
Princess Aara Qaval Falaknaz bint Ayad.

"You blithering buffoon, crazy, pea eyed, donkey brained fish, how in the world would you tell me that you got a broken leg from a bicycle hitting you?" I growl, stomping my way inside the room that Austin is in. He sheepishly smiles at me, the deep blue cast on his leg eyeing me with mockery.

"Well, I didn't technically get it from the bicycle, I got hit by the bicycle, rolled and slammed my leg into the walls of the cliff, with so many stones to do some massaging to my bones." He explains, his smile faltering when he sees the look in my eyes.

"You deserve to be hanged upside down Austin-" I start yelling but a nurse comes inside with her for head bent into four crease lines.

"Ma'am, you're disturbing the patient, you're going to have to leave it I'll call security." She says, hands reaching for a syringe and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Better be careful what you grab, I might as well just shove it somewhere, now I don't bloody care if the 'patient' is going to die because I'm being to loud, I might as well kill him as I'm going home, and you lady, you watch what you say to other people, I'm the one taking him home, and you fucking dare to stop me!"

I am livid.

The nurse trembles, almost like she'd shrunk in height and size. She says and scurries out of the room, her hair flaying behind her.

"Get your ass up Henderson, I'm going to the dance studio to pick up the twins, or else you want Chase and Ethan to do it. Trust me, you won't like what you'll get." I lift my brows, watching as he pouts and turns his eyes to the crutches beside him. I roll my eyes, tucking my phone into my back pocket. I walk to his bedside, taking his hand and helping him up while handing him the crutches.

"You good?" He shakes his head and taps his cheek, I roll my eyes and walk away causing him to whine behind me.

I walk to the receptionist, the brown haired lady that kept looking at me because of my tattoos. Her eyes eye me up and down as I place my hand on her counter. Her eyes travel down to my fingers, disgust clearly spelt in her eyes. I clear my throat, "The nurse said I should get his pain killers." I say and she points left, her lips turned down in a frown.

I turn, my dreads whipping over my shoulder. "Oh, and before I forget," I say turning to her, I lean in, her eyes going wide. "They say it's rude to stare." I whisper and hold Austin's hand, walking away from her, holding in my laugh when I hear her gasp.

"You're such a troublemaker." Austin chuckles behind me and I smile, winking at him.


The twins and May crowd my car, their sweaty bodies corrupting the air, I'm pretty sure Austin is so glad that I didn't shove him in the back. Two hours at the dance studio will definitely do that to you, their hairs scattered, pulled out of the bun, sticking to their faces, you get the image.

"How was dance practice guys?" I tease, turning back to look at them. Temi groans, May snorts and Lola looks like she's already sleeping.

"Can we just get home, or to your condo, I'm pretty sure we need an ice bath." Temi cries, resting her head on May's shoulder.

"At your service, Miladies." I mock a salut, sliding the windows down. "Can we stop by Carrie's place to get some sweet croissants?" Austin asks, a hopeful look on his face.

"No, lover boy, now shut it."


After I'd dropped off the twins and taken May home, you know, they made me into a personal driver, I took Austin back to my condo. It's been a while since I've been back here, I offered for Macy and Adam to stay but they said they'll be leaving in a week.

I had just a week to spend with my besties.

Everyone else was going to England, where we'd have to share ourselves with our families, get into useless fights, play some stupid monopoly- don't get me wrong, I love monopoly- but honestly, I wouldn't accept if mom didn't convince me. And also if Gramma wasn't so strict about seeing her great grandchild.

To be sincere, I thought gramma's die before they get to see their great grand children.

Austin mentioned a few days ago that he's going to Italy with Kai and River to see River's family. Apparently, Kai has given the family a lot of heart attacks, from her DID. It's really sweet that they all still love her, even after she nearly killed someone.

I know I'd take for the hills. Some things just aren't meant for some people. We'd agreed on him going to Italy for a few maybe three weeks, and then he'd be back just before Christmas; Christmas Eve.

