
1.The deadly rain forest

Once upon a time a boy went into an rain forest with his family. They decided to camp their because it was too late. Then the boy was sleeping in his tent then he heard someone seeing him but he did not scream because he was scared of that thing . Then he realized that it is an zombie .

Then the zombie went to his parents tent and bit them then the boy saw this and began to run for his life.

Then he saw an gas stasion and ran to the counter and screamed zombie bit his fa the and mother . then the counter man said to that boy why did you went there , you didn't see the boad that zombie is in the that rain forest.

Then the zombie camed to that gas station then the boy and the counter man ran into the store room and they called thee police and mentioned the word zombie . Then the police came and killed zombie and said to them that forest has an tons of zombies that can destroy the whole city and they are sealing the whole city.

Then after 24 years that boy was the president of america and he imigiately ordered to drop bombs in that forest. But on the same time few zombies were able to escape and ran towards city but the police killed those zombie . when the bombs were drop they saw a lab from which the humans were given the virus . Then from that day that area was sealed and no we know that as area 51 .