
chapter one

Looking down at the heavily built guy I beat up I sighed and collected my money from Jim

oh I'm sorry where are my manners my name is Violetta Evelina Moretti, I'm 15yrs old, baby blue eyes, black curly hair, pointed nose and small lips I'm 5'6 and I'm a total badass

Lemme tell you a little about my history, I lived with my mum, I'm an only child and my mum Francesca got married to a crack head druggie Donald who later influenced her too

My mum and I always had fun spending time together when I was little, we used to go to the ice cream parlour, the amusement park,the beach and the zoo, she was even the one who helped me discover my passion for fashion designing I loved sewing new clothes, making up new designs. My dream has always been to own a fashion industry and I work hard to make sure I achieve that dream.

IT all started when she met Donald, a year after they had started dating, I was seven years old then and was completely defenceless it started with harsh words then a slap or two before the real beatings started he'd put his cigars out on my back and sometimes he'd beat me up till I'd fall unconscious and my 'mum' will just be watching until one day it came as a slap to the face like literally a slap to the face she hit me,

I was so heart broken and the woman I called my mum wasn't there anymore she started hitting me more often with Donald they started breaking bottles on my head then hitting me with belts

I learnt how to cook at the age of ten, if I didn't cook and they'd come back from work I'll receive the worst beating of my life.

i was always late to school because my body was too weak to walk fast but I'd still manage they threatened me not to tell anyone about the beatngs and abuse. one day my teacher noticed me limping and asked if I was okay but i told her I was fine when really I wanted to scream at her to come and rescue me.

The worst day of my life was when he killed my mum right in front of me, he raped my mum and killed her in my presence, he made me burn her body.

Then one day he tried to **** me, I was thirteen then, I hit him in the groin and I ran, I ran like my life depended on it, because no matter what happened to me I always wanted to live and move forward, I never felt the need to cut or commit suicide

I ran till I got to an abandoned alley at night, I was limping and I was tired I was about to pass out until I saw a man hover over me he told me his name was Jim and he owned a gym, he saw some of my bruises and just thought I was being bullied so he offered to train me and teach me how to fight so I'd be able to defend myself.

He taught me the basics and how to street fight then I started working for him and fighting in an underground ring

I went against large men, when I first started fighting I was always mocked because I was a girl and according to them girls are weak but when I beat the best I became the best I earned the respect I deserved , I worked hard day and night, I even learnt how to aim and used weapons

I became cold and emotionless, only those who were close to me knew the true me, I see him at my father now, even though I gave him a hard time in figuring me at and breaking down my walls for him he never gave up,I had only five friends two girls and three boys. Joe,judy,Sam,Laura, chase and Louise but unfortunately they don't go to my school so in school I'm a loner but I don't really care cause the girls in my school are stuck up bitches and the boys are perverted jerks.

Everyone in my school knew not to mess with me, I always got called to the principal's office so much that we're now on first name bases. I am also a silent nerd GPA is 4.0

My passion for fashion designing never died I used some money I got from fighting to buy a machine and some equipments and materials

I have five piercings and four tattoos I know I'm underage but I know a guy. I have piercing on my two ears, my belly button,my neck,my nose and my left eyebrow and I have a rose tattoo on my middle finger cause when I was little my mum always called me Rosa, I have one on my ankle which says dove,I have on my left rib cage and the back of my ear. my favourite colour is black

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