
Family's Daily Life

Chu Lixue hummed a song from her previous life while being busy cooking their meals for today in the kitchen. Mu Ruqin sat on the bed in their bedroom, taking care of little Lili, who was currently playing with Lucky using a piece of toy resembling a rope, that Chu Lixue got for him.

Seeing the pair of a kid and a dog, she couldn't help but think that Lucky is truly a good dog. Chu Lili's way of playing was simply wrestling with Lucky for the toys control. Even though she was also an ability user, at the end of the day she was still a kid. If Lucky truly wanted to take the toy away, he would simply need to use a little bit of force. Seeing him patiently playing with the little girl, making sure not to hurt her, Mu Ruqin felt that perhaps Lucky already somehow evolved, gaining more inteligence.

Mu Ruqin's fracture sounded like a serious injury, but after resting for a few days it was not too big of an obstacle. Mainly because her injury did not hinder movement and in general people would not touch their torsos. Before the Apocalypse Mu Ruqin was a healthy young woman, coupled together with her body being strengthened by her ability, after a little more than a week she already managed to recover.

At first, when Chu Lixue brought Mu Ruqin to her home, she was obviously unconscious. Only after recovering a little, when Mu Ruqin went around the house and saw the other 2 rooms, did she finally understand where Chu Lixue's food should be coming from. She was truly surprised by all these boxes of flowerpots hanging on the walls.

When she looked through it, perhaps because it didn't grow enough yet, or her knowledge was to small, but she only managed to recognize a few types of vegetables growing there, examples being lettuce and bell peppers.

What in the world happened to Chu Lixue after the Apocalypse? Didn't it say in her brother's documents that she was a young miss from a rich family? Where did she even learn about planting all this stuff. Not to mention her distillation water system...

Oh, the distillation water system wasn't used in the end since Lili could provide water with better quality. It seems she installed the system before she even adopted her daughter...

Although she had doubts in her mind, she was smart enough not to poke a hornet's nest. The atmosphere between the two women at that time was pretty good and harmonious. It was better to ignore the issues than to provoke Chu Lixue without any real reason.

Even if she asked her future sister-in-law, she would most likely only get a good sounding lie. So, considering all the points, Mu Ruqin simply decided to let nature take its course. If Chu Lixue wanted to talk with her, then she would listen. If she didn't, then she'll just let her be for her brother's sake.

Since the first time they met, seeing Chu Lixue's determined appearance and now her preparations for future, Mu Ruqin speculated that perhaps Chu Lixue truly had rapidly got accustomed to living in the Apocalypse.

Today was a Sunday, so Chu Lixue didn't have to go to work. She was in the kitchen making some vegetable-stuffed dumplings that Lili wanted to eat.

The dumplings had two types of stuffing prepared: wild mushroom feeling, from mushrooms that she managed to buy on the marketplace, and spinach ones from spinach that she managed to harvest.

During this month, after a few tries and errors Chu Lixue truly got the hang of growing plants inside her house. While she probably still didn't understand much, at the very least she did know how to make sure her vegetables grew nicely. Adding to that her Plant type ability, she could speed up their growth. From now on, at the very least they wouldn't need to worry too much about food.

The lively melody in the kitchen was a performance by a cook in high spirits. Chu Lixue loved food after all. Since it was a long time from when she ate any proper dishes like that, she decided to give her best while cooking today.

Chu Lili looked at the image of her mother in the kitchen, slowly stood up, and her was moving back and forth between the kitchen and Lucky. It seems Lucky's previous dedication wasn't enough, as she eventually put the toy away and went to Chu Lixue's side.

Mu Ruqin saw how little Lili struggled between the two, and couldn't help but giggle to herself a little. Leaving the mother and daughter pair aside, she picked the toy and decided to play a little with Lucky as well.

Chu Lixue wore an apron. In front of her, two bowls of stuffing, a chopping board and a plate were on the table in the middle of the kitchen She took a plastic dumpling wrapper that she bought before, loaded it with stuffing then closed her hands and squeezed tightly to form the pastry into a dumpling.

Chu Lixue's dumpling skills were honed in her previous life. During her studies, she chose to move out and try to live all by herself. It was exactly during that time, that she learned a lot of cooking techniques, and her initial love for all kind of delicacies came around.

Finished for today.

As usually for the weekend I'll be doing a bigger release. For the next 2 days I'll be uploading 3/4 chapters daily.

xWangancreators' thoughts
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