"Babe, can you feed me?" Austin asks in a sweet voice and I nearly roll my eyes at him. "You have a broken leg Austin, not a paralyzed body." I sigh but stand up still, walking to him and sitting down on the stool. I take his plate, feeding him the yams.

"I knew you were a good cook, but I don't think I've ever tasted yams this marvelous." Austin beams, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere Henderson, what do you want?"

His lips form a pout, an adorable kissable one that makes me narrow my eyes at him. "Well, there's this thing, that I want you to do with me, this thing shall not be mentioned to anyone and this thing shall be kept a secret until we're both ready to talk about this thing." He rushes, touching his two index fingers together and I drop the plate, crossing my hands with a gobsmacked look on my face.


"Get your mind out of the gutter Sweetheart, I just need to sneak in to my house and get some things from my mom's room." He says, rolling his eyes like it's no big deal.

"Why don't you just go get it? It's your house too." He laughs and shakes his head. "Uh, no darling. I am forbidden to take it but I really do need it and if anyone finds out and it leaks to my mom, I'm pretty sure I'll meet Usain Bolt soon." He grimaces and I give him an unimpressed look.

"Austin, Usain Bolt isn't dead." He pauses and his eyes widen. "I think I need to take down a tweet fast."


I pull my hair up, tightening my scrunchie around the locks, some fall down my face, framing it as my hands fall, flipping the pages of my old art book I found from highschool. Temi walks in, her eyes dark and her lips pursed. She sits next to me, scratching her brow and I close the book, turning to face her.

"What's up?"

It's been two weeks since Austin broke his leg, Adam and Macy had gone back to Canada. We had a great time for the last week they spent in San Diego, all of us had this weird outing to the beach at night, the water was freezing and all the boys got dared to go into it for ten minutes, it wasn't that bad.

Austin couldn't go though, because of his broken leg.

After that, there was a large broadcasting about some terrible news that had Temi shaking. Zayan was getting married to some other Arabian princess, Princess Aara Qaval Falaknaz bint Ayad.

Too much names I tell ya. She arrived a week ago and has been staying at Zayan's place. It has been a real hit on Temi's who since Zayan had pleaded with her not to make him start a real war between the Ayad and Asad family. She's been down ever since, trying to stop herself from barging into his house and demanding he tells his father the truth about him already being in love with her. Which he will do, but he just needs to get on the same page with Aara.

She's only been able to see him twice in the last week, and only when everyone was around. And no, we haven't met Princess Aara.

"I'm just worried, who knows if Aara or whatever she calls herself won't let Zayan be with me? Or what if he tells her and she tells her father and they draw war? Or what if his father still won't agree?" She wails, her brows furrowing deeper.

"I know that's not Temi talking, and I know that Zayan isn't dumb enough to let you go." I say and she licks her lip, closing her left eye with her hand, something she does a lot when she's stressed.

"If it makes you feel better, we can go over there now, you'll talk to him and you'll be better again." I say and she smiles. I grab my phone and my keys, walking out of the room with her, Lola looks up at us, standing up.

"Where are we going?" She asks as Temi grabs her slippers. "We're going to see Zayan, so he can calm Temi down." I explain, she shrugs, grabbing her own slippers. Austin is with Kai and River right now. "Chase, I'm going out!" I call and he hums back just as we step outside.

I walk to the car, unlocking it and getting in, when Temi and Lola get settled in, I ignite the engine, the soft him making me smile.

"Let's go see our prince in shining armour."


We'd gotten to Zayan's place about five minutes ago and I can swear that I've never seen Temi this chicken before. I swear she's literally just staring at the front door without moving or anything and Lola is starting to doze off.

"You know Temi, you've slept in this house lots of times, lived here for almost a month and now you're scared to go in just because another girl might be in there? Get your tiny behind out of my car and into that house before I smack you!" I growl and she closes her eyes.

