
Adaptation with the Newfound Power

"Hohohohoho.... Look at this, now I'm quite OP. Though I need to stabilize my strength first. I don't want to end up like my predecessor Lee Jiwon who possess OP stats but can't utilize his strength well" said Itachi.

Now that Itachi thought, the reason Lee Jiwon become that useless in combat even with OP stats most likely because he's not stabilize his strength.

Building the foundation first is the most important thing everytime someone increase his/her strength.

This point is already being emphasized in numerous xianxia novel that Itachi often read in his previous life.

In the novel, Lee Jiwon reason for acting like a total noob even while he face mere minions is most likely because he's not consolidating his strength first.

After all, his stats has a jump from 20 to 220 to 1220 in each of his stats merely in days.

Think about it, he possess 1200 more in each stats but he can't even utilize it well.

It's like a baby trying to wield a hammer.

No, Lee Jiwon's actions is even worse than a baby since he can't even think or bother trying to consolidate his strength first after increasing his stats in rocket like manner.

"Well, thinking about it I really should thanking Lee Jiwon senpai, for his 'leading by example guidance'. Only bad example though" thought Itachi while he gaze toward a horizon.

His figure looks lonely and full of story like an experience expert, as though reminiscing his glorious past.

"As if!! Who am I trying to imitate here? Trying to look like immortal expert even though I'm merely have 18 years life experience. I even still virgin both in my previous world and this world. But no more! Once I consolidate my strength I'll summon an army of sexy kunoichi and kiss godbye to my virginity", said Itachi with determination.

After that, Itachi back to examine his status once again. He gain various passive ability thanks to this one year of training.

In addition to that, he also learn offensive skill though mostly taijutsu.

Itachi determined to only learn taijutsu for the time being until he can get used to fighting.

After all, in previous world he's merely a teenage boy who's never get involved in fighting.

Not to mention mastering taijutsu first will make his body very strong and make him possess solid foundation for his other skills in the future.

Though his main reason is so that he can last longer while having harem orgy with various sexy kunoichi in near future.

After all Itachi want to look manlier while pleasuring his girls.

Since he doesn't has any experience in sex, his technique will be no doubt subpar.

That's why he want to compensate his first time with manly body and dragon like stamina.

As for technique? Pft, just wait guys. As long as Itachi have a bit of experience, with his gamer ability he'll no doubt acquire various sex skills while he utilize all his limbs such as: nimble hands, agile tongue, precise feet, and even unlimited liquid. (what liquid?)

Itachi's mind once again wander in the realm of ero.

But before his face start to disgracefully showing his pervert side, his gamer's mind brought him to his usual cool face.

'Whew, this gamer's mind truly is godly skill. I don't want to disgrace my handsome face with a pervert appearance, or all ladies will avoid me' though Itachi in his mind.

Speaking of godly ability, Itachi start to focus to his newly acquired unknown ability that born from the mix of his three cheats.

It's all merely showing question mark before the word 'World'.

However seeing its explanation, Itachi became dumbfound.

After all, with this ability he will be able to make his own world.

'This world truly is a mix from my three cheats. Most likely Unlimited Blade Word is its foundation, since Unlimited Blade Word will allow me to form a domain like world in reality that formed from my inner world, though merely for short times'

'My gamer ability become its law, that govern the direction of this world's growth while making sure this world always have the possibilities to advance and evolve'

'Finally my Naruto system shop become the finishing touch. After all this cheat allow me to make anything out of thin air, wether an item or living beings. It'll allow me to literally bring lifes to my world'

In other words, for this world to born it's need Unlimited Blade Work ability as its skeleton, The Gamer ability as its blood, and finally Naruto System Shop as its flesh. Plus Itachi's soul as the vessel.

After contemplate the existance of his own world, Itachi trying to send his own physical body to his own world.

After that Itachi suddenly find himself in a very large plains.

There are only grass and a few trees here, but the atmosphere is quite cool so it's quite suitable as human habitat.

However numerous weapons of different shapes from sword, axe, halberd, spear, and many more scattered in the whole plains, making it look like the aftermath of battlefield.

"Haha, with this world I can have my own ultimate base. It'll be absolutely secured from prying eyes and also become my refuge in case I'm being hunted by very strong enemies" said Itachi.

This whole world is actually remind Itachi of a chinese novel where the MC can build a farm and husbandry in his own space. The space can even level up to slowly become true world.

