
The Wyvern That Hunts Dragons(DxD)

Talos has always been a odd individual. He was born exceptionally talented that it seemed he was choosen. However, Talos was incredibly lazy as he cared not for honor, reputation, women or pride. He went his own way until he met a odd angry goddess who sent him away from his world for some reason. Once he was reborn, he found his spark in his monster blood.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Lost Regions.

After Talos gained his human form from the female Wyvern, he promptly ignored the fact he had his human form back. He felt more at peace when he was his monstrous free self rather than his human self constricted with rules. When he crossed the mountain range the other side was still cold, but the snow had stopped. 

The mountains had acted as a natural barrier between the tundra and whatever biome he would encounter. The moment his feet touched down on the other side he looked out at the snow-covered forest rather than plains. 

The temperature was much higher than the mountain or tundra, but still freezing cold. 

'Another forest. Wonder what I will find.' 

Once more, Talos continued his exploration of the seemingly endless Underworld. While he traversed the snow forest, back in the Devil territory, a large meeting was taking place between the 32 Clan Heads of the surviving clans. 

72 Noble Houses of Devils had been created by the original Lucifer and Lilith. After the Great War with Heaven and Grigori, along with the Devil Civil War 32 had gone extinct except for a few half-blood descendants. 

The clan heads would meet like this every century to decide on law changes or political strife. Usually, nothing changed as Devils were long-lived so 100 years felt like a small amount of time to them. Currently, Clan Lords all sit around in a large colosseum-like building. 

At the very top were the current 4 Satans who could look down on everyone else. With the exception being Lord Bael of the Bael clan who had the Status of Great King. The Underworld was locked in a political battle between the 4 Satans and Lord Bael. 

He sat across from them alongside Lord Agares of the Agares clan second rank of the 32 surviving clans. To start off the meeting Sirzechs Lucifer stood up to address the Lords of the clans. 

"Welcome noble Lords and Ladies. Another century of peace has passed for our people after our horrendous wars. Now, let us discuss what changes need to occur." 

Lord Bael spoke up before anyone else. 

"Thank you Sirzechs for starting us off. To start off we need to have better laws in place for the Reincarnated Devils. Allowing them to have their own peerages is more than they deserve." 


Lord Bael saw how Ajuka Beelzebub himself denied it. Ajuka did not have the full authority to do that, but as the creator of the Evil Piece system, his words carried weight. 

"Satan Beelzebub, you alone cannot make that decision as we require a vote. Several of my fellow lords agree with me that allowing them to have peerages will cause no amount of trouble. More than they are already causing. Because of them, our natural skies are covered up by a fake sun, the night with a fake moon. 

They even have begun to marry pure-blooded Devils and dilute their bloodlines." 

Sirzechs spoke up soon after. 

"I see. Then, we shall take a vote as we always do. Those in favor of more regulation for Reincarnated Devils." 

Of the 32 Lords around 17 voted in favor and 15 against. However, the 4 Satans voted against them while Lord Ageres himself voted against him. Sirzechs smiled. 

"The motion shall not pass. Maybe in the next century, it shall pass. Anything else?" 

Lord Bael kept his noble demeanor and brought up other problems. The skirmishes they had with Heaven and Grigori, run-ins with other pantheons, and other legal troubles. Each time they all voted, a few new laws were passed over the course of the long meeting. 

After the end of the meeting, Sirzechs addressed everyone once more. 

"Alright, this meeting is coming to an end, is there any news you wish to share? Things of minor importance that you would like to bring to attention." 

A few of the Lords of the clan simply spoke of their new heirs as they tried to secure marriages with each other through them. From time to time, they would merely mingle among their old friends or even argue between old rivalries. 

However, Lord Baleth decided to bring attention of Talos. 

"I have something to bring to attention."

Sirzechs looked in his direction curious.

"What is it Lord Baleth?"

Standing up, the cat eared devil cleared his voice to speak.

"It's nothing huge, but I believe a monster from the Lost Regions has migrated close to the territory of us Devils."

This made the many Devils quite as the Lost Regions were areas of the Underworld undocumented and unexplored.

The beings who lived in those areas were often extremely powerful and even Ultimate Class beings were comon place there.

Ajuka was now intrested and not much intrested him.

"What makes you say that?"

Lord Baleth explained himself.

"I should start from the begining. Around 2 years ago, small rumors began to circulate around a creature. It's called The Bladed Rex as it looks like a t-Rex with a large sword for a tail."

Ajuka went silent.

"No monster I know has that description."

Lord Baleth nodded.

"Exactly Lord Beelzebub. My daughter and her guards encountered it in the Hel Stepe while they were capturing a Hel mammoth calf for her. The creature was seen a few miles away from the herd much larger than his sighting 2 years ago."

Serafall who had been quite from bordom perked up.

"How big?"