"Stop pressuring me Ap, you know how violent I get when that happens." She breathes and holds the door handle. I roll my eyes, watching her inhale deeply and open the door, stepping down.

Lola mutters a finally and follows suit, then I step down, licking the car and walking up to the door.

Temi doesn't use the bell though, she unlocks it with the key and we all step inside. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out, checking to see a message from Ethan asking if babies liked kiwis.

Do I look like I've ever had a baby, I think not!

Temi opens a door and I look up, gasping as I take in the sight in front of me. "Oh, don't mind me, I just wanted to- hmm, carry on, pretend I was never here." Temi's voice comes out soft and cracked and I look away from Zayan and the princess to see Lola holding her twin.

She turns around, closing the door and walking to the couch and sitting down on it, curling herself up like a ball. "Hey, Temi," Lola softly calls but Temi just shuts her eyes. The door opens and Zayan is standing there with a mortified look on his face.

"Temi," He breathes, walking over to us with fast paces. Lola turns to glare at him and he looks down, "Temi." He calls again and she raises her head, opening her eyes. Her misty left eye welled up with tears as she cleans her right eye.

"I can explain." He mutters and I click my tongue, wrong thing to say bro. "No Zayan, no, you don't need to explain, you have a beautiful princess in my room that's ready to Marty you and I won't stop that so please, continue." She says, her eyes hardening as she looks up at him.

"It's not like that Temi, I swear." He whispers, his voice breaking slightly.

"Amyr Zayan, what's going on?" A soft voice calls, perfect nails and hands holding the door handle, she steps into view, her eyes like that of a beautiful topaz, hair down and a cloth covering her face. When she sees that we're only girls, she lets the cloth down, exposing her straight button nose and perfect lips.

You know how someone can outshine beauty, she just looks like that. The ultimate perfection. "Hello Princess Aara, I'm sorry for interrupting you and the prince, I'll be leaving soon." Temi says and closes her eyes.

"No Temi, it's not like that, I didn't mean to kiss her, I swear-" He says but he gets cut off by the princess walking up to Temi.

"Who is she to you Zayan? And do not dare lie to my face." For an Arabian princess, she sure does have a clear accent when she's speaking English.

"She's my girlfriend, she's the woman I love and live for Aara, I don't expect you to understand but I never wanted to marry you, my family is trying to get us together and I didn't know how I was going to tell you but-" She raises her hand up to him, silencing him and I could already feel the authority radiating off her. She turns to Temi, who has just been looking at them with a hard look.

"I am utterly sorry, if I had known he was already in love with someone else, I would never have kissed him, I swear. I also had to leave my heart back home, just because my father wished so, I do not want to take Zayan from you, I don't want to be here either, forgive me." She says and my mouth is left hanging. Temi blinks in surprise at her and a small smile tugs up Aara's lips.

"I forgive you, but not him just yet." Temi looks up at Zayan and he frowns but you could see the amusement in his eyes.

Never have I thought I'd see a princess that was nice enough to admit not wanting a prince. All the judgmental thoughts I had concerning Princess Aara has been completely wiped off. Like a transparent board wiped clean.

"Thank you, but for the meantime, I'll still have to stay here, we'll work our way out of this arranged marriage, but I need you to trust Zayan on this. I know it will be hard, harder than you will be able to show, but I'm not stopping you from seeing him, just not in public." Temi nods and smiles at her.

"And you, Zayan, I should slap you but I wouldn't want to hurt my nail, fix your relationship with her, or I will ruin you." Aara threatens and he gulps, nodding vigorously.

He kneels beside Temi just as Aara grabs my hand and Lola's hand. "Come, let's have a chat over some dates tea."

Okay, so I'm done with my exams, woohoo! Updates will hopefully be a little faster, and I'll try to make up for the past weeks I've missed.

Xoxo, t4girl

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