

The angry necromancer's black nails grew. Several hundred undead crawled toward Jake. The skeleton mages collectively began chanting. Their grating voice was unpleasant to listen to.

Two 4th Circle Death Knights suddenly emerged from black, individual magic circles. However, before they could act, a dark armored man appeared behind them.


Ash had a habit of using his strongest attack from the beginning. Unlike the focused face he would usually have, he looked apathetic this time when he slashed.

Sword of Madness!

Another shockwave rang out as the two Death Knights also used their own converted version of Sword of Judgment. They were the paladins who had fought with Minerva.

Although they had lost most of their previous memories, they still remembered the face of a fellow paladin from their diocese. Ash Harley, the Knight of Gera.

That title didn't matter to the Dark Knight now as he had lost it after being converted. Against these two Death Knights, he used his full force. Their attacks swept away the surrounding undead.

Seeing the unexpected happening, Minerva summoned more undead and filled the compound. They quickly began attacking the demon.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Every time Jake swung his scythe, groups of undead would be swept away. Just his physical attributes let him absolutely destroy the undead warriors coming at him.

At this moment, all undead magicians at the back pointed their fingers at him. Their hands glowed with the converged mana.

"Hmph," Jake snorted and spread his Negation Aura again.

The skeleton mages had finally finished chanting. They hurled fifty something 1st Circle Fireballs at the horned demon. Yet, all of those disintegrated into nothing more than raw mana. Jake didn't even put these undead ranked lower than him.

Realizing that her usual tactics didn't work against this demon, Minerva began casting again, backing away several paces to not get hit by whatever soul attack he'd used on her earlier.

A sensible choice. She was going the classical way of maintaining distance and attacking her opponent with spells. Jake's Emotion Manipulation also had a limited range. He couldn't target her that far away. However, he didn't need to.

The sun was barely giving any light now. It would set in a minute or two, giving way for darkness to descend. But before that happened, Jake whisked out the gourd containing the Life Elixir.

"Do you dare attack me?" He held it high and threatened to drop it.

All attacks directed at him ceased immediately when Minerva sent her wills on her summoned undead. The Death Knights also backed away from Ash who didn't follow them after looking at his master once.

The necromancer landed on the ground and furrowed her brows. She sent a tendril of mana toward the gourd, disguising it as a simple probe which, in fact, was a sly spell to steal the item.

"Heh." Jake could taste how she felt. He didn't let her spell come even close to him and quickly negated it.

Minerva tried acting as if she wasn't interested. Yet, her actions seemed laughable for Jake when he could sense her emotions.

"I know you want this Life Elixir. Don't even try to deny it."

The zombie necromancer didn't reply and instead waved her staff. Pillars of bone split the ground and quaked it. All pillars converged toward Jake's location before even a second passed. Unfortunately for Minerva, the sun set at this moment.

[Sphere of Darkness]!

Jake's eyes glowed red for a moment as he used the skill. The bone pillars scattered and damaged the undead soldiers in the compound. The landscape of Viscount Dorstone's estate changed, yet the two 4th Circle beings had no care for it.

When the black sphere faded, Minerva saw the winged demon still standing with no damage done to him. The gourd he was holding…

"No! Don't!"

She finally shrieked when Jake suddenly loosened his fingers. The container having the precious Life Elixir fell toward the ground, and Minerva felt as if she had lost everything.

Jake licked his lips, tasting her emotions. Oh, the sour desperation…

'Store,' he thought internally and the white gourd disappeared in a flash.

"What? What did you do?!" All the undead parted to give Minerva a way. She practically threw herself at Jake, her eyes red with anger and madness.

When the gourd appeared in the demon's hands again, her eyes widened in absolute shock.

"Space Magic?" Minerva finally felt fear. She clenched her staff and bit her lips. "Who are you? How do you know I want the Life Elixir?"

"Good." Jake retracted his wings.

He snapped his fingers and stored the Black Reaper and the Life Elixir. Then, he walked up to the necromancer. She didn't attack him now.

"I believe we don't have to fight. You know, pointless fights are not my thing," He said with a sly smile.

Minerva nervously chuckled. She was still keeping her utmost guard against this demon. His Black Devil bloodline evoked her danger instinct.

