
2. The Unexpected Return

"Hey Chris... I love you...".

I wake up with tears in my eyes, "Anne...". I keep having dreams about Anne, though my mind is made up I going to move on with my life, without Anne that is...

I walked to school with Stella just like any other school day. "Chris, don't go home without me 'kay?" Stella reminds me before she enters her classroom. And my reply was "Yeah yeah... I got it you don't have to tell me everyday.". I sat down on my chair and this is what I get: "Chris why didn't you tell me you knew Stella?" Joseph asks me. "How should I know you liked Stella besides you didn't even tell me!" I replied angrily. Joseph then thinks then becomes quiet until our teacher Ms. Diaz finally enters the classroom for some announcements.

"Okay class for the announcements since the school festival is coming up next week you guys better start thinking of something your going to do, please discuss it with your class representative, Chris Anderson please help your classmates out. Second announcement three days from now there will be transfer student coming to this class and that's all the annoncements for today.".

Later that day...

"Yo Chris, Rick invited us to hangout at his place you down?" Joseph asks me. "Can't,I'm class rep. remember I gotta go to the meeting to discuss some things regarding the festival." I answered with a sigh.Suddenly I heard familiar voice "Hey Chris its almost time for the meeting, let's go." it was Stella holding her bag going toward me and Joseph. "Yeah let's get going Stella, see ya tommorow Joseph." I told them. As me and Stella were running toward the final corner I bumped into someone. "Sorry I'm gonna be late for a meeting, here let me help you up." I said then realized I bumped into a girl she then said "I'm sorry too I wasn't paying attention as I was walking.". The voice seemed familiar to me but once I heard Stella nearing the corner I helped the the girl up and went on running to the meeting room.

Three days went by in a flash...

It was time for homeroom again and Ms. Diaz said as a familiar figure walked in front "Meet the new transfer student." then I realized it was the girl I bumped into three days ago "I'm Anne Parker pleased to meet you." the girl said quietly. I was so surprised that a stood up and said "Anne?! Is that really you? I thought you were in your hometown". "Wait Chris? As in Chris Anderson?" she said cunfused.

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