

"You're up?" Gwen opened her eyes to Alex's words and saw Alex sitting on her study desk as he looked at her. She noticed the curtains having been drawn away as the morning sunlight shone through the room, illuminating every corner.

Gwen groaned a little as she felt the sun hitting her eyes, "What happened?" She asked while turning around to lay on her back so that the sun wouldn't directly shine on her eyes. A hiss escaped her mouth, "Why's my butt stinging so much?" She had to turn to the side again, "Did you spank alter me?" She looked at him with blame in her eyes.

"She asked," Alex said with a smile as he admired her nude body and cute expression while she looked like a literal goddess who was being illuminated by the sun, "I had full consent to do what I did."

She raised a brow and looked at him suspiciously while rubbing her butt. After a few seconds, "Did she cause any problems?" She asked him with a slightly guilty expression on her face.

"Burned a few notes," Alex said, "Nothing too important, I made backups of everything. Come here." He gestured to her.

Gwen shrugged and got off of the bed before walking to him and sitting in his lap, "What?" She asked.

"She's not your fault," Alex said, "She came to be because of me."

"Yeah yeah, you have a huge secret that will make me completely despise you for all of my life. I'd rather not know about it," She said while nestling her face into his neck and straddling him as she wrapped her arms around his torso.

They both sat in their places for a few seconds as Alex gently traced his knuckles along Gwen's spine, "So..." Alex seemed to have something on his mind.

"Yeah?" Gwen prompted him to go on while enjoying his light caress.

"I have a way to really accelerate the Time of the Gaia Federation cluster," Alex said, "But I need a medium to channel Time Authority before I can get anything done."

"Back up a little," Gwen blinked a few times, pulling back from his neck and looking into his eyes, "Explain the situation to me from the start."

"Oh... um, sure," Alex took a moment to think before saying, "I won't go too deep into it, but the universe has six major authorities that came to be right as the big bang happened, they are Power, Space, Time, Reality, Soul and Mind. There are many other aspects too, but these are the six most fundamental authorities that make up the fabric of reality itself. You getting it?"

"I think so," Gwen said, "And you have access to the Time Authority?"

"And Mind Authority," Alex said, "There's a whole thing going..." Alex took a couple of minutes to explain to Gwen the whole concept of the Infinity Stones and how they each allow him to access a fundamental authority within the universe.

"Any questions?" He asked.

"So you need the Power Stone to be able to use the Time Stone to its fullest because it has a limited energy capacity?" She asked. She'd changed her position and was sitting sideways on Alex's lap with one arm around his neck for support as she leaned her head on his chest, making him raise his head higher to let her rest her head on his sternum.

"I also need the Space Stone," He said while rubbing her back lightly, "Peak time manipulation cannot be done without altering Spacetime."

"And what exactly does this have to do with manipulating the time of the Gaia Cluster?" She asked before shuffling again and trying to make herself more comfortable. Her actions undoubtedly caused her butt to constantly rub against Alex's crotch repeatedly.

"I need some kind of medium that can amplify and spread the authority through the entire cluster without me having to use the kind of energy that would deplete the stone within a couple of days." Alex said, "Currently, as far as my estimates go, without a medium, I can speed up time such that seventeen days pass in undistorted space while around seven months pass inside the cluster's shields. If I factor in the current temporal distortion of three Gaia days to one 'space day', we can have almost twenty-one months, maybe two years if I push it."

Gwen went silent for a few seconds, thinking about Alex's requirements. She seemed to still not be comfortable enough and shuffled around a little more before saying, "The temporal distortion that is induced by the messed up gravity has always been very unstable, we can go from the three-to-one ratio for Gaia and space days, as you call it, to half-to-one within a matter of hours. So we need to factor those changes in too."

Alex wasn't going to stay completely passive and brought his free hand to Gwen's thigh, slowly creeping toward her pussy with light gentle strokes along her inner thigh.

"I should probably be able to freeze those distortions to a single point, but it will, without a doubt, dip how long I can accelerate the time." Alex said, "From the initial seventeen days, I'll probably drop to ten days. You can do the math. This is all considering that the entities who are being enveloped within the domain are all normal un-superpowered humans. If we run into some special abnormal, that will without a doubt dip things significantly."

"How much time do you really need?" Gwen asked Alex while looking into his eyes, "Two years sounds like a long time to work on my alter ego who already seems to be getting receptive to you." She moved once again as Alex's fingers made contact with her slit, slowly rubbing her labia. Her expression grew a little hazy from his actions and she shuffled once again, slightly spreading her legs to allow him better access.