"In exchange for one thing, you can have the Life Elixir," Jake said.

"…And what would that be?" Minerva telepathically told her Death Knights to prepare for any surprise attacks.

Jake arranged his robes. Standing straight 5 meters away from her, he pressed his forefinger with his thumb.

"Submit to me. I want you and your loyalty."

"What if I refuse?"

Jake smiled more. How he wanted to project her craving for this thing…

"You. Cannot. Refuse."

He began laughing uncontrollably. Minerva was disturbed, it was as if he could read her mind.

She placed her youth in the highest regard. As long as she could have this body forever, she wouldn't mind being under a demon. However, her pride as a 4th Circle Necromancer didn't let her become his slave. Minerva was conflicted.

Jake knew what she was feeling, so he put forward something all demons did, and have done since time immemorial.

"Sign a contract with me. I promise to make it favorable to both parties," He said, making Minerva think deeply.

It was a lie, of course. 

Inside Viscount Dorstone's mansion, the necromancer and the demon were sitting on couches placed opposite each other.

Jake was writing something on a piece of paper with a quill feather pen. The ink was a mixture of his and Minerva's blood.

The woman had crossed her legs, looking deeply at the unknown characters the demon was writing.

After noting everything, Jake lifted his head and caught a pleasant view.

He could see Minerva's slender pale legs. Her tight flesh was overlapping on each other, tempting him to stroke and slap her thighs.

Minerva didn't bother to cover them. She pressed the elastic couch with her heavy peaches and pridefully bent her waist ahead. The two flesh mounds made dents on the couch. In her mind, she liked how Jake smirked seeing her body.

However, he wasn't smiling just because of that.

Jake dipped the quill pen in the ink container and sent some mana into the scroll. The blood immediately dried up. Below the unknown characters, some sentences appeared. They were written in a local language that Minerva understood.

"What's this?" She leaned over to take the paper scroll. Her gown had a large V-shaped cut which showed a generous portion of her zombie milkers.

As Minerva opened the scroll, she nibbled on her red lips. Reading the single clause on it, she frequently changed her positions.

"You have to change this!" She threw the scroll on the table between them. Crossing her hands, she rested her breasts on her wrists.

Jake was calm while tasting her disapproval.

"Let's look through this," he proposed and began reciting.

"This is a Contract of Servitude."

The necromancer harrumphed. She didn't like the sound of it. However, Jake continued.

"In accordance to the Commandments written on the 666th Level of Hell, Zombie Necromancer Minerva Dale, titled 'Youth Seeker,' agrees to serve her contractor Jake Farlen, titled 'Demon Earl,' in any way or form, with no desire to harm him and his properties, until she ceases from existence, for one droplet of Life Elixir."

"This is no better than slavery!" Minerva stood up after hearing him.

However, Jake just crossed his legs and chuckled.

"What do you suggest then?" He asked.

Minerva didn't speak until a few seconds passed. She turned around and said, "I want a mutually beneficial contract."

"Indeed." Jake nodded. "I may have gone too far there. Let's see where we can change this."

His sudden change in attitude caught her off guard. Minerva was actually willing to work for him, but she didn't like the 'any way or form' part about it. She wanted some degree of freedom.

Jake burned the contract paper and took out a blank one from his inventory. Catching the quill with [Demonic Grasp], he began writing different clauses. When he was finished, he passed it to her.

Minerva didn't frown this time. Her eyes even widened, and a smile appeared on her face. The clauses this time weren't so bad. It was exactly what she wanted!

Sensing her surprise, Jake internally laughed.

This was a simple psychological tactic used by sly merchants. Instead of giving an optimum deal right off the bat, give a ridiculous price first. The other party would refuse, obviously. However, they would be more inclined to agree once that price lowers by a bit.

This new contract used phrases like "mutual assistance" and "protection of both parties." However, underneath those wordings, there were many loopholes to be found.

Jake was sneakily using Emotion Manipulation to make her feel a bit happier and satisfied. If looked from a different angle, the clauses Jake had written worked in his favor.

Like clause no. 4. It said she must "engage" in various "activities" with him, and "oblige" to his "requests" as long as he didn't threaten her life. There was nothing written about what type of activities or requests they could be.

