
The Young Boy

Far away from the bustling cities of America in the rural plains of Texas there lays hidden a house with a tree beside it. A great majestic oak if you will with verdant leaves, swaying emeralds in the wind. The house made of stone not really a house but more of a stone mansion with walls as old as the country itself. In the middle of the stone mansion there is a barren training field connected to the mansion via open doors in each cardinal direction. There an old man is sitting on a wooden bench staring as a young boy is doing push ups. You can faintly hear the Young boy mumble

"fucking old man" or a few "fuck this"

and "shit"

The old man with wrinkles all over his face and gray and white long hair. Lifts up his old crooked finger pointing at the Young Boy

(Old Man)- "stop with your vulgar words they strain my ears yall young'ins can't speak a few sentences without spewing filth"

As the Old Man said this his face hadn't changed one bit. He still had an amicable smile making his wrinkles protrude even more. He looked like a kind old man one that you wouldn't be able to resist smiling at.

The Young Boy tilts his head up slightly a mischievous smile spreads over his face. He gives the Old Man a glance.

(Young Boy)- "old man with all those wrinkles you look like my balls.. oh wait my ball look better"

Then silence descends

the field turns quiet

The Old Man closes his eyes slightly and lightly smiles

(Old Man)-"Boy wait I mean girl you don't even have balls now shut your pussy self up and do more push-ups for the next three hours "

The Young Boy stares at the old man he never stops with his push-ups.

(Young Boy)- "that's not fair I'm almost done and didn't you just cuss?"

(Old Man)- " Its a body part not that you would know you virgin"

The Young Boy's eyes go wide and he stops for a few seconds and then resumes

(Old Man)- "Your lucky you got my good looks, your tan skin, dark brown hair, and brown eyes you even have my jaw line and sword like eyebrows..to bad you got those big ears from your mother's side"

The Old Man sighs a bit at the end

(Young Boy)- "Fuck off old man what's next? your gonna take credit for me being such a genius"

The old man stays silent closing his eyes. A few hours pass and the Young Boy is done. All that can be heard is his huffing and puffing in the quiet field. His white shirt is soaked in sweat.He takes it off. His body is well toned not bulky. Shirtless wearing only black soccer shorts with black sneakers. His hair droops all over his face he looks rugged. He waits for the Old Man to speak.

The old man opens his eyes and scans the boy up and down

(Old Man)- "Go take a shower u reek"

The Young Boy looks at the old man with a tired expression balling his fist up harder and harder.

(Young Boy)- "Old Man how come I have to train like this? Why can't I be like the others seeking the dao. Understanding the Heavens refining myself through fire and ice. Hardening through constant battles. Learning Mystical arts and techniques? why do I have to do this horrible training? In the morning I run 20 miles while carrying a giant gravestone weighing 200 lb, I do 3000 sit-ups and then I get beaten up by you with a wooden bat for an hour. Next I run all the way to the lake and stay at the bottom for another hour. I come back dig three big holes 6 feet deep 3 feet wide. What's the point?"

The Young Boy waits for the old man to answer his veins bulging, fire coursing through his veins. The Old Man shakes his head in dejection thinking how dumb does this boy must be.

(Old Man)- "Foundation purely for your Foundation. That nonsense about "understanding the Heavens?" pure shit what's the use of understanding the Heavens if with a punch you'll die. What's so great sensing the dao? You are the inheritor to the Coronado Family a great legacy. Back then your ancestors great Spaniards came to what is now known as Mexico they were the first to come. One of them Ariel Coronado the second married into the Aztec tribe taking the the chieftain's daughter at that time. He learned their ancient ways and adjusted and evolved them. after generations of Coronado geniuses we have become what we are"

(Young Boy)- "a declining clan"

(Old Man)- "..."

The Young Boy turns around exits the training ground he passes the through the door his figure gradually receding.

(Old Man)- *sighs* "we might've decline but even a starving camel is bigger than a horse"

Yo its gonna start up slowly like super slowly. Oh and this is my first time writing something except for school essays. So please Critisize me.

(/®~®)/ \(@_@\)

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