
A writer of damnation

Aiden was a writer. No more, no less. A writer who did not possess that great of a style, nor one who had a no-bound imagination. That's fine, though, because cliché is still good and can make money just fine, at least for a living of a single man with no hobbies other than reading novels.

Aiden was laying on the sofa, thinking hard about what to write, then immediately thought of a redundant plot: betrayal. The idea, as cliché and melodramatic as it sounded, was very effective to make readers cry-and they'll hate him, the writer, and hurl abuse at him, but wasn't that one of the joys of being a writer?

So he began to write, still laying on his back, with his laptop on his stomach.

"Lu Feng looked in disbelief, hoping that everything was but a dream. Because that way, his friends would still be joking around with him, and not looking at him like they wanted to rip him to shreds. He stared at their eyes, hoping to see a silver of true emotion within them-one that showed that they cared once, whether it was guilt, remorse, or even anger. But what was plastered in their faces instead was contempt mixed with jealousy. Jealousy he could understand, but hadn't he shared with them every treasure he found, even if he could keep them all to himself? He laughed bitterly, looking down on him so balantly now, was it because of his naivety or because he trusted them too much? He looked then at a fair figure amongst the crowd condemning him, the one he sacrificed everything for, so even her abandoned him... He began to laugh maniacally, the swords thrusting into his chest as tears silently streamed down his cheeks. He closed his eyes that were blurry because of blood loss, thinking amidst his daze:... so the family he thought he found and trusted with all his heart was just an illusion, right? He just wanted to sleep, as the truth was much cruder and harder than he thought, and he did, because no one was clinging to him and calling for him, not then and definitely not now. The abyss welcomed him into a suffocating embrace, but he felt relief instead as he was too tired. He the saw in front of him a younger version of himself, beaten and haggard, looking at him expectantly. He knew what the other wanted, but he couldn't obtain it even after sacrificing so much. So he crouched down, then hugged the little child tightly, looking at his past self who'd do anything for anyone, as long as they accepted and loved him. He could only say sorry, sorry for himself who didn't ask for much and wanted so little, yet still got nothing in the end. As if a dam was breaking, the two cried, one in a choked sobs, the other in unaudible whimpers, then closed their eyes simultaneously as they faded into oblivion. "

Aiden then closed his laptop in satisfaction after uploading the new chapter.

" Ahhh, finally done. "

He got up and stretched lazily, planning to order a takeout, when a mechanical voice sounded in his ears.

" Matching 0%...35%...78%..100%. Matching complete. We welcome the beta player Aiden Daizenford."


"Player Aiden?"

"Count me as dead."

"This system has ethics and can't do that."

"... So why did you pick me, when you can choose many extremely handsome, talented and intelligent beings all over the galaxy?"

"Because i target only writers like you."

"What's wrong with me? Look, I'm perfectly normal, there's no one as normal as I am!"

"This system doesn't believe you."

"But it's the truth!"

"This system doesn't have time to bicker with you."

"....So what are you?"

"I'm system" end of the damnation". You are the owner of the title" writer of damnation", so we should rescue your world as part of our mission. "

" Ahhhh so systems are so righteous these days and don't chase after points anymore! But what do I have to do with all this? "

"The blackening value of the male leads you created has reached unprecedent values 2 minutes ago, causing the world of the novels they're in to crumble because of their resentment towards the world as well as the world's creator-you. If you don't want to be killed, you should restore the peace and harmony of these worlds and reach a satisfactory ending for the protagonists. "

" Naaah, you're thinking too much, how can they reach my world to destroy it?

" Who told you to make them Op? This is all your fault, writer of damnation. Sign the agreement or die. "

" Whoa chill dude, I'll sign, I'll sign! "

Did he owe the world in his past reincarnation or something? If not, why would he be picked when there are so many who write angst better than him?