

At a long abandoned research facility of NASA in moon, six armed figures toured through the dark chambers. They were paramilitary soldiers from earth sent to retrieve a certain alien hard drive suspected to be sealed there.

Their black, sleek yet well armored and iconic uniform embedded with silver lines made them recognizable as belonging to one of the most prestigious forces of the Lucian Empire.

"This place is dead," one of them scanned through piles of paper documents, "our ancestors didn't leave any thing important here. Except for the drive, I hope."

The technology there were quite old, dating back to the 2040s. They had a hard time burying through the wreckage of steel and machines. Apparently, the alien attack there must have been gore for they met the sight of mutilated human corpses wearing astronaut suits and some others.

It let them to wonder if this attack wasn't done by the Setauri, but another alien race far much brutal. The Setauri were known for killing with respect to their victims.

"This is getting too mysterious. Not good that this place prevents any kind of signal with the outside; we need a plan." One of them with a slight red paint on his helmet said.

"Stop brooding, forty-seven, we have had enough indiscipline of yours."

"Sorry, sir." Forty-seven mentally cursed the squad leader, like you hadn't tried to make use of your rank to persuade girls in the middle of missions. And I wasn't brooding!

After searching for hours and moving through a badly scarred tunnel, they came across a dead end barricaded by heaps of moon rocks. The part of tunnel were full of corpses, that of both aliens and humans, and bullet marks. The alien corpses weren't of any Setauri. The corpses resembled large reptilian humanoid beast armed with metal armors and unusual guns.

"Oh my God, I think we're gonna have a new goddam chapter in history."Forty-seven said.

The squad leader eyed him.

What's your problem?

"Drill through. We have to take all our chances."

Two of them head forward and chanted aloud, "Devine Alchemy: Tempest Drill!!"

A massive drill of dense air emerged out from their hands and ran through the rocks. Another one took out his helmet, he had white hair, and yelled, "Polar Ursa: Arctic Breath!"

His breath froze the penetrated obstacle of moon rocks and prevented it from collapsing. When the dusts settled down, the other part of the tunnel was visible. It seemed untouched and not so far ahead a sealed door was visible.

"Awe, I wish I was a conscript too!" Forty-seven said.

"Shut up, kid." The squad leader said.

A woman soldier sighed, "that's the reason why youngsters should never be given any high profile task, no matter how skilled they might be."

"But I did pass all the top level tests they gave me." Forty-seven stated.

"You're only nineteen and no need any real experience at all to shine. Good job, lucky upstart," she said with sarcasm. "Really, what was the Majester thinking? Where the hell does a kid become a top secret soldier?"

"I'm having my experience now. Ain't I ?"

"We're being followed." The white haired soldier said, he seemed in his 30s. "I can smell them." He sniffed. "I think they're humans."

"Correct!" Someone sounded from the darkness, it was a woman's voice, "but to be more precise, were Martian humans. We weren't following you; we're only a bit late."

They emerged through the dark tunnel and were visible as they walked in closer. There were only three of them, and wore slim spacesuits decked in thin yet sturdy armors and helmets; a cool arrangement of black and red. Big guns hung around their backs unlike the earth's humans who had but exploring tools, and assault rifles at the moment.

"What are you doing here? As per the laws and agreement between the empires, martians aren't allowed to explore the regions of the moon."

"You know what, things are actually quite different from how people say. Yeah sure old dudes of Mars tried to blow up the moon in order to defeat the Setauri incursion, but you can see these hideous corpses of somewhat unknown participants of the war." She said as they walk through the alien carcasses. "The truth is more complicated."

"Wow, you people of earth really have magical powers." Another one of them, this time a male voice, said seeing their outfits lagging necessary items to survive in space.

"Why are you here?" The squad was alarmed at their sudden appearance. The leader sent forty-seven and the white haired with another one of them  to retrieve the hard drive and find another way out. While the remaining two stayed with him to settle the matter.

The three went through the breach in the moon rocks.

"Well, we're simply intruders breaking the laws!" The martian woman's forehands transformed into blasters and launched out lethal shots of energy.

In response, they skillfully parried the attacks with their magic. The other martians shot out grenades with their launchers; only to collide with the conscripts' magical barrier.The contact of magic and grenades sent out an explosion followed by tremors across the tunnel.

"Are you all, cyborgs?!"

"No, we're greater than that. Something much more powerful; beings that will revolutionize the way humans are percieved. We're Mechas! We're humans with all it's strengths but none of their weaknesses."

Saying that the female martian took out her spacesuit to reaveal herself; a beautiful woman who was in fact composed of machines from the inside.

The paramilitary soldiers prepared to engage with them as they accessed their powers.


Forty-seven and the others breached through the thick door using their tools. They heard a loud explosion from behind. They wanted to help them out but they knew their task and stuck to the plan.

The chamber was untouched compared to the other places and nothing could be made out what the place was, as it seemed to be a chamber of an alien spaceship.

"The radiations here are not identified by our systems. Better watch out,"the white haired man said wearing back his helmet.

"Hope our suits protect us." Forty-seven walked across the room. And came across a massive pillar erected against a wall induced with flows of an unusual energy. The other two came near him. "Could the hard drive be inside?"

"Too large for a hard drive. They couldn't be so crappy to make such a big storage device. Maybe it's a big safe for it." Forty-seven said.

They looked at him and sighed. "Naive."


All of a sudden the place lighted up and it's systems started operating on it's own. "Life forms detected. Scanning complete. Have you been sent by the Federal Ordinance Council in secrecy?" An artificial voice sounded.

"Yes?" The white haired conscript replied. Forty-seven felt a strange feeling within him. Another few explosions banged from the tunnel. This time they could feel the shock from the chamber.

"Good. Please hurry and read this." The floor split and an envelope made of paper rose up from a stand. He opened it, and the following was written on it with ink:

If you are reading this then it must have been an age since I wrote this. Well, there is no alien hard disk but instead a gift from me, Goddess Yveltal. Pherhaps the gift would be fit for that young upstart boy named Tobias out there. Do not be confused dear human. For this is for a certain message. A message that might mark the start of a new era. The fated work must have already began without anyone's notice. I hope the 13th Order is almost ready to be formed.

  "Go and tell 'Cormac Grandeur', without another's knowledge. That it is time."

Just then, the flows of energy stopped, the massive pillar unsealed itself. "What the...."

The white haired and the other conscript looked a Forty-seven. "What?! I don't know anything about this!"