and more vivid, as if awakening from a long sleep. he begins to feel the warmth of the sun on his skin, the tingling of the grass and the ground beneath his bare feet, the steady beating of his heart inside his chest.

-I feel... I live

These sensations are... unbelievable!

Wait how do I look?

-Where there is a mirror

The boy ran to the confines of the heavenly palace.

The boy searched desperately for a mirror, with a palpable urgency in every step he took. His eyes scanned every corner of the castle, his mind tormented by the imperious need to see his own reflection. Every second that passed without finding a mirror increased his anxiety, as if his identity was at stake and could only be validated by the image reflected by a piece of glass.

Her trembling hands shook as she pushed aside objects and furniture in her frantic search, her breath hitching in anticipation and fear. Each time she thought she had found a mirror, her heart raced with the hope of seeing her reflection, only for it to fade when she discovered it was only an illusion.

-Where is it, damn it!

Scream is desperation

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of anxious searching, his eyes fell on a small mirror placed on the wall, almost hidden by shadows. With a sigh of relief, he pounced on it, eager to see his own reflection and confirm his own existence.

When she finally found herself in front of the mirror, her heart pounding in her chest, her eyes met her own reflection with a mixture of relief and joy.

And above all surprise

-Is this... me?

The boy looked 17 with silver hair radiates an aura of mystery and uniqueness. His hair, a shimmering silver like the full moon on a clear night, falls in loose locks around his face, framing his angular features and giving him an ethereal and distinguished appearance.

But what is most striking are his eyes, a strange mixture of colors that change depending on the light and the angle from which you look at them. Sometimes they appear to be a deep blue like the calm ocean, while at other times they turn a shimmering silver hue, reflecting the light with an almost hypnotic intensity.

The expression in the boy's eyes is enigmatic and captivating, as if they hold ancient secrets and hidden knowledge that transcend human comprehension. Looking directly into his eyes, one feels the sensation of being watched by something beyond the earthly, a presence that is beyond human comprehension.


The boy stops in front of the mirror with a satisfied smile, admiring his own reflection with a mixture of vanity and admiration. With an elegant gesture, he runs a hand through his carefully combed hair.

-Look how handsome you are!

he congratulates himself, with a self-satisfied expression on his face.

-No one can match your style and charm. You are simply impeccable.

Leaning closer to the mirror, he studies every detail of her appearance with critical but pleased eyes. From her mesmerizing sparkling eyes to her perfectly aligned smile, there isn't a single trait that he doesn't find commendable.

-It should be illegal to be so handsome.

he jokes with his reflection, chuckling as he gives himself one last approving glance.

-But someone has to bring this level of beauty to the world, don't they?

But first I have to know where I am...



Suddenly, a shrill voice breaks his reverie. He stops abruptly when he sees what appears to be a floating window gliding gracefully through the air, surrounded by a halo of bright light that makes it stand out.

The boy approaches cautiously, intrigued by the unexpected apparition and the sense of mystery surrounding it. As he approaches, the floating sale emits an intermittent glow that illuminates a sign placed on its forehead, revealing words that seem to flicker in an infinite cycle.

[You have awakened]

[Welcome, new God of life.]


Before he can ask a question, the floating sale vanishes into thin air with a bright flash, leaving the boy alone with his thoughts and the nagging feeling that something suspicious is happening

Next chapter