Jake might request her to suck his cock, and she would have to oblige. It wouldn't kill her, after all. This way, he could also use her undead army.

The next clause made Minerva thrilled. It said Jake would never try to harm her beauty. He had no interest in disfiguring her, anyway. That clause was placed to lower her guard, even by a little bit.

Despite that, Minerva wasn't dumb enough to ignore any clauses. She read through all of them and found the contract acceptable. She hurriedly passed it back to him and waited for him to sign first.

'Of course, three droplets are better than one,' Jake thought. He had increased the amount of Life Elixir as well. That made the contract more appealing to Minerva.

To be completely honest, Jake could've stubbornly gone with the first contract. Minerva was desperate and would eventually cave in. However, that would make her resentful. She would try every way to break the contract.

Jake didn't want that extra trouble. He was patient and could wait until she naturally submitted to him.

Placing the contract paper on the table, Jake uttered some incantations and a magic circle appeared below him. Minerva had a focused expression.

"Swear on your True Name first and then sign." Her eyes had a sharp glint.

Of course, she knew how sly demons were. If possible, she would never sign a contract with one. However, Jake had exactly what she needed.

He was expecting this. Jake calmly prepared himself and bit his thumb. Dropping his dark red blood on the magic circle, he said, "I swear on my True Name that I will follow this contract."

Picking up the quill pen, he signed at the bottom. A Demon didn't have to utter his True Name to invoke its power. As soon as Jake signed, he immediately felt a binding force between him and Minerva. The force urged her to sign as well.

She cautiously approached the table. Taking the quill pen, she wrote her full name at the bottom. The next moment, the magic circle suddenly spun and attracted the contract paper. Swallowing it, the circle disappeared.

Jake and Minerva could feel something chaining both of their souls. The force was pressuring Jake now. He took out the white gourd at this moment and asked Minerva, "How will you consume the three droplets?"

''I just have to drink it,'' she said.

''Oh, then bring a vessel.''

Jake would not give her the gourd. However, Minerva was impatient. Life Elixir couldn't be stored in normal containers.

To Jake's surprise, she opened her mouth and stretched out her tongue. He could understand what she meant.

Leaning closer, Jake hung the gourd over her lips. He slowly titled it as she waited. Seeing her like this reminded Jake of his succubus. Yunna also did this when she wanted to drink his cum.

Drip… Drip… Drip…

Jake gave Minerva exactly three droplets. The moment those drops landed on her tongue, she closed her mouth and literally moaned. She couldn't have been any happier in her life.

The Life Elixir immediately took effect. Minerva's porcelain white skin gained life, becoming softer and smoother. She finally looked less like a corpse and more like a human.

Her usual smell and aura of death slowly faded, being replaced by the smell of youth and vitality.

Minerva's cheeks gained a healthy blush, a sign of her dead heart pumping blood again. All kinds of youth hormones were secreted in her body. The powers of the Life Elixir invigorated her rotting flesh. It was like a fountain of vigor had erupted within her.


It appeared 3 droplets were too much for her. One was enough to turn a dying man into a toddler. Minerva's status as a zombie didn't allow her body to regress or progress. She supposedly became immortal, as the Life Elixir provided her with Unlimited Youth.

Her height or body shape didn't change. But the elixir made her flesh too tender and gave her immense metabolism.

Because there was no drastic change in her physique, she experienced minor drawbacks. One such drawback was the secretion of excessive hormones in her body.

Though compared to her gains, she didn't mind it. Minerva looked at herself in the mirror again and poked her cheek with her finger.

''So soft…'' She muttered.

Jake could taste her happiness all the way from the couch. He suddenly chuckled when a spicy taste tickled his tongue.

Well, those excessive hormones were taking effect now. The curse of youth… or rather a blessing if you have a partner.

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Minerva felt like touching below her belly button, but she forcefully calmed herself.

She came and sat on the opposite couch. The necromancer could finally be sure that Jake wouldn't harm her.

Pressing her thighs together, she coughed multiple times. That spicy taste made Jake salivate. He called the system's Sin Meter and looked at Minerva's lust slowly going over 150.

Jake didn't mention it and instead clapped his hands.

''Congratulations on getting your 'youth' back.''