Alex had been barely holding his erection back as Gwen kept rubbing herself on his lap as if trying her best to seduce him, "That's because I also want to accelerate the development of both planets to an extreme extent. Which cannot be done without a significant amount of time," He said, "Remember our other project? Generating Cosmic Energy through the prosperity and destruction of life? I need that energy. Once we can start collecting it, I should be able to amplify my use of the Time authority by many magnitudes."

"Ugh!" Gwen groaned just as Alex decided to push her down on the bed and give her what she was so desperately vying for, "So much work. I want a break just thinking about these things." She just got off of his lap after essentially spending the past ten minutes grinding on him and moved back to the bed, "I'm taking a nap, wake me up in an hour or so." She wrapped herself in the blanket and closed her eyes, leaving Alex stunned.

"What's the date today..." He spoke to himself blankly, "I can never keep track of time anymore."

"Alex, come into bed this instant," Gwen said poutily, "I'm uncomfortable."

"Yep, she's moody again," Alex mumbled to himself before slipping under the blanket with Gwen before hugging her. He also formed a comfortable set of clothes over her body since she wasn't as comfortable sleeping naked during her 'downtime'.

"Mm~" She smiled happily as she pushed her face into his neck, hugging him back and putting one leg on top of him.

'Should I just take care of it on my terms?' Alex thought absently as he felt Gwen rubbing herself on him without having any intention of having sex. She was just going through her motions and Alex let her, 'Not having to go through menstruation regularly should be a lucrative idea... But do I want to alter their bodies in such a way? Not to mention that I'd have to put it back to normal eventually.'

Alex turned to his side and looked at Gwen's expression which didn't seem to be fully at peace, but she seemed to have settled down by now and was happily snuggling with him. 'Forget it, they'll ask me when they decide that it's too much trouble to spend immortality going through this every month for an entire week ...


Gwen and Alex spent the next few days cooped up in Gwen's lab as Gwen analyzed the Time Stone's authority as best as she could. Since it was impossible to contain it, she had to work with a lot of guesswork, not to mention the presence of Alter Gwen who would pop out every once in a while and throw a wrench in their work.

After an initial outburst where she would try to destroy whatever she could before Alex suppressed her, she usually just stayed quiet, not giving him a chance to do anything anymore. The previous spanking had deeply impacted her and although she was still showing extreme resistance outwardly, inwardly, she was in a state of disarray.

A week passed as they continued working on the Time Stone.

"All right, with intricate control over the shield's force, we can stabilize the effects of surrounding gravity that are affecting the gravitational field of the cluster. We can also amplify the effects of your Time authority in the same manner. You only need to rapidly accelerate time around the main reactor. The modifications to the shield generator should take a little more than a few hours with everyone working together." Gwen told Alex with a hint of fatigue in her tone, "We should be done with everything within twenty-four hours."

"You're awesome," Alex said with an appreciative smile.

"You helped too," She said, "Without you, I'd have had to refer to a lot of books."

Alex looked at her blankly for a few seconds, "I can't tell if that's a dig or not ..."

Gwen smiled cheekily and kissed his cheek, "I'll convey the instructions to the team. Work with them, okay?" She didn't wait for his answer and walked out of the lab.

"Yeah," Alex said to himself with a thoughtful nod. "She's pent up." He shrugged and walked to a set of metal doors in the center of Gwen's lab. Swiping a keycard through a reader, he unlocked the thick set of doors that were far too bulky for a normal commercial elevator and entered the metal box. When he entered the lift, he opened the terminal using a key and entered a special code before executing the command. The doors closed before a whirring sound appeared and two more sets of doors enclosed over the initial ones. That was when the lift started descending.

"I really need to have Wanda find another teleportation method to get to the center of the Earth," Alex said to himself before taking a seat on a chair that he created for himself. "The energy fluctuations of the generator and the radiation from the Earth's core destabilize the dimensional gateways ..." Alex talked to himself while making himself comfortable. The journey was going to take him almost two hours.

"I'm so bored," It didn't take long for Alex to groan from the boredom, "I'll just bring Gwen here once she's instructing the people."

A few minutes more passed as Alex passively observed Gwen giving orders to more and more scientists, even getting herself involved in the process of loading up some of the augmentation tools and materials to the main elevator which was much larger, but also took far more time to reach the core. Around eight hours for a one-way trip. That was the reason for Gwen's twenty-four- hour estimate. The installation process wouldn't take as long as traveling down to the core of the planet.

It wasn't that the elevators were slow, they were extremely fast, but it still wasn't enough. The distance that needed to be traversed was more than three thousand miles or almost five thousand kilometers. Considering that they were covering it in a matter of a few hours meant that the elevators were approaching Mach speed. The smaller elevator in Gwen's lab was moving at Mach 2 while the larger cargo elevator was moving at half the speed of sound.

