
I'm Finally Here

A/N: Hey...It's me! I have risen from the dead after so long to bring this new story. I want to apologize to anyone that was a fan, but a lot of things happened 2 years ago.

I won't go into the specifics, but I am back and decided to create a different Pokémon story.

Tell me in the comments what you think and tell me what you would like to see in the future.

Anyway, if you see any mistakes then don't be afraid to let me know!



The first thing that I remembered was the fact that I was falling.

From where?

I have no clue, but it was happening right in front of my eyes.


The wind was loud, so loud that I could barely think which was a miracle given my strange situation.

Soon after, my eyes opened. Of course, it was hard to see without them tearing up, but I could finally see what I was falling to.

An ocean.

A great wide ocean that stretched further than any person could humanly see. It was a stunning blue, and the sun just beyond the horizon shined its light upon it, making it one of the most beautiful sights I have ever laid eyes upon.

One would think that I'd be screaming at the top of my lungs with death so near, but I was calm and collected.

"Hahahaha!" Out of nowhere, I started to laugh like a child who was playing at a playground. It was strange, and yet I felt extremely happy as if a dream had finally come true.

"I'm finally here..."

Soon after the realization, I immediately swiped downward with my right hand like I was dismissing someone and soon an oddly familiar blue screen appeared in front of me.


Name: Issac Augustine

Age: 17

PT Lvl: 0

Str - 6

Agi - 4

Vit - 10

Int - 6 (???)

Luk - #%&%@

Item Space: 2/10

Personal Skill: Soul Dive

Soul Dive Lvl 1: Allows the user to draw out the potential of Pokémon. The chance of success is 10%. If the attempt has failed then the user is unable to try again on the same Pokémon.


I wasn't aware that this was the first time I'd seen this screen, but I moved through it like I have thousands of times.

My finger quickly swipes through the options, eventually, opening the item space which showed a screen with 10 slots with two of them filled. One slot showed a picture of a present with the words 'Beginner Package' and the other...showed a picture of a motorbike.

'As much ad it would be cool to ride one in the air...it's not going to help me. Hopefully, there's something in the package!' I frowned as I clicked the present. Shortly after, five other slots of the item space were filled.


10X Pokéballs

1 Pokédex

1 Pouch of Pokédollars (5,000)

1 Trainer Outfit

1 Ticket to Viridian City (Instant)


"It seems luck is on my side today!" I laughed as I pressed for the ticket. Immediately after pressing, a small rainbow-colored piece of paper entered my hands with the words 'Viridian City' written on it.

After admiring it for a bit, I rip the ticket in half just as I was surrounded by a blinding blue light unaware of the curious and watchful eyes of a strange creature.


Outskirts Of Viridian CIty.

As soon as the blinding light disappeared, I found myself standing outside of a massive city. It was a bit bizarre seeing a city this size surrounded by forests, but it did give it some sort of charm.

The air smelt great and I greedily breathed it in as I check over myself.

"Oh, I'm naked."

It never occurred to me that I had no clothes on, but luckily I noticed before anyone got a good look at me. I quickly press for my trainer outfit in my item space, and my once naked body was covered with fresh and stylish clothes.

The outfit was a purple hooded jumpsuit with the words 'POKEMON TRAINER' written down in yellow on the left sleeve. The suit came a bit short, showing my caramel-skinned legs several inches under my knee.

My shoes were also purple with black trim which match my surprisingly soft undershirt. The outfit also came with a backpack which I quickly learned was linked to my Item Space.

"Neat," I muttered.

After putting on my backpack, I took out my Pokédex which really looked like a futuristic smartphone with 3D capabilities. I learn that last part by playing around with it and finding my trainer ID.

"I'm pretty good-looking," I smirked while looking at a small 3D version of myself or at least I figured. The image was that of a young man with short red hair; The hair was spikey and full of life, making one want to play with them like a curious child. His body was rather thin, but not enough to be called skinny which was perfect.

The man looked elegant and foreign, especially with his sharp golden-yellow eyes and flawless sun-kissed skin. He looked like he could be a renowned actor or praised model if he really applied himself.

"This...this is me?" I studied the image trying to familiarize myself with it. Of course, I needed a mirror to really tell, but I wasn't going to find one around here.

"Hmm..." As I stared at the image, I started to think.

What was I doing here?

It was like I knew everything and nothing at all, at the same time.

The system and even the city seemed familiar to me, but somehow I felt like...I shouldn't be here.

"Ow!" A sudden surge of pain hits my head, thankfully it only lasted for a second, but I did feel better afterward.

"Ah~ It's probably nothing...so I won't worry about it! Let's get this journey started!" I shouted before dashing into the city.


The city was a lot bigger inside than on the outside. Seeing the tall industrial buildings loom over me felt a bit suffocating, but there was enough open space and fresh air to keep me calm. Viridian City seemed like nature as much as they liked modern society as it was a mixture of both. Homes and Businesses were built around the forest, keeping most of it intact.

