
The fight of epic

Xplo was now prepared he practiced 10 months now he was full ready to defeat algorithi.

His skill points were 5550 Because Xplo practiced 10 months

He went in his journey

He walked so much because there was no vehicles In that world

Finally he reached that place where algorithi the place was fully changed there was so many schools.

All school were rolled by algorithi

Xplo met algorithi

And algorithi was not shocked because he can know the future

Algorithi ability was to know the future

Algorithi said hii to Xplo

Algorithi said

(Hello Xplo met you after a long time you know my ability

So I don't need to say anything

I know you came to fight with me

Ok ok you know my abilitys how will you fight me Mr noob)

Xplo said

(Hooo so Mr bot I want to say I know you have a system you can check my ability and This Xplo is now changed you can't beat me Mr bot)

Algorithi got angry and said

(You noob do you know about me check my ability by your system)

Xplo checked

Algorithi ability:

Strength- 300 ADVANCED

Defence-1000level 10max normal

Agility-100level 1normal

Xplo really got shocked but he said

(So Mr noob I really say your so strong but I know you can't defeat

Me because I have more skill than yours and a true gamer never loses)

Algorithi and Xplo were ready to match.

The match started and algorithi

Combined green ceal and various punch from that various punch power comes in green ceal

But Xplo used his unique skill from which all the weapons around it started attacking algorithi

From that algorithi got blasted but suddenly he took all the gases from which blast was

And all the gases went inside him

And his health got full.

Now he used another crash from which there was a big earthquake but algorithi was fully fine but Xplo was damaged from that and he was now gaming to lost the match

They fought for hours but finally Xplo did his most powerful attck Goheat and then algorithi was fully changed his health came under 50 and Xplo made him hotfly then he

Smashed him in ground he defeat

Algorithi and now he was much stronger.


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