
The beginning of the end

It was around 6:30 in the morning when it appeared I looked around on the internet about what it was but I couldn't find anything I just left when I asked my friends what it could be but when I tried to show them I woke up back in the morning I looked at it again and it said "Welcome player 1 I am the system and this is the power bestowed upon you, to ensure you saved both worlds."

I closed my eyes pinched my cheeks punched the wall but I realised it was not a dream I stumbled back, against the wall I screamed in fear, "what the hell is this? What do you mean both worlds? What power? Is this some kind of sick joke?" I jumped up shaken to the core at what I just read I run out hoping what I read wasn't true I ran 4 miles then turned around expecting nothing to be there thinking I was just over reacting and that I'm day dreaming, but when I turned around the system had appeared I read it again but despite my hopes it hadn't changed, it still said "This is no joke you are the only hope HE is coming and you must learn your power before then otherwise both this world and the other will be destroyed!"

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