
In the Beginning

grrh !!... The sound of a powerful thunder enveloped the field with a monstrous rainfall. The fierce battle between Maqi's and Dewi's shook the heavens and caused and uproar on land for a lot of bloods were shed on dwads battlefield.

The maqi's fought strong bought the Dewi's had hundreds of thousands of bloods to spare . At the middle of the battle king Chen fought fiercely against the numerous Dewi soldiers who upon many had been killed many were still available to fight, king Chen fought and killed back and fought countless soldiers then he came to a halt and looked around the battlefield in search of his wife, queen xia. Queen chen gracefully took on some Dewi soldiers but she was not in a condition to fight recklessly because in her arms was Prince Chen bin who was seriously in tears. Prince Chen was more or less 7 months old, this fierce battle was too much for him to absorb though he was young he obviously understood that it wasnt the right time to ask for milk.....

Spotting Queen chen, king Chen ordered for her to flee the battle for the sake of their child and then he turned to general xia who was seriously engrossed with the fight but he noticed the look from his king and ran to accompany the queen. "your majesty the king your wish is my command" running towards the queen general xia took down some soldiers who were surrounding the queen and the reached for her hand to assist her to flee. queen xia did not immediately accept his help because she was a little reluctant to leave battle and run so she turned and looked at his majesty who just killed a soldier and then he smiled and said "I will be fine just go and make sure Bin is OK he is our only hope of revenge", with that been said he turned his eyes to general xia and gave him a sign to hurry up, general xia quickly called for some of his soldiers to accompany them then he helped her majesty into a horse back and whipped the horse to start running. Looking at all these crown Prince Ran from the Dewi kingdom smiled and made a move to chase after queen xia .....

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