'I should look for the Space Stone... Alex thought to himself, 'But the Power Stone comes first. I don't know what the deal with Morag would be. I just hope Quill hasn't already looted the planet ... or someone else, Alex's first targets were the MCU Infinity Stones since they were the ones he recalled the most clearly.

The other versions of Earth could have their stones anywhere and he would have to scour through their information to get a concrete location, but the MCU was a relatively unpopular universe within the Marvel multiverse so it would be much easier for him to go and grab those Stones early on. Not to mention that most of the Infinity Stones from the other realities would be in someone's hands, unlike the MCU's stones that were just up for grabs and hidden in certain locations.

Right now, on Asgardian Earth, Alex was actively looking for Morag with Jane after getting her to agree to help him. Asgard's records didn't go very far beyond the nine realms, so they didn't have any location for Morag, but they would be able to locate the planet sooner or later with the necessary technology. Not to mention they could just trial-and-error through the planets as long as they could get an idea of the possible location. Using the Bifrost to travel across planets wasn't a big deal.

As Alex mused around and made plans to get the Infinity Stones as quickly as possible, he finally noticed that Gwen was done with her instruction work and he was still only a quarter of the way there, which meant he had at least an hour and a half remaining to reach the bottom.

Just as Gwen opened the door to come back into her lab, instead of the actual view, she found herself in front of a portal that led directly to Alex, who seemed to be in the familiar elevator that led him down to the core of the planet. Before she was able to react, multiple tentacles extended from behind Alex and wrapped around Gwen, forcefully pulling her into the portal and keeping her restrained completely.

Two tentacles wrapped around her legs and thighs while two more wrapped around her arms and held them above her head before multiple more wrapped around her torso and chest with another wrapping around her head, specifically forming a sort of cleave gag that covered her mouth.

Gwen instinctively resisted as she felt the abrupt change in her environment. She had just been peacefully walking to her lab when a big tentacle monster kidnapped her and started dissolving away all of her clothes. She'd even been gagged, unable to scream out about the unfairness of the situation.

"How's my slutty scientist doing?" Alex asked Gwen as she floated in front of him with her limbs all restrained, trapped in the metal box that was the elevator. She tried to resist, but the tentacles didn't give, tightening around her body even more.

The ones around her legs folded them and spread her knees apart, putting her in a frog-tie position while she was suspended by her arms and had both her holes free after Alex dissolved all of her clothing.

"Uu~" She struggled against Alex's tentacles, but it was useless. Since Alex hadn't heard her speaking in his head through their telepathic connection, he was sure that she was much more into this than she was showing him.

The tentacles around Gwen's torso tightened and especially wrapped around her breasts while moving in a circular motion as the tips both latched onto her nipples, making her feel as if they were both being sucked. The blush that rose on Gwen's cheeks along with the arousal in her eyes despite her outward resistance expressed her exact thoughts clearly.

Soon enough, the cleave gag tentacle that was going past her mouth loosened its hold on her head and instead entered her mouth while taking a phallic shape, identical to Alex's cock. She choked but didn't hesitate to keep her mouth open, happily taking the dick into her throat as far as it went.

Alex was turned on by the display of having his tentacles assault Gwen and the feelings associated with the process, but his personal preference had always been toward latex and leather restraints. After having his fill of the visual and sensory delicacy of using his tentacles to toy with Gwen's body, Alex transformed most of the tentacles into a leather and latex form. Her legs stayed separated, but the tentacles turned into a black substance that enveloped her folded legs, forming a leather binder. The same happened with her arms, forming leather cuffs that hung her from the ceiling.

As for the tentacles that were assaulting her breasts, he didn't do anything about them, same with the phallus that was inside her mouth, assaulting her throat.

He looked into Gwen's eyes while holding her chin as the dick kept going into and out of her mouth, "You look so sexy like this. It's impossible for me to resist you when you look at me like that," He said before opening his pants, revealing his erect shaft that Gwen couldn't see, but she could very accurately imagine it approaching her wet and needy pussy. She squirmed in her bonds as Alex held the sides of her waist and positioned himself in front of her entrance while rubbing his tip against her slit.

"We have an entire hour and a half to spend here in this enclosed metal box, not to mention the hours that the others will take to reach the core ..." Alex's words had Gwen release a pleasurable moan as she pushed her pelvis toward his shaft that was teasing her pussy. She wanted it.

"Show me you really want it," Alex said while continuing to tease her, "I want to see your desperation."

"Uu~" She made a pleading expression while taking the cock that was assaulting her mouth deeper into her throat, letting out gurgling sounds every once in a while. Her eyes were constantly fixed on Alex as she looked at him with her pleas, wanting the aching needy fire in her abdomen to be doused.

