
Chapter 2:We have a problem Huston!

I've noticed something else to...

Some of them are intelligent

I know there is probably a explanation but I cannot put my finger on it!

Yesterday the barrier went down by the whole street but our house but I didn't know anyone else on the neighborhood. I think they can shape shift because I saw one go all swirly and then it looked like my Neighbor! For some reason my friend Troy has been acting weird, lately he's been moaning in his sleep and has asked me for meat multi times!

On another note I've been having the same dream over and over again.

I'm the dream there's a doctor and he's my dad but what I find weird is he says you'll understand when the time has come and injects me with white liquid and ever since the dreams I've been hungrier.

I think Troy has gone mad!

They say every one has a breaking point and I think he hit it because he's acting mad?

A hour later...

Barry:Leveosa!Stop it troy.What's wrong with you?Expects patronum!What's going on with you face

Barry:your face. Ewwwww. Wait a sec , your a shape shifter.

Shape shifter telepathy: and it's your time to die!


Barry:ow ow ow ow ow that hurts


Barry: now hit him with another patronum star!

Star:expects patronum!

Barry:I think it's dead

Star:then we're is Troy?

Troy:mmmmmmm ni fhed

Translation:in here

Barry:I'm going to open the closet if it's not the real Troy, hit it with a leveosa

Star:it's leveosa not leveosa!

Barry:just do it!

Troy: finally I'm out of there!

Troy:I've been in there for the past 4 days

Barry:omgosh do you need food!?


Barry:here you go!


Troy:did star make this?

Star:I did.

Troy: you can cook every day!

Barry:we've got to get new supplies!

Barry:I don't feel so good

*Barry falls on the ground

To be continued...