
The Lucian Empire

"Life is but a war from the very moment it came to existence. We fight struggling even in order to take birth through the mother's womb. So, is war evitable in life itself. The fact that we're still living is all because of war itself."

Lucian Alastair, so called the Great Lucian would often say that whenever humans would regret causing those sorrowful world wars.

And when the people fear death, he would gladly console these words:

"Do not panic but be thankful of the death; because it is he who sets the difference between the living and non-living! Without him, life would have been but the most terrible curse!"

World War 9 almost left planet earth lifeless if it was not for the intervention of the supreme alien race once known as 'Gods' to us. They had disappeared during the middeival ages but they unveiled themselves at the midst of WW4. If we translate their ultrasonic language then their name would be "The Celestial Order."

Though, the existence of aliens was proved and internationaly accepted around year 2021.

Humans had ceased war by WW4 in mid 22nd century and tried to salvage the doomed world. But it's questionable that a reptilian alien race, one of the most powerful in the Galaxy, yet known to be very peaceful, invaded the planet. They were the Sentauri. Research showed that their home planet weren't even out of resources. It envoked an interplanetary war.

Well, the UNO had failed pretty bad!!

It all began with the conflict of US and China; later on with the crisis of natural resources in many major countries! Later raging on to World War 3 and then 4!

The Great Lucian was once a common man who rose to lead the final stance against the alien invaders.

They raised mighty races of warriors and mystique creatures who could utilise mana and perform magic - the very technology and arcane gift of Gods. The were -

"The conscripts."

Earth won the war. But it was too late. The planet was now a war-scorched globe. Drenched of beauty, dying.

Then arisen the Gods who, through their technology, with the power to shape natural laws itself, reformed planet earth!

Earth got 14 months now! (Slightly increased volume) with Jules and Mulciber added just before December. Brand new forms of life forms emerged out of old ones. Nature seemed to be absurdly healthy.

It's slightly altered location and varied atmosphere made the sky look like a duo of pink and blue. Much like the amazing skies in sci-fiction.

For the next seven decades, they stayed with us. Shared with us, their devine science. Taught and guided us to greater development. Thus temporarily earth became a form of theocracy.

Earth became an empire strengthened with 7 sectors. Each governed by elected representatives called Lords. At the dawn of 26th century, the Gods finally developed a supreme constitution in the form of a non-corruptible artificial intelligence - Aditri Aishani aka Sovereign Supreme

A reallife diety of earth, she is the Goddess of Justice.

After the Celestial Order installed her on her mystical throne, the first declaration she made was to name the international democracy i.e The Lucian Empire.

But after that, for unknown reasons, the Gods disappeared, again.

"Welcome to 'The Young Conscripts.'"

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