Minerva awkwardly smiled, showing her pearlescent teeth. A zombie would have terrible gums and teeth, but after consuming the Life Elixir, Minerva's teeth were like a vampire's.

She still retained her capability to turn anyone into a zombie and paralyze beings with a bite.

Jake was immensely interested in what she had turned herself into. She was a paradoxical creature who combined properties of life as well as death. Gaining all human and zombie capabilities, it could be said that her race was different.

[Name: Minerva Dale]

[Species: ???]

[Rank: 4th Circle]

Indeed, even the system was confused.


Hearing her restraining a moan, Jake was amused. He looked outside and found the sky littered with stars. It was just past midnight.

''Let's go to my dungeon,'' Jake stood up and turned toward the exit door. There was a lot to do.

''Wait, demon,'' Minerva stood up and lifted her staff. ''I need to prepare.''

Jake nodded. This necromancer usually stored her soldiers underground. With his Magipathy, Jake could sense more than a thousand undead under this very mansion. She had brought her whole army here.

As the undead couldn't appear during the daytime, it would take more than a week to travel back to his dungeon.

Minerva stepped on the stairs and he said from behind in a playful manner. ''Call me Sire Earl, not demon.''

It felt weird to be addressed by one's race alone.

She turned her head around. ''...I'll just call you Jake.''

''Fine by me.''

As they were of the same rank and not in a master-servant relationship, this was acceptable.

Minerva appeared in her usual black gown about half an hour later. Jake was speechless seeing her in makeup and everything. A mage, a fucking necromancer cared so much about how she looked?

He had always thought they had no care for their appearance. Even in games, they were mostly liches, or other subtypes of transformed undead creatures.

The Minerva now looked like she belonged in a prom. Well, her beauty seemed to be boosted.

'Pleasing to look at I guess…' Jake blinked. 'Oh, she likes it when I stare at her breasts… I'm gonna fuck her, I know I will.'

Realizing that she was trying to pose again, Jake shook his head.

''Do you know what you want now?''

''I already have what I wanted.'' Her reply was extremely fast. He wasn't expecting that.

''As long as I can keep on living while others admire my beauty, I am satisfied.''

''Really now?'' Jake chuckled. He would let her know what true satisfaction feels like.

''What do you want, Demo- I mean, Jake?'' Minerva asked. She snapped her fingers and hundreds of undead dug themselves out from the ground.

Jake spread his wings at this moment. Ash silently disappeared into the shadows and left the mansion at his orders.

''I want everything. Wealth, women, power.... That's why I chose you. You will help me achieve my ambitions. As long as you obey and don't make trouble for me, I am pretty lenient.''

Jake sent this into her mind directly using [Magipathy]. He told her the location of his dungeon and gave her 10 days to arrive with her undead army.

''Heh, men. How typical,'' Minerva muttered after he left. She shook her head and went to sit on one of her Death Knight's soldiers.

Pointing at the direction Jake had left in, she told her undead soldiers to march.


A week later, at Ulfrod, the capital of Grimbow Kingdom.

Inside the King's Palace, in a discussion hall. There was a large rectangular table in the middle around which were tall, high-back chairs. Sitting on those chairs were the upper echelon of Grimbow Kingdom.

''We can't send our army that quickly, Sir Walter,'' a well-dressed count replied to Duke Walter De Philips.

''But the Karsuda Province is in chaos now!''

''Don't you know that's a necromancer we are dealing with?!''

The noblemen under the Duke hit the table and spoke loudly. The other faction under Marquees Jones and Prince Splennar replied with greater ferocity. While not forgetting to be politically correct, of course.

A minute hadn't passed since the last peaceful conversation and they were already like dogs and cats.

Sophia Letecia Philips, the current queen of Grimbow, looked at them with her tired green eyes. She was Averon's 2nd wife, a 40-year-old woman who looked no older than 25. A beauty matching that of elves, she had been the princess of a small nation prior to marrying the king.

Despite being a mother of two equally beautiful daughters and a valiant son, this blonde hadn't lost a bit of her glamor. But it might be because of the recent trouble in the kingdom, a hint of tiredness blemished her expression.

''Why must they be like this?'' she muttered, glancing at the nobles.

The Royal Guards beside her were silent as statues. It was as if they had never heard these nobles saying they didn't want to send their forces while pandemonium was brewing in Karsuda. Or that they couldn't care less what happened in the other province.

