
The Start

I had roamed the war zone for more than 2 years and I finally found some promising lead for the wearabout for my sisters location ,in this 2 years I had changed a lot I never smiled I was just roaming like a scavenger on the battlefield and was usually killing the soldiers from the kingdom of spade ,I have grown really accustomed to my sword I wouldn't call myself a master of the sword but i won't call myself a newbie either.I had also killed quite a lot of mages too ,not on a one v one situation but more like an assassin as I am quite confident that if the a mage dosen't notice me ,I could kill him with little to no problem.

The soldiers from the clover side have tried to talk to me but I just run if I see someone from the clover side. I don't trust anyone ,I do rather search for my sister alone if I ask them for help they probably won't help as they won't gain anything out of it and they will also forcefully recruit me in there army and I would be stripped of my freedom so yeah I didn't want that.

I tried to use magic but it didn't end well for me, I tried to coat my left arm in magic but for some reason I lost control and my arm ended up injured pretty badly so I didn't try it again.So after gaining the lead of the location of my sister I went to the place and what I found was a heavily guarded mine ,I don't know what they were mining but I didn't care I noticed a little girl who was trying to help an old man who looks like he over exerted himself ,I recognized that little girl she was my sister.

Because of helping the old man , my sister was hit on the back with a cane and I could see the blood gushing out of her back which made me really angry so angry that I took the most stupid decision of my life. I rushed in in rage and anger and stabbed the sword through the heart of the guard,the surrounding people were shocked to see someone killing one of the guards. This stunt of mine alerted the guards presents and after seeing what happend they decided to trap me.

They surrounded me and that's when I realized that every one of them is a mage, then I sensed someone else and after seeing his face I became even more enraged.The man that came after the mages surrounded me was the same man who was going to kill me 2 years ago when I escaped my home.He was the same psychopath.

Apparently he recognized me, he laughed after seeing me and said "Well what do we have here ,my dear little sheep came to the wolf on his own two feet what a surprise" after hearing the man one of the mages asked him "sir what do we do with this little kid,should we kill him or imprison him" after hearing the question the man just chuckles and says "I will deal with him ,you guys stay back" hearing this the mage got startled and said "but sir he is not worthy of-"the mage wasn't able to finish as the man just used his magic to completely burn him and said "did I gave you the permission to talk, well why am I talking to a dead man now hahahahaha" and began laughing like a maniac

My sister who was now able to clearly get a look on my face exclaimed in worry "Brother please run they will also enslave you here please you have to run brother!" I just looked at her and smiled and didn't say anything because I wasn't going to run just to leave her behind and be tormented here.

I looked in anger at the man and said "So you were the one who is behind this all" He again chuckles and says"No quite from it ,this mine here is working because of the funding from spade kingdom and for the labour ,hahahaha we just enslaved the people of the clover kingdom like the dogs they are" upon his statement I got even more pissed and without saying anything I just swinged my sword to decapitate his head but he easily dodged it and said a punch towards my stomack which flew me backwards.

He said after doing so"Looks like someone is excited,isn't that right my little sheep but I don't have time to play with you unfortunately has I am quite busy, so atleast I will say my name so you know who kills you in the end ,seeing how strong you became in the past few years consider it my form of giving respect, My name is Samuel Smith "after saying his name he bough out his grimoire which has a spade on the cover and conjured a big fireball and launched it towards me.

I though it was the end for me, I dropped my sword thinking how stupid I was in giving into my rage and rushing in without even knowing who was the leader of this mine ,my short life of seven year was passing right between my eyes ,the beatings I received, the fear when I faced this man for the first time and the feeling when I killed my parents all coming right in my brain but suddenly a hand grabbed me and pushed me away.

I saw my sister smiling at me, my eye were wide when I realized what was going on, tears started coming from my eyes and then the fire engulfed my sister completely and then I saw her being burned and how she was screaming in pain.

It angered me,the anger wasn't directed at my parents not who sold her,not at the man who did this but at myself for being so idiotic and useless. The screams stopped and what was in front of me was the lifeless body of my sister who I promised to protect, here body,lifeless because of me

I heard the man laughing and he was probably saying something but my mind was in a mess so I couldn't hear it but I was sure he was mocking me.In a rage I shouted "shut up" the atmosphere around me started to change ,it became heavy so heavy that the mages which surrounded me started kneeling ,they were unable to stand they were also having a hard time breathing.The man named Samuel was sweating and having a really hard time standing.

This time it was him who was shaking in fear and not me , he with fear evident in his voice asked "Ho-how do you have this much magic,it should be I-impossible you don't even have a grimoire, this shouldn't be possible".I ignored his ranting and took my sword and walked towards him with coldness in my eyes.

He knew his time was up so he asked me "wh-what is your name?" "you don't need to know"

*Splash*(don't know how to do sound effects sorry)

I decapitated him.After killing him I killed every other mage and set the slaves free,unfortunately the old man my sister was trying to help died as when I unconsciously released my magic he was near me and couldn't take the pressure which lead to his death. I felt sad not because I was the one responsibility for his death but because even after my sister tried to help him he still died.

On this day I overcame one of my biggest fears but also lost everything that I holded close to my heart. I was nothing but an empty shell now

*3 years later*

It's been 3 years since that event ,the war is still going on.I also heard that last year the wizard king retired and a new wizard king took his place,it was a weird decision retiring in between the ongoing war but it is said that the new wizard king is the strongest wizard king ever , even stronger than the 1st wizard king.I don't know if that's true and I don't want to find out either.

In the last 3 years I also have managed to get really good control on my magic and for some reason I have really huge magic reserve without even having a grimoire, mages having grimoire have less then half the reserve that I have and what's crazy is that without me doing anything it just keeps growing.

I coat my whole body in mana 24/7 and my skill with swords have also drastically increased,I can proudly say that I am a master of sword and there won't be many people who can best me In a sword only fight.I have began applying mana to my sword ,though it decreases the durability of the sword it majorly boosts my attack power.

I have also made a name in these battlefields, they have nicknamed me the 'mage slayer' as I kill most of the mages without using spells and I am feared among the ranks of the spade kingdom, funny how they are scared of a 10 year old.

Though now it brings down to the guy who is standing in front of me right now,he is from clover kingdom i can tell that but my instincts are screaming to not fight this guy.I don't know who he is but he is damm dangerous.He has blonde hair and there is a star on his forehead I cautiously asked his name while putting a hand on my sword."What is your name and what do you want with me"

He just smiled at me,and put his arms up I the air to show that his non hostility."Julius,that's my name and for what I want from you"I seriously couldn't believe what came out of his mouth ,the only words that came out of my mouth were


So,the last two chapters were the POV of the mc ,it won't be like that from the next chapter.The reason why I didn't named the sister and parents is not because I forgot but because I plan to do something something with that I the future.

leo26creators' thoughts
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