It was sort of surreal but in a good way.

There was quite a bit of small Pokémon in the area like Pidgey and Rattata, but for the most part, there weren't a lot of wild Pokémon running around.


Suddenly, I felt my stomach growl at me which means it was time to grab something to eat.

And so I stopped someone to ask for a good place to eat.

"Oh, what is it, young man?" The person I happened to stop was a beautiful young woman. She had teal-colored hair, stunning amber eyes, and a body that I couldn't help but take a few seconds more to admire. She was wearing what looked to be a blue uniform, making her look quite official.

However, one look at her hat and I finally realized that this...this was Officer Jenny. I always thought it was strange how they could have cousins that all looked the same, but it wasn't something I wanted to look into at the moment.

"I'm sorry to bother you like this, but is there a good place to eat around here?" I politely asked with a smile.

Officer Jenny was of course a little suspicious of me at first, but after the question and smile, she seemed to visibly relax.

"Yeah." She nodded. "You're actually not too far from a good place. It's called Sera's Grill and I'm sure you'll find something there to fill your poor stomach."

She added that last part after hearing my stomach growl again which was a bit embarrassing, but seeing her flash a smile lifted my spirits.

"Thanks, Officer Jenny!" I shouted as I dashed towards the restaurant after getting directions; My stomach could not wait any longer.

"Now to get back to my post. Can't let anything bad happen to this city on my watch! But I wonder...have I seen that man before?" Officer Jenny wondered before walking away.


"A short walk and a left turn and...Aha!"

In front of me was a rather tiny building with a 'Sera's Grill' sign on the front. The building was sandwiched between two other buildings, making it seem quite cozy. There were large windows that allowed me to see inside, and what I saw were people sitting down and enjoying food, predominately burgers.

Seeing those made my mouth water and I immediately rushed in to order, but not without withdrawing my pouch of money.

The process was simple. I simply ordered at the cash register they had near the back and then they placed me at a table to wait for my food.

"Hopefully it doesn't take too long. I'm starving." I grumbled as I laid my head on the clean table. I was put close to the windows so I could see outside.

Today was quite beautiful and sunny, one of those days where people wished they were outside to enjoy it. Of course, I plan to properly enjoy it after I get my stomach situation fixed.

As I was waiting on my food, I suddenly spotted a pair of eyes that seemed to be trained on me. I figured out it was looking at me because it followed my head whenever I moved it.

'Is it interested in me?' I couldn't help but smile at the thought as the culprit happened to be a fox, a cute brown fox to be exact.

It was an Eevee.

The little thing looked as if it had been digging around in the trash as there was a banana peel placed comically on its head. Eevee had been hungry and looked for something to eat in the nearby trash bin, but then suddenly, it spotted me.

My food had come by during our intense staring, and Immediately I grabbed a to-go box and headed outside to formally meet the little guy.

Seeing me approach, the Eevee grew afraid and stepped back cautiously. It didn't have too many good meetings with humans, so it had a right to be on guard. However, anticipating this, I carefully lower myself to the ground, making myself less of a threat.

Although the Eevee had a mistrust of humans, it seemed to have a good impression of me.

"Hey, there little guy." I soften my voice as near the fox, however, it seemed to have taken offense to this and stomped its little feet in protest.

"Eevee!" The brown fox shouted.

"Oh...you're a girl. Well, excuse me, princess." I joked. I didn't know where I got that last part, but I thought it was funny.

Eevee didn't seem to like though as she stomped her little paws on the ground once again. Pokémon were a lot smarter than people think, and this Eevee seemed to understand the difference between a good and bad joke.

"Haha..." I awkwardly laugh at the failure of my jest, but I continue to be friendly with the Eevee. I started to unravel one of the wrappers of the burger I bought and Immediately my nose was assaulted with the smell of grilled juicy goodness.

The smell of cooked seasoned meat brought the Eevee closer to me, so close that it even started to take a bite out of it.

"You really are a princess. I didn't even say I was going to share." I wryly smiled as the Eevee continued to eat the burger from my hand. I had two more, but it still hurts to see one disappear.

Quite a few eyes were on me now, but I simply Ignored them and had my meal on the dirty concrete with my first friend.


After everything was finished, Eevee didn't want to leave my side. It was cute seeing the little Pokémon attached to my foot as I walked the streets of Viridian City, but then I made an executive decision.

"Eevee, how about you join me on my journey? I'm not completely sure what I want to do yet, but I would love for you to come along." I sincerely said.

I was prepared to wait, but It didn't even take Eevee a second to make her decision as she immediately jumped into my arms.

"Oh, you were going to come regardless weren't you?" I couldn't help but smile as the little thing rubbed her furry face against mine. Eevee was still dirty, but it was the furthest from my mind at the moment.

"Well...welcome to the team Eevee."

"Eevee!" The little fox nodded excitedly.


Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Current Mood: Happy

Ability: Anticipation (???)

Move Set: Growl, Tackle, Charm, Covet


Next chapter