1 The Assassin In Midgand

A/N: This story will mainly be situated within the land setting of Tales of Berseria, but it will eventually cross over back to the HxH world at some point. But, probably not for a good while unless I decide to do something.





'Okay, where the hell is this?'

The groan of a male could be heard as he pushed himself off of what appeared to be a cold solid surface. A painful groan coming out of his mouth as he did so, to which he then held his head with one hand as he stumbled onto his feet for a quick second.

Looking around, he noticed he was in an unfamiliar environment. The last thing he honestly remembered was travelling across the water near the edge of the Dark Continent, which honestly was suicide already. The ship he was on with the people that hired him had been completely destroyed.

He wasn't even certain if the people who hired him were even permitted to take a voyage, but he didn't care, it was a job. He didn't see those people anywhere too, so it was most likely they were dead. Not like he honestly even cared.

They could drown for all he cared.

You may think this sounded a bit cruel, but this was the natural thought process of someone like Zen here. Being born into the infamous family of assassins known as the Zoldycks does that to you. He was honestly one of the tamer ones when it came to killing compared to others in his family.

Even to his younger siblings.

Aside from that. The male was around eighteen and was a decently tall male with a lean yet muscular build, having also beautifully fair skin and straight neat snow-white hair and a pair of sapphire eyes. His outfit being rather simple, which he didn't mind as it was comfortable.

The outfit consisting simply of a tight white t-shirt that stuck well to his build, along with a pair of long tight black pants and white running shoes. Over his shirt was a black hoodie with the hood being lined with light silver material.

From what he could see of the surroundings, the place seemed to be of stone mainly and was slowly being coated in a layer of snow and ice. Though, he didn't seem cold at all as he stood in the environment as if it was a normal summer's day.

"Hey look, I see someone!" A loud energetic voice sounded as Zen twitched slightly as he turned his attention towards the source of the voice. When he did, he saw a small group of three unfamiliar people approaching him.

The group appeared to be around the same age as himself, aside from the male who appeared to be a few years older than himself. He narrowed his eyes ever so slightly at the black-haired female and the male, they both released a presence inhumane.

He felt no ill intentions from them though, so he didn't need to kill them. In the family, his grandfather Zeno said to only kill those that he has been contracted to, are criminals, or hold ill intentions towards him. The family didn't kill for pleasure, but for business.

"Hey, mister snow-hair!" The girl dressed in a rather colourful and ridiculous attire waved her arm wildly towards him as they approached. Scratch that, all three of them wore rather strange clothes. The most normal being the male of their group.

'Mister snow-hair...?' He wasn't sure how to react to that name. "Who are you people?"

"Greetings! I am rather thrilled to introduce to you the wise sorceress who travels the eleven seas, who scoffs at the might of dragons! None other than the acclaimed... the illustrious Mazhigigika Miluding Do Din Noturun Dou!" Zen just blinked at the introduction in confusion. "Just call me Magilou for short!"

"I'm Rokurou Rangetsu, at your service." The male samurai looking male had voiced as he gave a small respectful bow towards Zen. Zen just nodded before looking towards the rather stoic looking black haired female of their group.

"Velvet Crowe."

"Box of sunshine I see. I'm not any better." Zen rose an eyebrow as he said this. Magilou seemed to giggle at that, while Rukurou just smirked slightly as Velvet didn't react. Though, they were a bit curious at the last part when he said that. "Zen Zoldyck, a pleasure."

Zen quickly looked at their reactions and noticed none of them react in any negative or surprised manner. This already gave him quite a lot of information. Wherever he was, it was certainly nowhere near home at all. He doubted he was in his continent.

How did he know this?

Well, his family is infamous for their business and are practically known by absolutely everyone in the world. If they didn't react and recognise his last name, then that was truly interesting. Just how far was he truly from home?

"So, do you guys happen to know where I am?" Zen decided to ask. He needed some information even if it sounded a bit suspicious. If he could understand where he was, then that was a good start. They blinked at him before Rokurou was the one that answered.

"Well, you're just near Hellawes. Should be around here somewhere."

"Hellawes?" Zen muttered as he frowned slightly at the unfamiliar name. He had never heard of a place called Hellawes before in his life. He needed to push it a bit, that really didn't help him. "Do you mind telling me what continent or continental region I am in?"

It sounded sus as hell, but he needed info!

As expected, the three stared at him with confused looks.

"How don't you know?" Magilou wondered with an utter look of major confusion. He couldn't blame her of the rest of them, what person doesn't know what continent they're standing in aside from him? Velvet was the one that answered.

"You're in Midgand. Or also known as the Holy Midgand Empire."

"I see..." Zen muttered. He gritted his teeth slightly with his mouth closed so they wouldn't see. 'Where the hell am I? What is this Holy Midgand Empire? I have definitely never heard of them before in my life... just far am I away from home?'

"It's rather strange for you not to know where you're standing. How come?" Rokurou wondered as he asked the question on the other two's minds. Zen looked at them and decided to be truthful, lying wouldn't help him in any way right now.

"I just woke up here. I'm not sure how, but I just did." He was being half-truthful though. Whatever had happened when the boat was broken by the sea had most likely drifted him here, though he wasn't certain. "Do any of you perhaps know which direction the Yorbian Continent is?"

"Hm? Yorbian Continent?" Velvet questioned with a raise of an eyebrow as she crossed her arms. She looked at the other two and they both shook their heads with also confused looks plastered on their faces. "Can't say we do. Is that where you come from?"


"I'm afraid we don't know then." Rokurou rubbed the back of his head as he said this. "None of us have ever heard of this Yorbian Continent before. Are you sure that's where you ca- look out!"

Rokurou yelled suddenly alerting the other two as they looked up behind Zen to see two monkey-like large creatures suddenly leap towards Zen, going in for a kill. The three were about to yell at Zen, seeing him standing there calmly.

"Look ou-!"

Before Magilou could finish what she was going to yell. They all widened their eyes when Zen turned around at lightning speeds before backhanding one of the monkeys and punching the other one calmly as his expression remained the same.

They gasped when the one he backhanded was sent flying into a nearby rocky wall with a large crash as the one he had punched had its head completely blown off from the force behind his fist. The body soon falling to the ground next to them, completely lifeless.

Zen just stared at the unfamiliar creatures for a second before shrugging as he turned back around to look at the group before him. They stared at him in surprise and shock, the display of sheer physical strength. The amount required to do that was incredible.