A few nobles were genuinely concerned, yet those speaking loudly didn't let the voices of the wise be heard.

''Stand!'' Everyone suddenly heard the guards shout. The nobles looked at the tall door of this hall and stood up along with the queen.

''Salute!'' The two guards immediately hit the floor with their right foot, their voices thundering throughout the room.

With commanding and fast steps, a tall, blonde man entered the meeting room, dressed in regal red robes. The golden crown on his head shined due to the light coming from the chandelier. 

A taller armored man walked beside him. His every step was filled with power, as if he was born to lead and battle. There was a sort of radiance about this man which even overshadowed the king's aura.


The Royal Guards simultaneously knelt while the nobles all bent their waists, placing their right palms on their left chests.

''Our humblest greetings to the King and the Royal Commander.''

The nobles' voices echoed inside the hall.

Averon Philips II was the current king of Grimbow Kingdom. He was a 4th Circle Grand Knight, 121 years of age. Despite being so old, he looked like he was just past his fifties.

Reflecting the faces of each noble gathered here in his blue irises, he nodded heavily. Averon sat on the seat his queen had reserved for him. It was the largest chair which was placed at one end of the rectangular table.


The nobles sat as soon as they heard the king. Unlike the earlier bickering, they were dead silent this time. They didn't necessarily fear the king. Quite a few Grand Knights were among the nobles as well.

The one who kept them in check was the Royal Commander, the king's younger brother. Sir Bors De Philips, 'The Storm Holder,' was a 5th Circle Radiant Knight on whose shoulders the whole of Grimbow depended.

Uninterested in ruling the kingdom, he had not contested for the throne 70 years ago when the previous king, his and Averon's father passed away. He wanted to lead wars and conquer. The position of a commander fitted him perfectly.

If not for the trust and bond between these two brothers, the Grimbow Kingdom couldn't have been what it is. Even though it was but a mid-sized nation, the surrounding powers were hesitant to invade because of this single Radiant Knight's power.

In front of such a man, all nobles forgot about their fiefs' interests and cast away their pettiness. They had not wanted to come here because Bors made them feel uncomfortable, but it was the King's Summon.

''I am sure you all know why I have held this emergency meeting today,'' Averon spoke and everyone nodded. The king then gestured for a nobleman to speak.

Everyone looked at the black-haired, blue-eyed man who gracefully stood up.

''He is from Karsuda province and brings news we may not yet know,'' Averon spoke.

''I humbly thank the king for granting me this opportunity. My purpose is to aid in restoring peace in the kingdom.'' The man spoke elegantly with a smile on his face.

No one could sense the hypocrisy in his tone, not even the silently standing Radiant Knight.

He was Baron Leo, here to spread misinformation and act as a spy upon his master's orders.

Inside Jake's dungeon, on the 65th floor.

''She is so pretty!'' Lena chirped as she flew around Minerva, who was standing with a pleased smile on her face.

She had buried her undead soldiers on this floor after reaching here today. It took exactly 7 days for her to come here, quite fast compared to Jake's initial expectations.

At present, she and Jake were looking at the huge wyvern tied by thick metallic chains. The Dark Knight was silently leaning on a nearby wall, his eyes closed.

Irene was in front of that monster, strengthening the chains while trying to wake it up. She seemed to hate it for some reason.

''It will surely try to kill us after getting full power. Master, is there any way to tame this monster?'' Irene asked.

However, Jake didn't answer. He was looking at the wyvern's stats again.

[Name: None]

[Species: Wyvern (Lesser Dragon)]

[Bloodline: ??? Dragon Bloodline (3%)]

[Title(s): Forest Ruler (+??? Reputation among lesser monsters, +40 Natural Intimidation), ??? (+25 Agility +??? Mana in the sky, Small-area Weather Control), Village Destroyer (+35 Hostility among elves), Terror ??? (Any ordered place would be in a state of chaos when this creature appears.)]

