
Meeting Death

  The story began when I the boy was being bullied and all the people i love were being killed. My life was starting to fade and so did my emotions. At school I was weak and couldnt defend myself so i had to keep to myself. Every friend i made turned on me. The teachers were my only friend but I still felt alone. My parents were dead heck my whole family is dead but I didn't care. My emotions consumed me. My last friend told me to never talk to her again then next thing i knew i was on a bridge that were over tracks. I thought if I died no one would care. If I was missing know one would know. Then i let go...

   I saw flashing in my eyes. The surrounding area was red like blood. I thought I was dead. Then he spoke "Boy is your life hard do you what to end the people who made you suffer do you want to have control over your life you have 10 seconds to reply" he started counting











Yes!!! I yelled yes i just want it to end

   Then I was back at the bridge but I felt different. I felt evil rushing trough me. All I wanted to do was hurt people like they hurted me. Then i blanked out...

▬▬▬▬|   INFORMATION    |▬▬▬▬

So i am a new creator and dont have much experience but i feel like this book will be good and ill keep going and hopefully my book will be popular enough and ill have fans =w=

but thatll never happen cause i suck

▬▬▬▬|            Creator          |▬▬▬▬

Name:Antonio Bailey





OtherBooks:_The Awakening_

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