'Does this mean this world also have level concept to grow?'

When Itachi though about such things suddenly a status screen appear in his eyes.

This status screen different from his personal status, since this status screen show Itachi the state of this world.

[???????? World's Status]

Current Stage: Tridonal (3D reality)

Next Stage: Tetradonal

Diameter: 3.000 km (Author: Btw, diameter of moon is 3.474 km)

Background: Basic Vegetation Plains

Number of Human: 1

Number of Animal: 0

Weather: 4 Seasons

*Other functions currently locked, please evolve the world to unlock them*

Note: Growth Stage for Worlds: Tridonal > Tetradonal > Pentadonal > Hexadonal > Otadonal (Current earth stage)

'Hmm, this world doesn't have any fiture aside from being habitable. Oh well, can't be greedy since this world is still in its infant stage' though Itachi.

"Oh yeah, I can place the Bijuu in here. With their ability to manipulate elements it'll make this world more lively. But first, I need to tidy all this weapon in one spot."

After that Itachi will the weapons that scattered across the plains to move and place them in one place near each other.

"Okay then, now that it's done, Summons!", shout Itachi while he stretch his hand like in a certain anime.

After that his bijuu from one tail to four tail appear in the plains.

"What is it? Enemy? I'll blast them with my bijudama" said Shukaku arrogantly.

"Oh, master for what you call us?" said Matatabi.

"I hope it's not a hassle" said Isobu lazily.

"Hmph, how can you keep being lazy in front our master? Master you can count on me even without these guys" said Son Goku valiantly.

"Alright guys, I'm not calling you here to kill enemies. Instead I want each of you to turn a part of this plains to your liking" said Itachi exasperately.

"This whole world is my world. Currently this world is quite small, about the same size as moon. However this world will be able to grow alongside with me and someday I will make it grow to become a higher plane"

All the Juubi's look around at the plains in amazement.

"Shukaku you can turn that area over there as your own desert. Matatabi, I hope you can make some kind of mountain range of volcano there. Isobu, make a vast lake at least and if possible make a sea at those area. Finally goku, you can make a woodland or forested area in this place since I want to build a villa here. I'll also help you by learning wood jutsu"

Before the Bijuus can complain Itachi interject at them.

"That's all, I'll not listen to your complain now so disperse to your assign location. Dismiss!" saying so Itachi vanish from his world and appear on earth.

'While those guys make their own nest I need to go to Korea for a bit in order to purchase unrivaled skill. If I'm not wrong Lee Jiwon can have 'Unrivaled' skill for free because he's able to enter the store for first time while at the same time a first deva on earth. It's more than two billions skill for free. Once I manage to get it, I'll consolidate my strength in my own world before thinking of going to dungeon' thought Itachi.

After that Itachi go to airport and take a flight to Korea.

-Time Skip: 2 month-

After Itachi manage to get his hands on Unrivaled skill for free he enter his own world to stabilize his strength.

In the future Itachi most likely will not enter the store in Korea again since he don't want managers from other deva stores to target him for the time being.

After all, gaining strength first is the most important for him.

Besides his strength is far too weak compare those of higher beings, after all a mere maid from Korea's deva store possess level more than 2000 and will be able to one slap him to death.

Though the time for Itachi to consolidate his strength is too long.

It can't be helped though, after all before using unrivaled skill he possess stats that range from 350 to 410. With this stats in several hundreds he only need a bit more than a week to get used to his strength.

However after that Itachi used Unrivaled skill that give additional stats of 1000 to each of his stats.

He need almost two month to consolidate his strength.

If not for his high wisdom most likely Itachi will need more time in order to get used to this sudden strength gain, possibly one year.

Sometimes Itachi even having spar with other Bijuu in order to get used to fighting and consolidated his strength faster.

Right now, it's already more than two month after Itachi become a deva.

Currently he has a very dignified face as though facing his old nemesis.

The truth? His mind is actually like this:

'Right now my remaining golden rings are 12.910.450.000 GR. Guhehehehe, which kunoichi that I'll pick? Of course I should summon at least 4 females kunoichi. I want my first time to be memorable so I'll go all out with harem orgy' though Itachi shamelessly in his mind.

Will our MC finally manage to graduate from his virginity? stay tune for next chapter.

Btw I need to reread my Ero collection in order to write next chapter, so please give me your suggestion about who're the females character that MC will summoned...

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