Alex spent a few seconds enjoying Gwen's pleading as she kept taking him into her mouth, "Your begging is the cutest, Gwen ..."

Alex praised her before tightening his hold over her waist and pushing himself inside her, making Gwen groan out in pleasure through the cock that was in her mouth.


With Alex and Gwen enjoying themselves to the fullest, the long wait for the elevator's descent seemed to pass by in a blur.

When they heard the distinct ding of the elevator, they reluctantly parted from each other as Alex fixed both of their clothes. They walked out of the elevator as the multiple doors whirred open to reveal a large room that didn't seem to indicate in any way that they were currently in the core of the planet.

They had a large number of measures in place to regulate the atmosphere within the room, but there was still a stuffy feeling due to the limitations of their technology. Not only was the temperature well over any comfortable level, sitting at a stable hundred degrees Fahrenheit even with the temperature regulators working at full capacity, but there was also a sense of suppression that was felt from all around them. It was as if there were invisible waves of some sort pressuring them from all directions. These suppressive waves were the reason that Alex couldn't use mystic arts portals to travel to the core at will and still had to take the elevator.

"How long till the other elevator arrives?" Alex asked Gwen who had approached a terminal and was quickly typing commands to get things moving.

"An hour or so," She said, "Even though we slowed down our descent significantly when alter me came out, the other elevator is still much slower."

"Hm," Alex nodded, "I see, let me know if you need anything, I'm going to go examine the generator." He started walking to another part of the room before reaching a door. Pressing a button to open the door that led to the next room, Alex was instantly hit by a wave of heat that made him feel as if a fire was directly assaulting his body. Not wanting to mess up the temperature within the main control room further, he quickly entered the room and closed the door with the push of another button.

Alex's surroundings could mildly be described as a raging inferno as he moved to a floating sphere in the center of the room. It was floating on top of a small pillar that was as high as Alex's chest.

Alex's surroundings could mildly be described as a raging inferno as he moved to a floating sphere in the center of the room. It was floating on top of a small pillar that was as high as Alex's chest. That pillar was the source of all the heat that was causing the generator room to be so hot.

"Everything seems stable enough," Alex mumbled as he examined the sphere and its connection to the main power supply for the shield. He couldn't input any commands to the generator since any terminals would've been destroyed in the extreme heat that was within the room, easily reaching a temperature that would easily vaporize even some metals like magnesium. Alex was only able to endure being here due to the extremely resilient nature of Symbiotes and having overcome whatever heat and sound traumas had been instilled into his being.

After a few minutes of examining the connection between the sphere and the relay that siphoned off the energy from the core while directing it to the planetary shield before siphoning back the residual energy into the pillar, Alex left the room and went back to the main control room.

"I don't see any discrepancies," Alex said, "Once the team comes down, we can probably start the process." He approached Gwen, who was focusing on a screen with her brows furrowed.

"We'll need to recalibrate a couple of the Dyson Core's energy relays first," She said, "I see D29, G24, and T67 all at lower integrities than the others. They are still above the replacement threshold, but if we want to modify the shield, we will have to push the generator by another factor."

"Show me," Alex looked at the screen that Gwen had been examining and examined the red sphere in the center that was surrounded by a set of hexagonal constructs, forming a sphere around the sphere, reminiscent of the structure that formed the shield. The center sphere had multiple breach points that were being used to anchor the sphere of hexagons to it and keep them all in place.

The projection was their main energy source and was formed by creating a large structure to cover the core of the planet so that they could accurately control the energy of the core. Gwen had named it the Dyson Core since its design was reminiscent of a Dyson Sphere, which was a theoretical construct that could envelop an entire star to collect all of its energy.

The shield generator had many different components working together, but the Dyson Core was the most integral one since none of the energy requirements for the shield would be possibly fulfilled without the heat from the core.

Examining the projection for a few seconds, Alex noticed the three damaged hexagons on the Dyson Core and said to Gwen, "l shouldn't need too long to replace them, do we have the necessary equipment down here?"

"Not really, the regular maintenance is still a month away, so no supplies here," Gwen said while shaking her head.

"Fine, I'll pull some stuff down from the lab," Alex said, "You should be happy that I have many backup bodies up on the surface."

"I'm still not able to understand why you don't just leave one of your bodies down here so that we don't have to take that long journey through the elevator ..." Gwen said, "I get that the portals can be interfered with, but you're still able to use your <Inventory >.

"Have you felt how uncomfortably hot this place is?" Alex asked, "There's no way I'm leaving a body down here without a host to inhabit."

"Fair enough, and the ride down is always fun," She said suggestively.

