
"Rose, My Partner."

Chapter 01, Part 2 "Rose, My Partner."


[Location: The Corruption Dragon's Room] 

[Time: 9:31 PM] 

The Corruption Dragon sends off one of the commanders called "Lya" to her room with the newly summoned partner "Aksul" to let him acquire the knowledge he needs about this world, the blood pact and his fate while discussing with Lya.

Aksul: "I see, is this everything I need to know?"

Lya: "Yes, or so that's what we have been informed."

Lya: "For now, you should wait in this room for Lady Corruption's arrival, she should be here in any minute, if I'm correct her meeting with the nobles should have finished by now."

Aksul: "Alright alright, I will wait here."

Lya: (Stands up) "Then if you excuse me, I'm gonna take my leave."

Aksul: "Mhm, be on your way."

Lya leaves the room after quite an amount of time informing Aksul about everything he needed to know.

Aksul: "Well, time to wait patiently for that dragon."

Someone opens the door a little bit.

Lya: (Peaking her head) "I've forgotten to tell you, do not touch Lady Corruption's items and belongings! I will personally punish you if you do that."

Aksul: "Okay okay! I won't."

Lya: "Good boy!"

She closes the door and leaves Aksul there, but she has been in deep thought since his summoning.

Lya: (In thought) [Still, I'm quite curious how was he able to establish communication with us while being summoned.]

Lya: [Usually that's fricking impossible! But how? Did some phenomenon occur while the summoning was ongoing?]

Lya: [Or just pure random coincidence?]

Lya: [Either way, I must report this to Lady Corruption as well the summoning mages.]

[Couple of minutes later…]

As Aksul is patiently waiting and not messing with the queen's belongings, the door to her room finally open and she appears.

A woman appears wearing royalty clothing with beautiful long shining crimson hair and glorious red eyes that shows bravery and charm, as well a unique trait which is two long crimson horns that seem to have grown from her forehead.

Aksul: (Amazed) [Holy... She's beautiful..]

The Queen: "Ah finally, I'm done with those sick nobles, can't even run a guild without depending on royalty's support."

The queen notices Aksul sitting on her bed.

The Queen: "Oh, I'm sorry I forgot about you due to that pressure of the meeting."

Aksul: (Still dazzled) "Yeah... That's alright.."

The Queen: (Notices Aksul's current state.) "Hmm? Is there anything bothering you?"

Aksul: "Yeah... The thing is I was told to meet with a crimson dragon, not a royal member.."

The Queen sighs.

The Queen: "Sigh... Ah, Lya hasn't told you yet, They never learn."

Rose: "My name is Rose Fexskilisia VIII, and I am the dragon you saw when you were summoned."

Rose: "You can call me Rose, What is your name?"

Aksul: "It's Aksul... Just Aksul."

Rose: "Aksul huh... I like it (grins)."

Aksul blushes.

Aksul: "A-Anyways, I'm sure you have some business with me."

Rose: "Ah yes, Lya already told you this but you know about becoming my partner, right?"

Aksul: "Yeah I do... But aren't you uh... Married?"

Rose: "No I'm not married, you dumb idiot! I received the title "Queen" because I'm the only royal family member."

Aksul: "What? Then what about your father? Or mother? Or even siblings?"

Rose: "I prefer not to talk about that, I'm sorry."

Aksul: "That's alright."

Rose: "Well then shall we get started."

Aksul: "Yeah let us start."

Aksul: "But how do we form the contract again?"

Rose: "Simple, (opens her right hand's and unexpectedly a paper appears from thin air.)"

Rose: "This is what we call the "Eternal Partner" contract, well it's not exactly eternal since we can revoke the contract at any time possible."

Rose: "All you have to do is pour a couple of droplets of your blood on this paper, and I shall do the same."

Rose: "After that, your inner mind will be transferred to a world where you will be confronted by my power."

Rose: "Resist, fight, negotiate, do anything that will make every possible negative thought ineffective towards you."

Rose: "Once done, you will wake up with my power flowing in your veins."

Aksul: "And what if I fail?"

Rose: "You will fall into deep hatred and in a very short explanation, you will die."

Aksul: "Damn, so it's a gamble as would people say."

Rose: "Pretty much, anyway, are you ready?"

Aksul: "Yeah I am."

Rose: "To make this easy for you, I'm gonna use a needle rather than a knife to get your blood."

Rose creates a needle and pierces a little hole into the top of Aksul's fingers, then she places the contract on the bed.

Aksul moves his hand and places it above the contract, then he presses his finger against the contract.

And so Rose does the same.

Aksul starts to feel dizzy as well as lose his consciousness.

Rose: "Good luck out there."

Aksul falls on the bed.


[Location: UNK/NULL]

[Time: UNK/NULL]

Aksul wakes up in a strange place, filled with very dark fog and silent yet empty atmosphere.

Aksul: (confused) "Huh? Where am I? I'm sure I was setting on the bed with Rose."

Aksul: "Oh wait... Right, I signed the contract, my inner mind has been transferred, she did mention something like this."

Aksul: "I'm guessing this place is like a trial to pass."

Aksul: "But there's nothing, completely nothing."

Faint voices can be heard whispering around "That" Place.



[Fall into despair..]


Aksul: "Those are..?"

[Devour everything...]

Aksul: "Those voices must be the negative thoughts Rose talked about.]

[Torture her... Devour her... Make her... SUFFER!]

A sudden shockwave hits the area where Aksul is standing.

Aksul: "Ugh! This pressure... It's heavy.."

Aksul: "I feel like I'm gonna get crushed... I can't even move a finger.."


The pressure on Aksul starts to get even stronger...

Aksul falls to his knees and vomits blood.

Aksul: "Huff... I feel like my arms have been broken..."

Aksul: "I haven't even started and is this how it's gonna end?!"

Aksul: "Not yet.. not yet.."

Aksul: "NOT YET!"

The pressure around Aksul disappears and he releases some kind of dark energy.

[What's this...? This energy..]

[This magic...]

Aksul: "Huff... Huff.."

Aksul: [What was that just now?! What did I do?]

[So you're her heart..]

[Her hope..]

Aksul: "Who... Who the hell are you talking about?!"

[You shall know... You shall know soon..]

[If you're... her hope then you are ours..]

Aksul: "What are you talking about!?"

[Live on... and you shall see..]

Aksul: "Wait! We are no-"

A bright light appears out of nowhere and Aksul wakes up in the real world.

Aksul starts to breathe heavily and his body and face are covered with sweat.

Rose can be seen sitting on the chair reading a book.

Rose: "Huh..? Aksul? Did you get rid of the negative thoughts?"

Aksul: "I. I don't know."

Rose: "You don't know? You must be shocked from whatever happened over there, but I can sense my power flowing in you."

Aksul responds with just his heavy breathing and silence.

Rose: "Don't worry, this is the real world, you waking up must mean you have conquered the negativity."

Rose: "Go back to sleep, we will talk tomorrow."

Aksul nods his head and slowly goes back to sleep.




aha aha, Thank you for reading, got no excuse tbh for not writing at all, well either way, happy new year.

important: the bad naming no longer exists, corrupti will now be called Rose Fexskilisia, which feels like a royal name and a good name for her.

thank ya for reading again.

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