1 Broken love of the two

Once there was a boy named Robin. He was a very lazy boy and he didn't listen to his parents. One day when Robin was walking through the streets with his friends,he saw a beautiful girl coming from the opposite direction. Robin stared at her, blushing. His friends saw his face and started to encourage him to go and talk to her. So Robin went and asked what her name was. She replied with a smile on her face,"Lucy". Robin and Lucy spent most of the time together and eventually after 3 months both confessed their love towards each other.

One day Lucy asked Robin that he wanted to meet her parents. Robin lied that his parents were in America for some business trip. Robin lied to her because he didn't wanted to her find out that he was poor and was living in a small house. Unlike Lucy as she was very rich and lived in a luxurious suite. Robin said that he had some work to do and he left to go home. Lucy wasn't convinced so she followed him. She saw that what all Robin told her was a lie. She couldn't hold back her tears and ran away. The next day when they both met, she slapped him across his face and started crying and she yelled," Why did you lie to me? Why did you cheat me? Do you even realize how much I loved you?". Robin asked what happened then she explained that she followed him and saw him in a small house. He apologized so much but she didn't listen. She walked away breaking up with him. Then only Robin realized that If he listened to his parents and went for a job then Lucy would have stayed in his life. He regretted lying to her.

Moral-Never ever lie😊