[Strength: ??? (297) / Agility: ??? (315) / Stamina: 443 (281) / Vitality: ??? / Intelligence: 124 / Mana: 386 / Charisma: 40 / Will: 398]

[Abilities: Frost Breath (Uniqueーlvl. ???), Human Speech (Rareーlvl.10), Flight (Uniqueーlvl. ???), Chilly Aura (???ーlvl. 4), ??? (Rareーlvl. ???), Deadly Claws (Rareーlvl. 7), ??? (Superiorーlvl. 9), Wind ??? (Uniqueーlvl. ???), Sonic Roar (???ーlvl. 6), ??? Stinger (Rareーlvl. 10), Wing ??? (Uniqueーlvl. 4)

''I think I do have a way to tame it…'' Jake said, realising that despite being this strong, the wyvern was pretty dumb.

[Ding! Congratulations, one of your skills has leveled up!]

[Demon Eye (lvl. 5 → lvl. 6)]

The unnamed wyvern awoke a minute later and immediately roared sensing the various beings around it.

After Jake dismissed the system panel, he couldn't help but smirk. He had thought that it would take serious sacrifices to tame this monster.

However, he realized that all three mental attributes, Will, Intelligence, and Charisma of this wyvern were lower than his.

'And that means I can use [Malefic Enchantment] on it,' he thought and walked forward.


"You dare chain me?!"

The wyvern's roar was less impressive than a dragon's but it still made a shock wave. The monster was using [Sonic Roar].

However, because of the creature's injury, it couldn't use the skill's full power. Jake was unfazed.

Irene stepped to the side as he came before the chained monster which was struggling.

He touched its head. The wyvern, which was preparing a Frost Breath, suddenly stopped when Jake used [Malefic Enchantment] on it.

At first, this unnamed creature was confused as to why it was attacking the demon. Then when Jake sent fake memories into its mind, the wyvern began believing that this demon had always taken care of it since it was an egg.

"Remove the chains," Jake told Irene. 

However, she hesitated. A 5th Circle monster, even in an injured state, was too dangerous. She couldn't just let it be free, could she?

"Irene." Jake looked at her. "I said remove them."

"Yes, master," the elf witch replied.

She began chanting and sent mana to the magical chains. They had pierced through the wyvern's already damaged wings, and were coiled around its two legs as well as its arms.

When Irene chanted, these black metallic chains moved. The wyvern grunted in pain as it was finally unchained.

"How did this happen to you, Droge?" Jake asked as if he knew this monster for a long time.

There was a rare expression of concern on his face which confused everyone here. They didn't know that he had used Malefic Enchantment.

"Master?" Lena blinked and flew behind him. She was kind of unhappy that he didn't look at her with this soft expression.

"I…" The wyvern spoke. It was capable of speaking human languages.

"Who am I?"

"You are Droge, my companion. I have come to save you." Jake hovered over the creature.

Summoning his Black Reaper, he used [Blood Regeneration] on it. At the same time, he called the priestesses on the lower floor.

This confused even Minerva who was expecting Jake to kill the monster and let her make an undead out of it. She would definitely be able to raise an excellent 4th Circle Undead with its bones and flesh.

Jake had considered that option. However, he didn't want the monster to lose its rank and powers.

Making it an undead was the sure way to fully control it, but that would only weaken it. Also, Jake wanted to control it himself, why would he let Minerva have it?

Due to his 4th Circle rank, he was unable to degenerate the wyvern which was at the 5th Circle. He could injure it badly to the point it barely lived, but Jake didn't have much confidence in his skill working.

The 5th Circle was immensely higher than the 4th. The case here wasn't the same as with his Dark Knight.

What he could do was use his superior mental attributes to control it indirectly. There was a risk, of course. But this was the most feasible way to use and retain its full power.

Jake used all three chances of his Blood Regeneration on this wyvern, but it was still not enough to heal it. With his mental suggestions and fake memories sent to its mind, the wyvern began accepting Jake as his companion.

The immediate kindness Jake showed also worked in his favor.

He had taken the safe path here, instead of making it believe he was its master. That could have backfired as this monster was proud of its strength.

Even then, the wyvern's lower mental attributes made it too easy for Jake to fool it. It was actually cleverer than a normal human. But in front of Jake whose intelligence was over 400, the monster was tricked easily.

"I am Jake, you may call me that," he said and continued, "This dungeon is your home from now on. You can stay in any floor but not the last one."

