
The World of Worlds

A crossover upon crossover, the universe constantly expanding and updating. What'll come next, who knows? ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Worlds so far: [Incredibles] Yeah so this is a massive crossover which requires much thinking from myself, thus it will take time. Yeah, be patient, and after a few years, who knows, it might work out. This book is in the process of being rewritten again. I do not own anything, but my own ideas and original characters, everything else belongs to their respective owners. Join my Discord server if you wish to revive it: https://discord.gg/awevXYU I won't upload regularly because I got an education to complete, and I overthink way too many stuff about this book.

Slammeron01 · Anime & Comics
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So I lost the idea of what I as doing in this version, going to write a new one, will focus more on character and power development first.