
My Adventurer Test

"Good morning, are you the coach?" I asked the man who stood on the sideline of the training ground.

"Morning, young man. Yes, I am the coach. Now please show me your skill, one by one. So, who is the first one?" said the coach with burning passion.

Zelta smiled at me and said, "Let me go first, Al."

"Why should I let you go first, Zelta?" I answered, annoyed.

"Because I am a girl and there is a saying, 'ladies first,'" said Zelta, giggling.

"OK, fine," said Al, with a sullen face.

Zelta went to the training ground with the coach.

"Before we start, please introduce yourself, young lady," said the coach, looking at Zelta.

"My name is Zelta, and I'm 16 years old," said Zelta, looking at the coach.

"Then what kind of skill do you want to show me, young lady?" said the coach.

Zelta took some fruits from her bag and made juice with them. After making the juice, she gave it to the coach. The coach picked up a magic monocle and said, "Analyze."

"What an amazing drink! For a newbie like you," said the coach after seeing the drink made by Zelta through his magic monocle.

Zelta went to the weapon rack and saw some basic elemental weapons. She picked up the light sword, and then the coach asked, "Don't you use the shield too?"

"No, I don't use a shield. I love this fighting style," said Zelta confidently.

"Ho ho, I see something rare here. The only sword user. Prove your confidence to me," the coach said out loud.

Zelta began running around the coach at high speed and thrust her sword at him. I was shocked when I saw Zelta move so fast because I had never seen her do that before.

The coach easily blocked Zelta's thrust with his sword, which took me by surprise. I started to think that this coach was not a normal coach. They clashed their swords for a 30-minute fight. Zelta held her sword with two hands, pointed it to the sky, and said, "I activated [sword skill: Light Slash]" in a loud voice. Then Zelta swung her sword from afar at the coach, and a light shot directly at him. However, the coach slashed back at the light directed towards him, and the light slash disappeared. I didn't even blink at that moment. I started to think, "How can my childhood friend be so strong?"

The other thing that disturbed my mind was how the coach could slash back and make the light slash disappear so easily. After her light slash failed, Zelta started running again, but the coach said, "Enough, you have passed."

Zelta starts smiling and says, "Thank you, coach." She leaves the training ground and comes to me. I say, "Congratulations, Zelta." She replies, "Thanks, Al. I hope you can pass too, Al." I say, "Thank you, Zelta."

I arrive at the training ground and the coach says, "Introduce yourself first, young man."

"I am Al, 16 years old."

"What skill do you want to show me, young man?" asked the coach.

I start to rummage through my bag for some cooking tools and then proceed to make a salad and a fruit and vegetable drink. After finishing, I serve them to the coach. The coach picks up his magic monocle and says, "Analyze." After he sees the salad and drink that I made, he says, "Good."

"Do you master any battle skills?" the coach asks me.

"Sorry, but I don't master any battle skills," I reply.

"Really? Then I am sorry because I cannot pass you," the coach says, leaving me

"Everything is well, but as an adventurer, you must have battle skills to protect yourself. I can't let you pass because I'm worried that you will die during the quest. Sorry, young man," said the coach, holding Al's shoulder.

"I can be a support with the food and drink that I made," I answered in a panic.

"Listen here, brat! Even if you can do the quest together with your party, there is a task you must do alone to support your party in clearing the quest. One person can't handle all the quests. If you just make food and drinks, it only gives them a buff, and I am sure everyone can cook simple buff food and drink," the coach said out loud.

Al leaves the training ground with a sorrowful expression.

"Zelta, you can take the bronze badge as an adventurer in the receptionist," said the coach, looking at Zelta who is sitting on the bench.

"OK, coach. Thank you," said Zelta, looking at the coach in the training ground.

Zelta looks at me and comes to me. She says optimistically, "Cheer up, Al! I will help you master a sword skill." I see her face, then I smile and reply in a low voice, "Thanks for your support, Zelta."

We leave the training ground then enter the guild and take seats. We take Zelta's bronze bedge to the recepcionist and recepcionist says "Congratulation", Zelta says "Thank you".

We sit in the guild and I order an avocado juice and Zelta orders an orange juice and a salad also Zelta asks me "Why I didn't order food?", I reply with a languid face "I am not hungry". "Don't be sad Al, I will help you to master a sword skill" said Zelta who tries to cheer me "Thank you Zelta, but I don't know where shall I learn sword skill?" said me with bowed head "You are right Al. I am not enough good at teaching a person" said Zelta, looking at me For a while, we are silent and think about where we will go to learn sword skill. Then suddenly Zelta says optimistically "Let's go to school. They must have a sword teacher".

When I see Zelta's expression and her eyes. She is very confident and passionate. It makes me realize that I have to get out of this slump then I say "Yes, you are right. Let's sleep because tomorrow we will go to the school, Zelta"

We go to the restroom on the second floor. In the guild's bedroom. When We open the room's door I sees 1 double bed and 1 wooden chair with 1 wooden table and elemental light.

"Wow, the room is enough small" I said while looking around the room

"Maybe because they must make much room for other adventurers" said Zelta holding my hand and entering the room. Zelta lays in the bed and I sit on a wooden chair.

"Al, why you don't sleep now? I think you need to take a rest early" said Zelta who laying in the bed and looks at me in the chair "You can sleep first if you want, Zelta. I want to write a diary before sleep"

I said while looking at my diary and thinking about what shall I write in the diary.

"I will wait for you Al" said Zelta with a soft voice.

I write

"Today maybe my effort is not enough good because I am fail. I am sorry Lex, Lexy because I am not enough good as onii-chan but this onii-chan still not give up yet for both of you. Lex, Lexy please wish me luck. I love both of you". After wrote the diary I lay beside Zelta.

"Are women always smell so nice like Zelta?" I wondered to myself, taking in her pleasant fragrance as we slept back-to-back.

"No, I'm still waiting for you, Al," Zelta replied softly, her voice as beautiful as ever.

I thanked her for waiting and suggested she should sleep soon since we had a busy day ahead. Soon after, I drifted off to sleep, unaware of Zelta's thoughts.

But then, suddenly, Zelta spoke up again. "Hey Al, I do like you," she confessed.

In her heart, Zelta wondered why I didn't answer. But a few moments later, she realized that I was already asleep and softly snoring.

Zelta continued to watch me as I slept and thought to herself. "Al, you smell so good. It must be your hair, which is so soft and straight. You look like a baby when you sleep, and I love your white skin and slim body. Your black eyes and kind heart make you even more lovable, but I know it's not just that. I love you because you're Al."

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