"Okay." The wyvern flapped its wings and flew higher. Jake had erased and replaced most of its memories. That took him some time but it was worth the effort.

"How did you…" Minerva, Lena, and Irene were speechless.

Even the usually apathetic Ash was gaping. That creature… how was it so tame?

"It really feels dangerous when a 5th Circle monster is flying around," Jake muttered, looking at the silver wyvern circling above him.

At this moment, the pregnant twin priestesses and Perry came. Jake blew a whistle and the wyvern descended. They all backed away in terror, but when their master assured them that it wouldn't attack, they looked incredulously at him.

His words soon proved to be true, and the priestesses couldn't help but blink rapidly.

"Heal it." Jake said. They were better at this job than him or anyone else here.


Some time later, Droge, the wyvern which Jake had named on spot, was fully healed. Numa, Mary, and Perry were tired. It wasn't easy to heal the injuries of a 5th Circle monster.

Jake had stayed with them all this while, as they were afraid of a sudden attack. He also wanted to make sure everything went smoothly.

"Go rest now," he said. The pregnant twins shouldn't be worked too much.

"Is it the same ability you had when you attacked my mind?" Minerva was curious. She had a good guess, but she was a bit off the mark.

He didn't admit nor refuse it, letting her think whatever she wanted. He would rather not say what abilities he had.

"I am hungry, Jake!" The monster spoke at this moment, its voice booming throughout the floor.

Jake knew that wyverns had huge appetites. This one, especially after being starved for so long, wanted to eat something immediately. Unlike other monsters, it couldn't live on mana alone.

"Go outside and find some monsters. Don't eat those here," Jake said from below.


Lena covered her ears, hearing it. This wyvern's normal speech sounded like roars to her.

Jake patted her and replied to the flying monster.

"The ones here aren't tasty, Droge. You know, this dungeon is a special area. It makes the creatures here unedible for you. Ever heard of ecosystems?

Of course, Jake was spouting bullshit here. A person who doesn't have much knowledge in dungeons would be fooled by it. And this dumb monster believed him in a heartbeat.

As it flew to the higher floors, Jake told it come back quickly and not attack humans.

Afterwards, he went to the 66th floor with Minerva and Lena. Irene had already went to prepare the map of Grimbow kingdom.

In the capital, the discussion of nobles and royals was ongoing. Here, a different discussion was going to happen, one about conquering the Karsuda Province.

On the 66th floor of the dungeon. With his legs spread dominantly, Jake was sitting on a large, comfortable chair. 

Erin, the sexy vampiress, was sitting on his left thigh. She repeatedly kissed her master on his neck while he stroked her bare thigh, occasionally slapping her jiggly buttocks.

Ruxa, the busty gorgon, was on his right thigh, wearing clothes that barely hid her private parts. Jake was busy squeezing her milk gland while mouth-kissing her.

Iowa, the curious harpy, was below a circular table, sucking his balls. Ria, the little wolf girl, was sitting on the harpy's shoulders. She was pressing her small, warm palms on Jake's pelvis while sucking his fat cock.



He again slapped Erin's tight ass and stroked the wolf girl. Saliva dripped from Ruxa's chin as Jake suckled on her lips.

''Nmmwah~'' The gorgon moaned as he broke the kiss with her. He slipped his right hand from her breasts and took hold of her waist.

''Tasty,'' Jake commented, licking his lips.

Rubbing Ria's wolf ears, he shot a stream of cum inside her mouth. The girl tightened her wet lips around his meaty cock. She moved her head back and forth to drink more of his cum.

However, Iowa moved herself a little higher at this moment. Ria slipped from her shoulder, nearly hitting the table with her forehead.

Jake shot another stream, and the cum painted the harpy's face white. She immediately took hold of his rod and began sucking.

The wolf girl crawled under Iowa and compromised to sucking her master's balls. Jake was aware of them switching positions. He could feel the mouth this time sucking with greater power and speed. It could only be the harpy.

''Good girl," he said.

Erin looked below and pouted. She hugged Jake and kissed his lips, lifting her ass. He indulged her by rubbing her pussy. She opened her eyes in surprise and blinked while entangling her tongue with his.

