

<p><br/>You Have Bewitched Me, <br/>Body And Soul, And I Love ... I Love ... I Love You. <br/><br/>...................<br/><br/>*WARNING: The following content may contain sexual contents.*<br/><br/><br/><br/>KING DEMON'S POV:<br/><br/>''Ready for the bumpy ride, little vixen?'' Said Azazel.<br/><br/>Vixen Huh? Well that suits our mate a lot. With that body, face and pure aura of hers she definitely is a vixen. <br/><br/>I moved closer to our companion, the desire becoming too strong to resist. As I approached, she met my gaze with her beautiful eyes, and I continued until I was positioned above her, leaving room for Azazel on her right.<br/><br/>"May I kiss you?" I whispered, my breath lightly brushing against her face.<br/><br/>Her eyes widened, a subtle blush coloring her cheeks. In that moment, I couldn't help but wonder how she would react when things became more intense between us. But I pushed those thoughts aside, reminding myself not to dwell on the possibilities for now. I needed to stay focused on the present, savoring the anticipation of a simple kiss without letting my mind wander into more complex scenarios.<br/><br/>Our companion blushed but maintained eye contact, giving a slight nod and softly uttering a small "yes" under her breath. A genuine smile spread across my face, a rare occurrence for someone like me, and seemingly for my brothers too. It was as if an unspoken connection had formed, and in that shared moment, a subtle transformation occurred. The prospect of change loomed, not just in the unfolding intimacy but also in the unexpected joy that seemed to break through the stoic facade we, brothers, had worn for so long.<br/><br/>I drew nearer to her, gently initiating soft kisses. "We're going to love you in so many ways, my love. But for now, let's focus on kissing," I communicated through our shared mental link, all the while relishing the sweetness of her lips. Taking advantage of the subtle gasp she released, I deepened the kiss, exploring the warmth of her mouth.<br/><br/>My sweet goodness! She's delicious. Literally. Her mouth tastes like honey. 'I wonder what she would taste like do'- SHUT UP OGRAX! Do not dare to complete that. <br/><br/>'Whyyyy?' He whined. He? Ograx? And whined? A week ago if someone told me this I would have farted while laughing my ass off. Whining and Ograx don't fit well in one sentence. Well until yesterday at least. <br/><br/>"We wouldn't want to dive too deep too soon and risk scaring off our mate, now would we?" I remarked through the mental link, my lips continuing their tender assault.<br/><br/>"Well, I suppose you're right. I can manage with just a kiss for now," he responded reluctantly. The word 'manage' lingered in the air, and I couldn't help but find it amusing. It hinted at a deeper desire that he was trying to downplay, adding an unexpected layer of humor to the intense moment.<br/><br/>I was about to express my frustration with him when an abrupt knocking on my back disrupted the moment. Reluctantly, I withdrew from Gavreel's lips, leaving her breathless as I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. Turning around, I found my brother Azazel looking at me with a perplexed expression, a silent witness to the unexpected interruption.<br/><br/>Raising an eyebrow, I questioned Azazel, "What?"<br/><br/>He responded with a request, "Let me have a taste too, bro. I'm not exactly a young, hot-blooded man too." His tone was akin to a child who hadn't received his desired candy. I couldn't help but chuckle at the playful complaint, realizing that he hadn't had the chance to kiss Gavreel yet.<br/><br/>"Alright, oldie," I teased, then turned my attention back to Gavreel, only to find her looking at me with a mix of amusement and something else—awe?<br/><br/>"What's going on, baby?" I inquired, genuinely curious about the emotions flickering in her eyes.<br/><br/>"You... you are so beautiful!" she exclaimed dreamily.<br/><br/>I blinked once, twice, and then it hit me like a sweet explosion. The sheer adorableness of her words rendered me momentarily speechless. How could someone be so incredibly cute?<br/><br/>My grin stretched from ear to ear, resembling that of a Cheshire cat, but in that moment, I couldn't care less. I couldn't contain my overwhelming affection, and without a second thought, I practically body-slammed her with my exuberance. Despite the unexpected move, she wrapped her arms around me, responding with a sweet giggle.<br/><br/>"You, my dear, are gonna be the death of me, I swear," I mumbled, my face buried in the softness of her hair as I took in its comforting scent.<br/><br/>Reluctantly, I let go of Gavreel and rolled off her, making room for Azazel. Observing with a mix of love for both my brother and my mate, I watched as he affectionately stroked the baby hairs away from her face. The tender moment unfolded, revealing the deep connection that was forming between all of us in this unexpected journey of shared emotions and affections.<br/><br/><br/><br/>KING AZAZEL'S POV:<br/><br/>As Demon rolled off Gavreel, I quickly found my way to her. As I fixated on her enchanting visage, a wave of disbelief swept over me like a gentle breeze. It was as if her presence transcended the boundaries of reality, and a part of me feared that with the next blink of my eyes, she might simply evaporate into the ephemeral mist of imagination. Yet, despite the uncertainty, there was a determination simmering within me, a resolve to pursue her even through the elusive realms of dreams.<br/><br/>I gently caressed the fine hairs on her face and then leaned in for a passionate kiss. It struck me in that moment why some people suddenly take sick leave, even when they seemed perfectly healthy the day before. They indulge in these intimate moments, savoring the connection and pleasure that life can offer, giving them a reason to pause and embrace the joy that sometimes goes unnoticed in the rush of daily life.<br/><br/>I passionately kissed her, savoring the connection between us. Moving away from her mouth, I peppered a trail of tender kisses from the corner of her mouth to her jaw, then down to her smooth neck, lingering on a noticeable mole. She was undeniably irresistible.<br/><br/>Amidst the intimate moment, Lucifer's slightly panicked voice echoed through our mental link, "Should we do a little bit more? Or do you think it will be too much for her?"<br/><br/>Azazel's calm and collected voice followed, "I think we can take it just a little bit more intense, not more than that right now. After all, our little mate doesn't even know us that well. Think of this as a blessing that she's trusting us so much in the first place."<br/><br/>Ignoring their conversation, I continued my assault on her neck, lost in the sensations and the unique connection we were building.<br/><br/>"OK then," I responded through the mind link, and I intensified the sensation, sucking a bit more forcefully, leaving my mark on her neck. It was a temporary mark, but one day, we all hoped to leave a permanent one. For now, this would have to do. I concluded the moment with a final, lingering bite on the visible part of her upper chest, then sealed it with a tender peck on her forehead.<br/><br/>As I looked down at her face, Gavreel was flushed, a lovely shade of red from her neck to her cheeks. It was incredibly cute. She was breathing a little heavily, staring at me with watery eyes that held a multitude of questions about us.<br/><br/>"Now, now, baby girl. We know you might have a lot of questions about us. But first, we have a question," I said, prompting a furrow of confusion in her brows. "What?" she whispered.<br/><br/>"Are you hungry?" the three of us asked simultaneously. Our little mate's giggles once again echoed through the room, breaking the tension and infusing the moment with a sense of joy and ease.<br/><br/></p>

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