

What is a family? I know many of you always ask yourself , so today am going to tell you the true meaning of a legit family. First family is not the put come of blood related things. Anyone from any part of this world, of any race, of any tribe whether tall or short it doesn't matter at all. As longs those people can build trust, understand, honest and most of all learn to love each other and value the importance to each other, then definitely the roots of a family are build slowly. After sometime they be supportive to each like they support each other whatever they choose to do. You don't kick or throw someone in your family out just because they did something very terrible. During that time of hardship it should be the platform of you guys to prove your worthiness towards each other, support them in whatever hardship they going through help them heal in every part of their hardship they are going through. Don't leave any wound unhealed try everything to bring that person back on their fit .At that moment don't you the opportunity to criticize them you just make the matter worse on their side and it will make the relationship between the two parties worse. If one party has chosen to open to the other party, then that party is obligated to listen and help the other party.

Here comes another burning issue let's consider the relation of blood; parent son relationship.

How should relationships be exactly? What role do the two parties have to each other? Okay will start by discussing the parent-son relationship.

It's supposed to be totally perfect but as you that man is to absolute error be this error can be minimized too by being more careful like handling our fragile feeling. This relationship is build under the basis of true love and emotions. So this means the parent being the most adult here; cause I tend to define an adult not by the number of he/she years has leaved but by the ability that one has to analyze situation and understand able to come up with absolute relative solution that may not be one sided but of equal importance between "AB".

So I expect a parent to be loving, understanding, open minded and supportive towards their children. Like when the kid has messed, the parent is obligated to correct the kid in the most appropriate way, like talking out the kid not beating them up. No that will a very bad way to send a very important massage to kid, what the parent should is to make the kid understand what he/she is suppose to do and when he/she isn't suppose to do.

For example if the kid isn't performing well in school instead of yelling at them , calling them every bad name u can think of or even beat them up, you as a parent you never get tired of encouraging them to better their performance in school , why because our kid reflect of we are to the society.

What if the boy child has impregnated someone out there, what should you do as a parent? Kill the child, beat him, throw him out of the society or tell them go face the world. No, as a parent yes that kid has messed up but remember he is ur flesh and blood , so i suggest you find a way of helping out without hurting the kid the same applies to girl child.

You as a parent it s you obligation to protect your kids, supportive , love them take good care of them because a good a parent never gets tired and never find any excuses when it comes to their kids

What about son-parent relationship, how is it supposed to be? One, the kid must remain to be a kid and always open to their parent, love them and always make them proud by being responsible and well mannered.

The last point one shouldn't feel oppressed at any point there should be room of expression so that everyone lets out there idea to bring everyone on the same platform

