
Back at the beginning

[Sounds of gunshots in a game]

"Ah, watch where you aim that thing, you almost killed me."


"Whatever, let's just clear this level. I'm about to set a new record."

Here I was in my room, playing a video game as usual. It was just another normal day. My mom wasn't home, and was instead out working like every other adult and my little sister was at school.

Being home alone on a school day is the best thing ever. If you're a student you should know. Why aren't I in school today. Well I pretended to be sick, that's why. Don't judge me I'm sure you did it at least once in your lifetime.

"Asuka, behind you." the sound of my friend calling me through the headset tore me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I see it."

As I clicked the keys on my keyboard and swiped the mouse over the mouse pad, my character swiftly turned and severed the enemy's throat then impaling his head.

"Nice one." I heard him say. He then continued, "I've always wanted to ask you. Why do you use daggers as a weapon. Why not guns, it's way more easier?"

I then clicked my tongue as I replied, "Because, the thrill of close combat is exciting. It's either kill or be killed, and if you die, well then you know you weren't good enough. It makes you want to work harder to become good enough."

"Interesting, when you put it like that. Should I just switch to a dagger?" He then joked.

"Nah, guns suit you better. And besides, I need a sharpshooter to cover my ass. Knowing you are there makes me move around more freely. I won't have to think about covering my back. If you were to switch to daggers, I would need to worry about you and that'll just slow me down." I spoke.

I then continued, "Now that I think about it Jiro, how are you playing right now? Aren't you in school?"

"It's lunch so it doesn't matter." He answered.

"I swear Jiro, if I die because you end up logging off without telling me, I will find you and kill you."

"Haha, don't worry Asuka. I'll always have your back. What are friends for."

[More sounds of gunshots and explosions in a game]

"Asuka I found him. The big one."


"Just around the corner. Get ready."

Hearing this I lifted my hands from the keyboard and cracked them knowing that things was about to get really tense. Placing my hands in position, I then said, "Let's do this."

{In the video game}

I ran and dashed around the corner only to come face to face with a zombie that tripled my height. A rush of adrenaline took over my body as I threw a dagger into its neck. While the monster staggered in pain I took the chance to attack.

I quickly ran to a bunch of cars in front of it and swiftly climbed them and leaped off the last one aiming for its eye with my dagger. Following this, I took one more dagger and inserted it into its forehead before it swung me off its body onto the street.

"Asuka, you should know by now these are the hardest ones to take down." Jiro then nudged.

Getting up from the ground I snickered, "Did you really think I would let the game end so boringly. I'm disappointed in you Jiro. You should know by now I like to end the game in style. And I just happened to purchase a new dagger. Let's test it out."

As I said this I raised my hand and then snapped my finger resulting in the two daggers exploding. When they did the head of the zombie flew off and landed on the ground in front of me.

"Looks like they work just fine." I smirked.

{End of game}

I then heard Jiro's applauds through the headset, "Wow. What an exit."

"Of course. It's me." I bragged. The computer screen then showed the words:


[You are the first to complete the mission in 15 minutes]

[Reward: Laser dagger]

[Special Reward: Boomerang dagger]

"Sweet." I said as I brightly smiled. "What did you get Jiro?" I then questioned.

"I got an Fire AWM sniper and acid coated bullets. You?"

"Laser dagger, and boomerang dagger."

"Oh, Asuka, did you check the leaderboard?" Jiro then asked.

"Not yet." I answered as exited from my storage and headed to the leaderboard. As it loaded I then saw as my account name moved up from third to first. Seeing this I then became overjoyed.

"Asuka Ito did it again." Jiro rejoiced. "Oh, I also moved from 9th to 8th."

"Not bad for a sniper." I then acknowledged him.

After praising each other a little, we both decided to log off and play another round later. As I watched my computer shut down I lifted my arms in the air and stretched. Doing this I felt as few of my bones cracked and I also began to yawn.

I took off my headset and got up from my chair after I then walked away from the desk and threw myself onto the bed opposite of it.

"I'm hungry." I then murmured as I placed my hand over my stomach. Perhaps, I must have been more sleepy than hungry, for before I knew it I fell asleep.

That night I woke up to the smell of Ajitama (ramen egg). I opened my eyes and strongly inhaled the sweet aroma. I followed the scent all the way into the kitchen where I saw my mom getting the bowls from the cupboard.

"You're up." She smiled when she saw me standing at the doorway.

I walked up to her and took the bowls from her hand as I said, "let me help."

I placed the bowls on the table and headed back into the kitchen for the chopsticks. Mom then walked out of the kitchen with the pot and placed it at the center of the table.

"Akari, dinners ready." My mom then called out.

I watched as my little sister then dashed out of her room and towards the table with a huge smile on her face. I didn't blame her for her excitement, after all this was both of our favorite food.

As we all sat down I passed mom and Akari their chopsticks as she served the food.

"Asuka, are you feeling any better?" Mom asked a few moments after we began to eat.

As I was about to answer Akari then began, "I'm sure he is since all he's been doing is playing games the entire morning."

Hearing this I choked on the food in my mouth.

I cleared my throat and snapped back, "Who said I was."

"I ran into Jiro on my way home." She replied.

I tightened my grip around the chopsticks as I mumbled, "That snitch."

"Asuka, how many times do I need to tell you, don't play games all time. If you keep this up, you could be on your deathbed and I would still send you to school." My mom then scolded.

"Mom. The only reason I was playing games today was because I felt better and got bored. I only played one game then I fell asleep." I pleaded to my mom.

"Stop lying, Asuka." My sister then interrupted.

"I'm not." I then argued.

"Really? Jiro said that you weren't even sick."

"Why would you believe a word he says. Besides why are you snitching on me. Don't you remember that night when you left while mom was asleep."

"Asuka, shut up."


"Didn't I tell you I just went to buy something."

"That's not what I heard from Hina."

"Asuka, shut it."

"They say an eye for an eye sis."

Suddenly in the midst of our bickering we heard our doorbell ring.

"Did you order anything mom?" I asked turning to her.

She shook her head. As she was about to get up I stopped her and said, "I'll get it."

I headed to the door and opened it only to see that no one was there.

I then whispered, "Weird."

"Who is it?" I heard my sister shout from the kitchen.

I then shouted back, "No one."

Turning around to head back inside I stopped as I glanced at the black envelope that was on the floor in front of the door way. Consequently, I curiously stooped down and picked it up.

I then looked back down the hallway, but to avail, for I couldn't see anyone. Looking back at he envelope I then flipped it over to see my name imprinted in gold. I didn't know what it was, but for some reason in that moment an uneasy feeling fell upon me. Hearing my sister call out for me again, I stuffed the envelope in my pocket and headed back inside. Little did I know that what was to come after would be nothing but chaos.

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