
Luck's Past (10)

Joker, a boy of the same age as Volta, captured attention with his distinctive appearance. His bangs framed his face, giving him a youthful and slightly mischievous look. However, it was his short, straight white hair that truly stood out, creating a striking contrast against his bright blue eyes and fair complexion.

Dressed in a vibrant red shirt, Joker seemed to embody an aura of liveliness and enthusiasm. The color choice not only accentuated his energetic personality but also made him easily noticeable in a crowd. His long pants completed the outfit, offering a sense of casual comfort while allowing him freedom of movement.

Joker's attire, coupled with his unique hairstyle and piercing blue eyes, contributed to his overall charismatic presence. He radiated a playful energy, leaving an impression of someone who enjoys embracing life's adventures and approaching situations with a sense of fun.

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