
Enro Venaar

In some quite quaint town named Veritas lives a boy who is named Enro Venaar. This boy was born into a family whose Calling was in the farming industry. Enro is plowing the hard dried soil. With every swing, a little sweat would drip down his face in the heat of the noon sun. Soon his afternoon work was done. Enro had a friend named Selica she was a lovely girl. Selica worked the farms alongside with Enro, they were extremely close friends who you could say would never be apart in this world. "Ok, let's go inside and get some dinner!" Enro shouted across the field to Selica.

The fragrance in the room was astounding, the smell of freshly baked bread and roasted chicken with mashed potatoes. The darkly stained oak table with 8 chairs of the matching color. Enros mother was setting up the table with silverware and ceramic plates and cups. "Now go wash yourselves off before you come to the table," Enro's mom said from the other of the room. After dinner, the field work flew at the speed of light when Enro finally noticed the sun we setting he went inside to head for bed to have enough rest for the Calling.

Enro woke up. The room filled with light as Enro opened his blinds. His dusty room was cluttered with junk and random metals. His bed was all ways unmade and most likely had something on it. He opened his drawer it creaked open with splinters lining the inside. He changed into his formal attire for the Calling. The Calling ceremony is one of the most critical events in a child's life. At the age of twelve, a child can take the Calling in which that child's attributes are displayed and is given the job of what is most compatible. Although they get a job, they can decide to take another if they someday somehow meet the requirements of a job change.

With excitement and adrenaline in his blood, he rushed out of his bedroom's door. Told his mom goodbye and gave her a wave. The mist covered grass waved in the wind. Enro's mom gave him a wave before he closed the door behind him. The fields were currently being worked by his older brothers and father. The brown and tan rocky path crunched and moved underneath Enro's feet as he ran down the hillside. Selica was already on her way to the Cathedral where the Grand Magicum Academy was conducting the Calling.

She had beautiful light brown hair which was currently being carried in the wind like a leaf in the wind. "Hey Enro how are you doing" he called out to him. "I'm really excited for the calling, but I couldn't sleep due to that stupid storm last night," he replied. "Wait there was a storm yesterday night?" she questioned him. At the center of the town, the Cathedral dwarfed all the other buildings with it's stone and glass construction. Two hooded men were outside the door to check your age. The mysterious man stretched out his hand motioning Enro to hold out his arm to verify his age. He used Magicum to look at his arm bones to see if Enro was eligible for the calling ceremony. Although there are a few exceptions to the age rule that is only worthy of powerful kids.

Rows on rows of pews scattered with kids at or above the age of twelve filled the room. Immediately Enro noticed the rich kid of the town named Justin with dark short hair brown eyes and a silk suit. Enro and Selica sat next to each other towards the back of the pews chatting away.

A lady walked up to the center of the podium "Ok listen up kids, I'm going to call out your name, and you are going to come up and force energy into this magicum crystal." she said to everyone. "Justin!" she yelled out. Justin walked up on to the podium with a massive grin on his face. "Just you wait, Enro I'm going to get mage!" Justin pointed at me as he said that.

Justin reached for the mystical orb lying on the old rustic dark oak table atop the podium. As Justin's hands grasped the orb, a bright red glow emitted from it. The red light was like a fire burning the air heating the room to an uncomfortable level. Shouts of joy came from the fellow rich snobs, gasps cames from everyone. "F...f... Fire! Your affinity is fire!" the Magicum representative announced to Justin." your Calling is a low-class mage." she said to Justin. "Ha! I told you Enro I'm a mage! You can suck it!" he shouted at Enro. Enro shrugged at this shrewd comment.

A few more people come up mostly not having anything special mostly water and no affinity people. "Selica!" shouted the representative she got up and high fived me before walking to the podium. It felt like the hair went still as she stepped onto the podium. She slowly put her hands on the magicum orb. A bright blinding light pierced the air with a cold sensation along with it. Enro along with everyone else shivered to the piercing cold. In shock, everyone gasps at the dual affinity of Selica "I...i...ic...Ice a..an...and light!" the representative shockingly gasped at. The room went dead silent. Selica was shocked to the core. Having one affinity was rare enough, but two was almost unthinkable. Stumbled down the stairs Selica made her way back to where Enro sat. Enro with a star-struck face congratulated Selica on her dual affinity. After numerous more people, the representative finally announced "Enro!" to the stage.

Enro walked up the stairs to greet the representative, but she dismissed this gesture. Enro slowly put his hand on the foggy but clear orb. Nothing happened no intense heat no piercing cold no blinding light. He could clearly see his attributes and job

Level: Black Stage 1

Strength: 3

Agility: 1

Defense: 1

Intelligence: 3

Magic: 0

Job: Farmer.

"Hmmm, I've never seen someone with zero magic, you must really be talentless," she said to Enro. Everyone laughed at her comment. Enro looked in the direction of Selica, she held her head down woefully. He walked off the stage. "ah come on Selica don't worry about me, I'll be fine" he said with a bright smile on his face.

Stepping outside of the Cathedral the Grand magicum academy was handing out scholarships and advertisements. Selica was delightfully handed a golden card. On the card it said full ride scholarship "congrats Selica looks like you're going to GMA" he said to Selica "aha... I guess you're right" she said while nervously laughing. Black cards are an invitation to GMA. Red cards are quarter scholarship blue is half and gold is full. "The next semester starts in 3 weeks you need to try to come." Selica begged Enro replied to her saying "I'll try." Rushing back to his little house with plenty of lands. Barging into the door rushing up the stairs broke open his door and plopped on his bed and started to cry.

hey guys and gals this shameless author is back at it with another chapter to this interesting story.

oh man, hit over 1k words on this chapter!

PS don't expect many updates to this book as I have to work and other things that life gets in the way

EnderTarguscreators' thoughts
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