
Chapter 7

We all got off one by one, off from the boat and followed Mr Wonka as he led us all closer to the room and opened the door. The room was filled with inventions and tests that Mr Wonka had made and looked incredible with all of the lights and machines running.

"Now this is the most important room in the factory. Now everyone, enjoy yourselves but just don't touch anything, k?" Mr Wonka told everyone as they all scattered around like last time back in the meadow except that this time, Wonho followed Charlie and his grandfather, not that I didn't mind though; it made me happy to see Wonho play with others, especially if they're good children.

I watched everyone looked around and all and I just decided to do the same and as I did so, I began to get a bit hungry as I looked at all of the candy being made. It took me all of my will power not to eat anything.

Sometime after, I noticed that Mr Wonka was following me from behind a bit but it didn't bother me so I just ignored it, but after about 10 seconds or so, I began to feel guilty. So I turned around to face Mr Wonka "would you like to accompany me, Mr Wonka?" I asked him politely with a small smile.

He looked at me for a good 5 seconds and agreed and we both walked around the room side by side. During our little explore, I asked Mr Wonka questions about all of the things in the room and he kindly answered them.

"Mr Wonka, what's this?" I asked him gesturing toward the big machine that was shooting balls of some type of hard red candy into a large tube of water that had one of the Oompa Loompas inside that was in front of us, "oh this? Here let me show you" he said as the Oompa Loompa handed him one of the red balls.

"these are everlasting gobstoppers. They're for children who are given very little allowance money. You can suck on it till all year round and it will never get any smaller. Ain't that neat?" Mr Wonka informed everyone as everyone gathered around the machine.

"It's like gum." Violet said. I made a weird look at her comment 'like gum? Honey, it's clearly a gobstopper' thankfully I didn't say that out loud because it's bad enough that Violet's mother hates me as it is. "No, gum is for chewing and if you tried to on one of these gobstoppers, you'd break all your little teeth off" Mr Wonka said. Clearly annoyed by Violet's comment.

"They sure do taste terrific" Mr Wonka said and he then walked away, Wonho and I were unsure of what to do so we just followed him to whatever crazy/amazing invention was next, but the next one as definitely crazy… and weird.

"And this is hair toffy, you suck down one of these suckers and in exactly half an hour a brand new crop of hair will start growing out the top of your little noggin, and a moustache and a beard" Mr Wonka informed us, Wonho then tugged on my sleeve and told me in Korean that "this would be amazing for a prank". I giggled at his remark and we both went back to listening to Mr Wonka.

"Unfortunately, the mixture isn't quite right yet, cause an Oompa Loompa tried some yesterday and, well, he…" Mr Wonka turned around and we all did so as well and saw an Oompa Loompa cover from head to toe in hair. "How are you today?" Mr Wonka asked it, it only gave a thumbs up. "you look great" Mr Wonka told the Oompa Loompa and he walked away to another machine and we all followed.

"Watch this" he said as he pulled a lever that was attached to the large machine before us all. As the machine started to work, we all had to cover our ear due to how loud the machine was. Mr Wonka ran to the other end of the machine and everyone followed. A metal arm extended revealing a piece of gum and immediately I could tell that something bad was going to happen… to Violet. And it was obvious as she reached out and grabbed the strip of gum from the machine.

"You mean that's it?" Mike asked not impressed. "Do you know what 'it' is?" Mr Wonka asked Mike. "It's gum" Violet replied, "yeah, it's a stick of the most amazing and sensational gum in the whole universe. Know why? Know why? Cause this gum is a full three-course dinner all by itself" Mr Wonka exclaimed clearly proud of his creation, well who wouldn't be if they created a three-course meal into a strip of gum?

"Well, why would anyone want that?" Mr Salt asked, "Well for starters, you wouldn't need to cook, pay for ingredients which could cost a lot of money considering if you have a large family, saves time which is really convenient if you're a very busy person and heck, you won't even need a kitchen!" I answered Mr Salt trying to defend Mr Wonka, it probably came out too professional than I intended for it to be, actually, I didn't intend of it to sound professional at all! But from the looks of everyone's face, including Mr Wonka's must I add, it did and probably even more because I'm fluent in English. But boy they all look shook!

"It sounds great" Charlie said backing up on what Mr Wonka and I said, "it sounds weird" Veruca said "it sounds like my type of gum" Violet said as she pulled out the piece of gum that was currently inside her mouth and stuck it behind her ear.

"I'd rather you didn't" Mr Wonka tried to tell Violet but she didn't listen, "There's still one thing or two that are a little-" Mr Wonka tried to warn Violet but got cut off by her "I am the world record holder in chewing gum, I'm NOT afraid of anything" she said. "So because you're the world champion at chewing a strip of candy you're scared of nothing?" Wonho said, honestly, he's not wrong. Violet glared at Wonho and shoved the strip of gum into her mouth and started chewing it.

'Oh hell nah. She did NOT just glare at Wonho' NO ONE does anything bad at Wonho and gets away with it! "How is it, honey?" Violet's mother asked her, ignoring everything that Mr Wonka had tried to warn her. "It's amazing! Tomato soup, I can feel it running down my throat!" Violet said, describing the piece of gum. "Yeah, spit it out" Mr Wonka tried to warn her but once again she ignored it and continued chewing.

"It's changing! Roast beef with baked potato, crispy skin and butter!" she continued. "Keep chewing kiddo" Mrs Beauregarde said "my little girl's gonna be the first person to have a chewing gum meal". "Yeah, I'm just concerned about the-" "blueberry pie and ice cream!" Violet exclaimed. "That part" Mr Wonka said, finishing his sentence.

"What's happening to her nose?!" Veruca asked "It's turning blue!" Mr Salt added "your nose has gone purple" Mrs Beauregarde said looking concerned. "What do you mean?" Violet asked, "Violet, you're turning Violet!" her mother exclaimed. "what's happening?" she asked Mr Wonka.

"Well, I told you I hadn't quite gotten it right, because it goes a little wonky when it gets to the dessert. It's the blueberry pie that does it, I'm terribly sorry" Mr Wonka said as he dragged me behind the machine and I grabbed Wonho out of instincts. I looked at him with a questionable expression "just in case we don't make it" he answered, I then nodded and turned to face Wonho to see if he's alright which he was.

I looked back at Violet and she had started to swell up like a balloon, "why is she swelling up like a blueberry, Mr Wonka?" I asked and looked at him "I tried it on like 20 different Oompa Loompas but every single one of them ended up into a blueberry" he told me.

"I can't have a blueberry as a daughter! How is she going to compete!?" Mrs Beauregarde asked. "You could put her in the county fair" Veruca said, Mrs Beauregarde gave Veruca a displeasing look while Mr Wonka and I gave a little giggle, but unfortunately, Wonho gave out something more, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Wonho burst out laughing, he was laughing so hard that he started crying and I had to calm him down.

*time skip after Oompa Loompa's song*

"I want you to roll Miss Beauregarde and take her into the juicing room at once" Mr Wonka told an Oompa Loompa, "juicing room! What are they going to do to her there?!" Violet's mother asked him.

"They're gonna squeeze her like a little pimple. We got to get all that juice out of her immediately" Mr Wonka told her and she then ran off to help her daughter, "at least the crazy lady is gone. Now you won't have to deal with her glaring anymore, Noona!" Wonho said to me, I smiled at him and we all went to finish the tour.