"The ride up is also going to be pretty fun," Alex wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

Gwen put her hands on his shoulders and looked up into his eyes, "They'll be down any minute now..." She said while leaning her body closer to him.

"Which means we have at least a minute," He said, making Gwen burst out laughing.

"I think we'll need more than a minute," She said with a flirty smile.

"Let's test it out then," Alex said before slipping his hand directly under Gwen's lab coat and top, tracing his palm along her bare waist.

"Alex ..." Gwen had a look of desire in her eyes as she looked directly into his eyes.

"Mhm..." Alex slowly started trailing his hand upward, closer to her chest.

"They're here," She whispered with a hint of lust in her voice before stepping back, "How about a rain check on that minute."

"We're doing a lot more than a minute after this," Alex said with narrowed eyes as the distinct ding of the elevator sounded out, announcing the arrival of the rest of the team.

It took a few seconds for the doors to open, but the scientists quickly entered the control room and got to work assembling the modules that needed to be added in. As for Alex, he went back to the generator room before opening a hatch that was beside the relay pillar and going through it before closing the hatch behind him. Alex took his slime form and attached himself to the pillar that was going down toward the core of the planet and moving lower by using it as a medium of transport. He passed through the lava that had reached temperatures upwards of almost five thousand degrees Fahrenheit as if it was a simple swim in the ocean.

It took him a couple of minutes to travel the fifty-something miles down through the lava before he finally found himself at one of the relays of the Dyson Core. The pillar extended further lower, stabbing itself into the core of the planet where the lava had been compressed to the point of forming back into a solid that was glowing with pure white light, giving an almost holy feel to the entire area. Examining the relay closest to himself, Alex noticed that it was the A01 relay. He recalled the map of the sphere before moving in a specific direction along the flat relays that captured most of the heat that was being expelled from the core of the Earth.

Quickly moving to his target destination, Alex pulled out the necessary materials from his inventory and got to work dismantling the D29 relay so that he could replace the necessary parts. Just as he pulled off the main blast shield that captured the heat, he was hit in the face with a wave of heat that was upwards of almost ten thousand degrees Fahrenheit. Considering that the temperature just outside the Dyson core was literally half that, Alex had practical proof that their design was extremely effective.

With their method of pulling back the utilized energy from the shield and recycling it, even though they were directly harnessing the power of the core of the earth, their system could easily work for thousands of years without any problems on the surface of the planet. As for the heat that they were capturing, causing the core of the planet to get colder, they were making sure to spread the head through the planet directly through their shields, making sure that the possible 'Ice Age' scenario wouldn't come to pass.

Not to mention that sooner or later, once Alex and Gwen found a way to gather Cosmic Energy, it would completely replace this. Both of them knew that using the planet itself to power anything was a bad idea and could cause untold damage to the foundation of the planet itself. The Dyson core was nothing more than a springboard to move on to the next big thing, at which point they would use it to stabilize the foundation of the planet further.

At the same time as Alex was working on Research Earth's Dyson core, he was also in the Control Room of Farm Earth's generator, working together with the scientists to do the exact same thing that Gwen was doing on Research Earth.


By the time the day passed, the modifications had all been completed and Alex was standing in the generator room that had a small sphere floating above the pillar that stabbed down to the core of the planet.

He raised his hand, his actions mirrored his other body that was all the way over in Farm Earth's generator room. Soon enough, a huge amount of Alex's EP started getting consumed as a green glow escaped his hand on both planets and started imbuing itself into both energy relay spheres.

Looking at the rapidly decreasing value of his preciously hoarded EP, Alex felt some heartache but didn't slow down. He kept imbuing Time Authority into the sphere.

If one looked at the planet from the outside, one would see that the sky-blue, almost translucent shield had gained a greenish hue along its surface as it started becoming opaque from the outside, hidden within the green glow.

When Alex was finally done, he sighed with a solemn expression while calmly standing in the raging inferno. He had just spent tens of thousands of EP to make this whole thing work, going down from more than fifty-five thousand down to around twenty-three thousand.

«ΕΡ: 23746»

He stood there for a long time before slowly turning around and walking through the raging inferno to the exit. As he pressed the button to open the door, he made an uncomfortable expression while slowly walking out of the room. He frowned before his hand moved at a superfast speed to close the door. It caused Alex to release a grunt filled with annoyance.

"What's wrong?" Gwen came up to him and asked after the door had closed. Although the temperature throughout the entire area was very uncomfortable, Gwen might as well not have felt the difference, considering Alex was shielding all parts of her body, even the visible ones, it was just that his presence was very subtle.