Lord Baleth held his hand out and gave a acurate projection of Talos in his full size. He had not seen Talos, but he had gotten the image from his daughter who had.

All of them Lords and even the Satans were stuck starring at the projection.

"This is him. The first time it was sighted, it was described to be around 15 meters long. It was then not seen for 2 years until now. It has grown 10 meters bigger in 2 short years."

Everyone carefully observed the projection before Lord Baleth spoke again.

"When encountered, my men used long distance observation spells to observe him and he sensed them. My guard said the creature looked him in the eyes from miles away and snorted a warning at him.

My men ignored the warning and it killed half of them. I personaly went with a large force to capture it, but as my daughter put it, he went invisible. Out Hellhounds could not track him and none of our spells or rituals worked."

Serafall specifically got curious. It was known that Serafall only had a single Peerage Member a Behemoth.

Hearing about Talos, she was intrested in adding him to it.

"I am intrested in this big guy. How long ago was he spotted?"

Hearing her, Lord Baleth answered.

"A month ago Lady Leviathan."

Serafall would keep that in her memory. Sirzechs nodded as he gave his verdict.

"If that is all this meeting has ended. However, if any of you know anything about this creature make it known. The creature if spotted should be reported.

Whoever catches him can do as they please."

Serafall added her point.

"I want it for my peerage so anyone who catches him will be compensated if you get him for me. Won't you do that for me!"

With a smile and a wink she asked that last part making some of the men uncomfortable.

She was cute and all, but she was over 500 years old. Too old to be acting like this so it made even them uncomfortable.

Either way they would not say no to a reward from a Satan.


As for Talos, he began to walk through the large snow forest with curiosity. The trees were quite tall at 40 meters tall. They were covered with snow, and no leaves only branches.


He wondered if this world had seasons as it was large. He had yet to run into an ocean yet only large lakes and rivers. He shook his head to clear his thoughts as he walked through the forest.

He expected this forest to last a while, but he ended up leaving them in only an hour. When he stepped out of them he saw open fields of snow similar to the tundra behind the mountains.

"Freedome is nice."

Talos kept his senses peeled as he could feel the further he went the warmer the climate became. It was by a few degrees every time, but he had officially left the tundra.

Several hours after he left the forest he found prey. A large herd of giant bison were browsing on bushes and grasses growing in the slightly warmer climate.

He licked his lips as he observed the massive herd. At a glance their were at least hundreds of the creatures. Plenty for him to eat. He leaned forward and charged toward the herd.

He took a deep breath and gave a loud threatening bellow.

When the Bison saw him, they did not run and instead turned in his direction. They put themselves between him and their young. The biggest males stuck to the front and they charged toward him.

Talos smashed his tail on the ground causing it to begin flowing white hot. He leaned forward and began to run on his back legs toward the bison.

Seeing him still running at them the 50 bison who charged did not stop. They were many, he was one. However, when Talos was close to the herd, he focused on his Sword Intent.

After training in his Sword Intent for 4 years straight, his master over it had grown.

His mind became sharp and muscles tensed as the bison were right here. With unbelievable agility, he kept over the bison causing them to try to stop their charge.

However, he spun around and began a slaughter. He weaved and served between the bison cleaving off their heads. Lightning raged from his spikes all around him killing even more of the attacking monsters.

After he killed 20 of the bison, the rest began to flee in terror. He stepped on the corpse of one of the bison and roared at the herd.

They got the message that time and ran away in terror. He snorted as he looked at his prey. 20 bison would keep him fed for a while so he would stick around here for a time.

The cold temperature would act as a natural fridge for the corpses keeping them fresh.

'Time to get busy.'

Talos picked out 3 of the bison which he gutted like always. He kept the organs except for the intestines which he disliked. After that he flashed cooked them with his flames before gourging himself on roasted bison meat.

His need for food had become massive as his growth rate was still huge. Either way, food was never a problem so he allowed himself to fall asleep surrounded by his prey.

As he slept, the energy in the bisons, their beast cores and the herb he had taken from the wyvern all was processed by his body.

His Adaptive Evolution allowed him to begin growing once more. However, he had so much energy to use that he had a large size increase as he slept. When he did wake up, he found he had grown a full 2 meters.

Talos knew this was because of that herb he had stolen from Auxesia. It had so much energy that was only used when he finaly rested.

However that was not the only changes that had happened to him. The massive bio metal spikes that covered his back had darkened several shades. They also contained earth essence flowing through then increasing their toughness.

His favorite chage though was the small horns on his head had gotten a bit bigger. Big enough for him to use them as weapons it seemed.

"Back to training."

Unlike his past life, he trained every day especially when he got instant gains. He wondered when he would finaly push past Sword Intent and into Sword Will.

'Wish you were here master?'

With that thought, he got back to the training his sword skills. A never ending journey for him.