
Starting to know each other after fixing bron hearts

While the melody of this song are playing even Risha and Ice couldn't hear what they were saying in their hearts something whispering and they understand what each other say....They don't want to finish the song

but then after they sat again where they can chat and eat some finger food .Risha knew that he is Corp Commander in the school a d president in the class he use to help poor batchmate coz their family own the biggest producer of pastries in town.

As he start knowing Risha a simple 2nd year highschool student he definitely feel the difference of her in the other girl shes not flirt type she loves to dance but not other girl that using dancing to seduce boys ....Shes just a simple but she is so friendly and she can cope up quickly anyone in different ages in short not intelligent but smart and Ice feel her sweetness...

As the party end thats the time Ice knew that Risha is Marys cousin he felt proud because he knew Mary is one of the most outstanding and intelligent student ...But then Mary smirked at him and said Risha is still young for you to court with and she never been into relationship so please dont use her as rebound to your ex girlfriend.

Risha was surprise of what her cousin told Ice she didnt know if she will felt embarrased or proud that Mary cares for her as her closest cousin.

But then Ice still accompanied them till they got a cob and went home...

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