"I'm all disoriented," Alex spoke with a shifting tone, making it difficult for Gwen to understand. He saw her expression and transmitted his thoughts to her instead, [Back then I was at most dealing with a time dilation factor of plus-minus ten in reference to space days. Right now, we are fast enough that a single space day is the same as a year here. And taking into account some of the other planets, the pacing with them can easily reach up to ten years to one day.]

[That's an extreme scenario though.] Gwen said to him.

[True, just give me a minute, the abrupt change messed with me a little. I need to calibrate myself to match the pace of the planet.] He told her.

"You do your ... thing, and I'll take care of everything. Send people away and all." Gwen said before stepping back and giving the people the orders to clear the place out.

As for Alex, it wasn't just this body that was acting weird, it was all of his bodies that were acting weird, and his girls could tell. And his answer to all of them was the same, [Just give me a minute.]

The only problem was that that single minute was different for Alex no matter who he told it to. If it was a single Gaia minute, it would be equivalent to somewhere around a thousandth of a minute in the MCU. At the same time, a minute for Jane on Asgardian Earth would be equivalent to almost three thousand Gaia minutes.

Time passed as Alex kept himself in a meditative state, calibrating himself according to the time of the Gaia Federation. As an hour passed by, Gwen was done with clearing everyone out of the control room, leaving just her and Alex as she approached him. Seeing that he was still in a meditative state, she frowned, [Dol have to wait for a space minute to pass?] She mumbled telepathically while pulling a chair and sitting in front of Alex with a bored expression.

[Maybe.] She felt Alex having composed himself much better, but the erratic feeling of his thoughts was still there as if they were disoriented, [I need a concrete reference point and it's proving harder than I thought to find.]

She leaned forward on the chair and rested her head in her hands while her elbows rested on her thighs. Looking up at Alex's focused face, Gwen decided to wait for him to take care of his issue before they both made their way out, 'Six hours, give or take ...' She compared how much a space minute was going to be and felt the boredom creeping in. Clearing everyone out had merely taken her less than an hour, which meant that she would be waiting for Alex here for the next five hours if she went by the one to three hundred and sixty-five-time dilation factor.

As the idle minutes went by, Gwen's boredom started catching up to her. Alex had been idly standing in the same spot for a while now and her gaze couldn't help but drop down to his crotch, [Hey, Alex...] She spoke telepathically since she knew that in his current state, direct speech wouldn't be very convenient for Alex.

[Hm?] He asked her distractedly.

[It wouldn't cause you any problems if I ... say started blowing you, would it?] She asked.

[Not really. I might cum without warning though, so stay alert.] Alex said.

Gwen thought for a moment before shrugging and standing up from the chair. The thought of leaving Alex here and going back up by herself didn't even cross her mind as she knelt in front of him and unbuckled his belt. Unbuttoning his pants, she quickly pulled them down, revealing his cock that she promptly took into her mouth.

As she slowly moved her tongue around the limp shaft, she intimately felt his blood flow increasing as he started getting harder while in her mouth, giving rise to a sense of glee in her. As she felt the blood flowing through his shaft, she asked something that she'd been curious about, [Alex, your main body is a slime, right? Why do you use a human body as your template?]

Alex took a few seconds to answer as Gwen kept moving her head back and forth, soon bringing his shaft to full mast, [Makes sex more enjoyable. Also, I'm still mostly a slime, but I merely emulate certain parts of the anatomy of the human body.]

Gwen hummed as she continued sucking his shaft for the next minute or so. After thoroughly licking and sucking him and lightly scratching the itch that she had, she brought her hands up and grasped him while lightly pumping her hands. Bringing her face slightly lower, she took one of his balls into her mouth with a sucking action and started caressing it with her tongue. She could feel the light twitch of his shaft in her hands, telling her that he was very receptive to her actions.

She closed her eyes and switched to her other side, sucking the sack into her mouth before licking it all over. As she kept moving her hands along his shaft, she felt it twitch again. Thinking that it was just that he was really receptive to her actions, she kept going with even more gusto, giving her full attention to his sack.

Seconds later, as her hands continued pumping him, she felt him tightening up and pulled back her head to see his expression. That was when he spurted out his cum, right on her face, surprising her a little, but she remembered his warning. Even though it was a bit of a surprise, she didn't have any issues with the unprompted climax.

As his cum marked her face, ruining her light makeup and mascara, she took his tip in her mouth and lightly pumped him further as another small spurt of cum shot into her mouth. Using her tongue to make sure that there was none left, she thoroughly cleaned him off. When she pulled back from his shaft, she gave a long lick along his length, followed by light kisses all along his shaft as she brought her hands up to his sack, lightly fondling his balls.

As she continued her worship, she discretely glanced up, but seeing Alex's focused face made her feel a little disappointed, [I wish you would just grab my head and fuck my mouth ...]

