
Chapter 1 - Missing my Homework

His cracked and bloodied sword cut into the demon King's shoulder and he held his palm to this disgusting demon's face and used his saintly magic 'God Ray' to melt his face clean off, he had done it he had saved the land and become the hero they all thought he could be. But as he took a moment to reflect on the friends he had gained and lost and the people he had saved or killed... The evil god of the world ripped him from the demon King's castle into his clutches and spoke in a voice that could shake the universe, "So you thought you had won!".

"Come on that's so dumb! I knew that they weren't really going to end the novel, so why did I spend money on this dumb chapter ?! I should have just left it on chapter 249 when all the characters hung out and said their emotional goodbyes... Ugh my bus is here already." I put the phone back in my pocket still pissed off at the author of 'Demon reverie; Hero summoning' and wait for the bus to pull up in front of me.

The bus ride, from my house in the middle of farmland to school on the edge of a town in the middle of farmland, was extremely uneventful I stared out the window to see the same forests and hills and river I always saw in complete silence. A while ago I used to not mind taking the bus but that was before I went into my final year of high school and new students started riding on the bus who love to torment me.

The bus finally pulls up outside the same bland boring high school it always does and I step off, without slipping like I had done a month ago, and check my pockets in case I missed anything when heading out of my house this morning. But as I pull my hand out my pocket a coin slips out as well and rolls along the pavement and onto the road. I chase after it and trip over part of the pavement, hitting my head off part of the front of the bus...

Everything around me is dark I try to move my body but it doesn't seem to respond. I look around the void not seeing anything not hearing anything.

[Special Conditions met: Written Word System]

The words become emblazoned across my mind causing disorientation and I see something slowly coming toward me, something big and bright. Within seconds it crashes into me like a wave, its words millions of words. As they hit me they wash in and out of my mind like the tide hitting the shore and after ages it comes to an end and my eyelids start to open to light.

Students and staff are gathered around me making sure I'm OK as I start to stand up but I just pick up my coin and say that I'm fine whilst walking to my first class. Yay it's maths! And what's more I forgot to do my homework, I start to feel stress seeping over me when my maths teacher, Mr. Butler walks in.

[Looking for Event that fits criteria: - - - ]

[Activating 'Apology' Event: 'Diseased Noble becomes a Legendary Soldier' - Chapter 64 (Missing My Training)]

[Augmenting Reality of the System User]

Huh that thing in my mind is happening again. I remember that novel it's about a noble with a disease who finally becomes cured and devotes himself to combat training when a spirit invades his mind. In this chapter he's meant to go on a training mission but instead his family keep him from it and he has to explain why to his mentor. Wait did that say augmenting reality?...

The world around me seems to scroll up and replaces my surroundings with what looks like a medieval soldiers barracks. But when I look around all the soldiers that are training look just like my classmates in armour, the man in front of me who looks like some kind of leader looks exactly like my teacher in cooler looking armour than my classmates and the uniform I was wearing has turned into an old time shirt with massive cuffs and skin tight trousers with socks pulled all the way up and leather boots.

What the hell is happening!

"Why didn't you turn up for the escort mission yesterday? You were practically begging me to move up the ranks so you could gain further training!" Booms my usually timid maths teacher with a dangerous scowl on his aged face. I think I understand I hit my head too hard and now I think my life is a novel, well I could at least try and play into it a little bit.

"I'm sorry sir, my actions have affected you and I'm sorry but if you were to give me another chance I would not let you down again!" I say trying to imitate the protagonist from the novel. The leader (my maths teacher, Mr. Butler) puts his head in his leather gloved hand and sighs.

"How do I know you won't let me down again?"

"You don't but I have nothing left to give but my word!" I exclaim, I'm really getting into it now even if this is definitely nothing like how the dialogue went in the novel. Some of the soldiers (classmates) gather around to see what the fuss is, some are smiling and laughing hoping I fail in gaining a chance and some were just curious.

"OK I'll give you another assignment but you better no- - -"

['Apology' Event Completed]

The world around me scrolls down again and I'm back on the second floor of my high school in my maths classroom. I'm no longer surrounded by tents and training dummies and fortress walls. The soldiers surrounding me have traded their armour back for school uniforms. I look at Mr. Butler who is back to his shirt and vest and he looks at me expectantly.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I'm so confused at what's going on that my face looks completely dumbfounded.

"I said I will give you a new piece of homework but please try and get it in by tomorrow" He says timidly. I look around feeling the sweat pouring over me and breathing heavily, people start to look concerned at me. I can hear someone talking about my bus accident.

"Can I go to the bathroom please sir?" Mr. Butler looks concerned for me and creasing his greying eyebrows just gives me a nod as he can't find the words.

I walk quickly down the corridor and down the stairs to get to one of the bathrooms on the ground floor, open the door and look at myself in the mirror. I look like a mess and thankfully my clothes are back to normal. Just what the hell is going on? I thought I had passed out in class and was dreaming that I had gone to the world of one of my novels the conversations I had, even though they were different, were along the same kind of lines. I wonder what my side of the conversation had sounded like... Clearly it had worked but I hope I didn't say the same stuff in the real world. Real world? So was the other world fake but it felt so real. Wait those messages in my head they said they were a system and that I was a system user. But what's my cool overpowered ability?

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