
Changing their view

As i approach them, i took over the Holographic TV manual control, and said

"Sister, thing's are changing, not fast nor slow.", while i last checked before coming here, i saw that old electrical appliances stopped working for an unknown reason, and is said that newer appliances may also stop in the future.

i voiced out "TV Find appliance failure."

Tesla News: "We at Tesla laboratories discovered that old appliances that used low quality electrical connectors have mostly stopped working, and those that not are degrading too fast over time, a year of durability of before doesn't amount to a week of now."

Tesla News: "Tesla, is aware that today's modern appliances may be affected gradually over time, and we are prepared to research and manufacture thing's that will work regardless if you are in space, underwater, or on earth without any issues."

Sister: OMG, what is this.

Romantica: Crazy, how come nobody said that.

Me: Sis, this is nothing, if the world continue's like the potato god's says, then appliances would be the less of our problems, without appliances we would have to search for food, and protect ourselves, because the law would be no more.

(Yes, i think that if there were no more robocop's, i don't think it will be easy to migrate to the old police system of the last century early years).

Me: So i need you to order tons of food, some new Tesla products, and just in case thing's like knives, swords, and a crossbow.

Sister: Are you dumb?, don't you heard that tesla said that they will fix it, our contracted energy provider is Tesla, so they will fix it.

Romantica: Yeah, it couldn't be so bad could it?, also why you need weapon's are you gonna live in the beach?


(I got to carried a way to notice that dumb people wouldn't ever understand a genius like me)

Me: Well, doesn't matter, but buy food reserves and tesla thing's, otherwise thing's will turn ugly, Also don't bring any strange guy over here or you would stop being my sister.

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