[That comes later.] Alex said, [Depending on your performance right now, I will decide on the number of orgasms that you will be allowed to have.] He knew what Gwen needed. She wasn't used to being the one in control and needed his voice and orders to feel the sense of satisfaction that she wanted.

She felt a shiver run along her spine at his words while suddenly feeling much more motivated to make him cum as many times as she could. Moaning happily, she quickly took him in her mouth once again. Using one hand to fondle his balls, she held his hip with the other for support before pulling herself forward and taking him fully into her throat.

She released a gurgling sound from her throat as her nose pressed against Alex's pelvis, but still didn't let go, wanting to go as long as she could without breathing. She was feeling extremely aroused at the moment but didn't even consider masturbating. She knew that Alex wasn't going to allow her to do that even while distracted. Instead of the reward that he promised, she would rather be punished if she decided to pleasure herself right now, and she didn't want that.

When the breathlessness became too much to handle, Gwen was forced to pull back while gasping for air. She still didn't let go, impaling herself on his dick as quickly as she could. She continued his actions until he finally spurted his load into her throat as it directly went into her stomach.

As his cum entered her system, she felt a warmth spreading all over her body that only increased her arousal further. As the spurts stopped, she continued her movements, wanting even more.

That was how the next five or so hours went by, with Gwen happily swallowing copious amounts of Alex's cum until her stomach felt bloated, but still continuing because of the constant releases of dopamine in her system whenever she made Alex cum.

When he finally woke up, he was greeted by Gwen's enthusiastic blowjob as she kneeled in front of him and kept bobbing her head back and forth. He could feel that she was almost completely lost in her arousal as she kept trying to suck out more and more of his cum, and it only made him want more.

"It's time for your reward, my Gwenny..." Alex commented with a smile as he grabbed her head and took control of her movements.




"Stop! Stop! Stop!" In the middle of their elevator ride up to the ground, Gwen started screaming while pushing him away as he roughly thrust himself into her.

"Not again," Alex gritted his teeth, tempted to gag her and keep going, but he didn't do that. He allowed her to push him away and stepped back from her as she hugged herself covering her body while shivering from the aftereffects of the situation, "Why have you started coming out when Gwen and I are having sex?" Alex asked as a hint of frustration escaped his tone, "The last time was still manageable since you came out in the middle of a little break, but now? Right in the middle of sex."

"Hey, it's not like I have any control over it." She snapped at him, "If it was up to me, I would be the one in control at all times and run as far away from you as possible."

"That's not up to you," Alex growled, "And don't forget that you're in a sealed metal box with me right now and we have more than five hours before we reach the top at the speed that we're going." It wasn't that they'd deliberately slowed down, but the ascent was undoubtedly much more difficult and took a lot more energy and time, due to having more resistance during travel.

Alter Gwen shrunk at Alex's words and stepped back into the corner, as far away from Alex as she could get. He just sighed before creating a couch for himself and sitting on it, deciding not to engage Alter Gwen.

The stuffy silence lasted for a couple of minutes before Alex heard Alter Gwen's voice, "This entire place smells of sex ..."

"Yes," Alex agreed with her and went quiet again.

Seeing that he didn't even bother to offer to accelerate the ventilation, Alter Gwen gritted her teeth, "Can you please take care of the ventilation so that I don't have to smell this scent?" She asked him, "I don't know what passwords you guys set for the console."

"Oh?" Alex looked at her with a raised brow, "You should've asked," He said and Alter Gwen instantly felt the metal box getting windy as multiple gusts of wind eliminated the smell of their previous actions.

Alter Gwen shivered as her teeth started clattering from the cold feeling of the wind passing over her body, causing her to hug herself tighter as she realized that she was completely naked.

"Are you cold?" Alex asked innocently as if he had no hand in Alter Gwen feeling cold right now.

"Where are my clothes?" She asked with a frown as she looked around.

"Ask nicely," Alex said uncaringly.

The sound of her gritting her teeth was heard even through the air conditioners working at full power, "C-can you ple-ase give me clothes?" It took her a lot of effort to say those words.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Alex asked as he created a comfortable hoodie and shorts on her, still leaving her sexy legs bare until she asked for something.

Eventually, the wind died down as Alex brought the ventilators down to a normal level. Alter Gwen was just standing awkwardly in the corner as Alex leaned his head back on the couch and closed his eyes, ignoring her presence.

Just like that, an hour passed as Alter Gwen showed no signs of changing places, much to Alex's annoyance. But it also meant that she'd gotten tired of standing in the corner for the whole ride and her looks at the empty spot on the couch kept getting more and more frequent. If it wasn't that she had to sit with Alex, she would've been sitting in that spot an hour ago.