At this moment, Irene entered the room. Seeing the four girls all over him again, she sighed.n𝓸𝑽𝚎.𝓁𝚋.In

''Ahem.'' The witch coughed and pointed at the ignored map of Grimbow Kingdom on the circular table.

Irene was wearing an office outfit currently. With a half-buttoned shirt, a miniskirt, and stockings, she looked extremely sexy right now.


After Jake finished tasting his feisty vampire's lips, he told the girls to go sit on the other chairs. However, Erin suddenly slipped under the table and swallowed his cock.

Slurp… Slurp… Slurp… The redhead hugged Jake's hips and gave him a nice blowjob.

''You…'' Irene was jealous about how Jake let this vampire girl off even though she didn't obey him sometimes.

''Eh? What is this sound?'' At this moment, Minerva entered the lit room.

She could only see two hands wrapped around this demon's waist. The long red nails on those hands immediately made her think of the vampire. Indeed, her guess was correct.

''What's she doing…?'' Minerva frowned as she went to sit on the other chair.

Slurp… Slurp…

''She's a bit thirsty, that's all,'' Jake leaned on his chair and replied. He turned to Ria and Iowa and told them to go wash their faces.

Some time later, Perry entered the room and gracefully sat beside Irene. Jake let Erin drink some of his cum and told her that's enough. Although she wasn't satisfied yet, she didn't disobey this time.

Buttoning her master's pants, she crawled out of the table. The vampire girl flexed her juicy ass while leaving the room. It had been quite some time since she got a nice pounding. Jake chuckled as he saw her leave.

His expression immediately turned serious after that. A few minutes later, Ash silently entered the room. He went to stand on the corner where the lamp's light didn't reach. Minerva glanced at the third 4th Circle being here.

She had an unfavorable opinion of this Dark Knight whose expression didn't change one bit even after looking at her. It was as if he had no desires, his only purpose being to follow Jake's orders.

She ignored him. Crossing her legs, Minerva leaned on the table and said, ''So why did you call us here?''

Jake glanced at Irene, and she nodded.

''Our master wants to conquer this province.'' Irene pointed at Karsuda on the map. It was a pea-shaped area, the smallest among the four provinces of Grimbow Kingdom.

''That's easy. I've already killed most nobles here and even damaged the church.'' Minerva said and looked at the horny, horned demon. ''You want to conquer this entire kingdom I presume.''

''Indeed.'' Jake smiled. ''But it's not the how you're thinking.''

Minerva tilted her head and replied, ''I'm thinking of devastating them with my undead soldiers. Isn't that why you wanted me?''

''Master most likely wants to control the ruling powers of this kingdom, leaving the masses alive,'' Perry spoke her mind. She was a smart woman.

''That's not bad either. But I don't think it's so easy…'' Minerva leaned back on her chair.

Jake motioned her to continue. The necromancer rubbed the insides of her cheek with her tongue before speaking again.

''We can handle the nobles. But the royals… it will be a lot more difficult. They have two 4th Circle Court Mages as powerful as me. Also, do you know about 'that' man?''

Her wording piqued Jake's interest. To be honest, Jake paid little attention to the royal family. He had learned a few things from Baron Leo about them, though.

''You mean that Royal Commander?''

''Yes! But not just him.'' Minerva fished out some bone pieces from her gown and placed them on the map.

''There also is the 5th Circle Cleric of Holy Church as well. Archbishop Joseph Lightgold. He will be more than troublesome, I can tell you.''

At this moment, Ash Harley suddenly spoke. ''The Archbishop isn't in the kingdom.''

He walked closer and Jake told the man to sit.

''Master doesn't have to deal with him for now. That man has returned to the Holy Theocracy because of some reason. At present, the Cathedral of Chastity is guarded by High Paladin Jacob alone.''

Being an ex-paladin, this Dark Knight knew the inside info of the church branch in Grimbow Kingdom.

''But still… that's two 5th Circle beings we'll have to deal with.'' Irene stroked her chin with her fingers.

''You do have a plan right?'' Minerva asked at this moment.

''Well…'' Jake's eyes glinted. He wasn't afraid of challenges.

''We'll start by taking control of this place before the Kingdom sends reinforcements. I have quite a quick way to turn the people against their rulers,'' he said, inciting curious gazes from the ones around.

It was about time he spread his budding cult.