As more and more time passed, Alter Gwen seemed to grit her teeth once again and decisively stepped to the couch before sitting on it, instantly feeling a sense of relief in her legs. The reason that she was feeling like this despite her superhuman physique was that Alex had suppressed her. She was completely aware of the suppression, knowing that there was a sense of weight on her body that caused her to be weakened. She was just too stubborn to ask for Alex to stop doing that.

Having made up her mind, she sat on the couch as far away from Alex as she could, but that wasn't very effective considering that it was literally a couple's couch that had barely enough space for two people. She wasn't even leaning back and was just barely resting her butt on the cushion as she rested her legs.

'I'll just spend a few seconds to rest my feet, She thought to herself while rubbing her calves. Sadly for her, she didn't realize how badly she'd exerted herself under Alex's suppression for the hour or so that she kept standing. Just as she stood up, she felt all the strength leave her legs as she wobbled back down on the couch.

"Fuck..." She cursed to herself while grabbing the armrest at the side before trying to pull herself up once again.

Meanwhile, Alex was just silently enjoying the show. All she had to do was to ask him to loosen the suppression, but her stubbornness had led her to this situation and he enjoyed every moment of her struggle.

As Alter Gwen kept trying to get up, she realized that she wouldn't be able to get up in the short term and had to keep sitting at this point.

"Oh, fuck it," She seemed just short of waving her arms around angrily as she puffed her cheeks and sat back while crossing her arms. At this point, it was too difficult for her to care about the slight contact she had with Alex's shoulder. She did her best to stay as far from Alex as possible, but the position still had her shoulder in contact with him, much to her dismay.

"You remind me of Gwen when you pout like that," Alex chuckled, startling her.

"That's because I am Gwen," She snapped at him, "I'm just stuck with an alter ego that's in an abusive relationship."

"Hey, we both love each other very much," Alex said with a tone that made him sound offended.

"Bullshit," She said, "Unlike her, I know that you have six other women. I felt it that day."

"I would rather get one of the problems taken care of first before dropping another bomb on her head," Alex said.

"Why not?" She said with a sarcastic tone, "It's too empty in here, why not add in a third personality."

"Should I just give her a separate body and call it quits ..." Alex mumbled to himself, but Gwen clearly heard him.

"Do it," She said, her tone making a full one-eighty, "I will cooperate with you completely as long as you agree to give me another body and let me leave."

"Yeah, it's not that simple -" She interrupted Alex's words.

"It is," She said, "I can make a perfect clone of this body without a consciousness. As long as you can put my consciousness in that body, I can be off. You will never have to see me again." Her speech was quick enough that it was easy for Alex to her her desperation.

"I could probably do that," He said. Using the Mind Stone to do it would take him no more than a few seconds, "But I won't." His words made Alter Gwen turn to him.

She grabbed his arm, "Why?" She asked with a whiny tone, slipping into her real habits. Alex's proposal had clearly destabilized her defenses and she acted how she normally would.

"I think you know me more than any of my other girls, even Wanda," Alex said while looking into her eyes, "Ask yourself, do you really think that I would let you go? Ever?"

"Yes," She said with a surprisingly empathetic expression on her face, "Even now, I can feel it. You had a looming cloud over your soul back then. I don't know what it was or what its purpose was, but in that moment of merging with you, I remember all sorts of dark feelings and desires invading my entire being. They didn't come from you. They came from that cloud." She went quiet after that, waiting for Alex to respond.

He frowned as he kept looking at her quietly. He had an idea about what that 'cloud' she was talking about was. It was the very thing that turned him from a normal, bored-with-life programmer and Marvel fanboy into a genocidal symbiote who wouldn't hesitate to destroy entire planets. That external influence had disappeared completely ever since Alex got the <Low Cosmic Manipulation (Incomplete)> ability. It allowed him to examine himself and the foreign influence over him from a different perspective.

It wasn't just the messed up time that he'd ignored due to the external influence, this was also something that came from that same influence. In the back of his mind, there was this constant dilemma about the current state of everything around him. It wasn't that he would suddenly be afraid to kill anyone anymore. He had killed and even absorbed plenty of people even after getting rid of that influence. He had done those things and he had already come to terms with it.

'Argh, fuck!' Alex shook his head and cleared his thoughts, "I guess these couple of years that I have in Gaia are going to have me doing a lot of figuring shit out..."

"So?" Alter Gwen asked with a hopeful expression in her eyes, "What do you say?"

"I have to think about this," He said while shaking his head, "I have a whole load of confused feelings revolving all around my head and you ended up bringing them all to the front. I need time and peace ..."

"I get it," Alter Gwen nodded, "As long as you're open to the option."


