
The start of a journey

"Nothing works!" "it's okay calm down it will happen one day." "how do you know i'm just a failure nothing works!" "it's okay just go to school take the test" "but im going to fail!" and that's fine i'll still be proud of you for trying" "fine" with a flash the surrounding change to show a lonely kid grudging through school not making eye contact with anyone, just staring at his feet. "Isn't that the kid who can't summon his weapon" "yeah pathetic" "he shouldn't even be at our school" "yeah, maybe he's just a lowly normal who got put here by accident" "I AM NOT" the child screams at them "you sure about that?". The child says in a teasing tone. The gossip quickly filled the air "I SAID I'M NOT A NORMAL" "haa you probably are a normal maybe your a mutant your parent's must be ashamed of you, your a failure" the quiets child's face is filled with words, words that are trying to force their way out but all he can say is no "no,no,no,no,no,no,no" "the annoying child continues and starts to repeat over and over. "I SAID "I AM NOT A NORMAL" the child scream's it so loud every window in the building shatter's the ground starts to shake. His eyes spark and later ignite after multiple tries. His body slowly float's in the air which latter's to be revealed is held by chains. The poor quiet struggles to break free and scream's the 2 children who were once making fun of him now we're now terrified and tried to run when 2 of the chains grab their legs and pull them closer. "HELP SOMEONE PLEASE" one of the children scream. 3 teachers rushed to help when out of the 2 chain that were holding the children then sprout multiple chains out that form a wall. Blocking the teacher from reaching the student's "someone Please Get them Out OF HEre" " i dont want to hurt them" he cried over and over again. Until finally the principle came over. He armed up his shot. Pulled his fist back and waited all the light from around him was sucked into his hand where he then threw his hand forward and bursted down the chain's shredding them to pieces he stared at the quiet boy who was then screaming. "It doesn't hurt him chop the chain's and get those two kid's free and then send them to detention for antiginization and putting the school at risk." "what about the kid in the center?" a teacher asked "i'll take care of him" "got it" after the teacher's grabbed the two student the principle started an incantation "him na stun ca rent a van rensum plan to ra ken tae sum bre gun ta vestren no con tustra no more re some bre un ta come ren usta BLAY" after a spark of light the child fell to the floor everything that just happened gone, every single chain. "What did you do to him" "i wiped his memory of his power he'll be treated as a normal until we know he can control his power and any bullying towards him for being a normal will be punished with no tolerance. Last thing we need is another incident like this, understand?" "yes we understand" another teacher start's to speak "um sir if you don't mind why did you wipe his memory instead of just using a rank A nullification spell?" "good question, well susan, that weapon draw wasn't a level A, it was a level S Rank Spell." "what?!?!, an S rank? Why those have not been possible in decades, especially a weapon draw no one's ever heard of a S rank Weapon Draw, there's no way in-" "we'll you just witnessed one, we shall not speak of this incident unless i say so understand?" "yes, sir" then the room fades to black. "How is he Ms.Rechid?" "he's fine though my theory was confirmed" "what theory?" "Mr.Alderaan don't you find it strange that now his ability is being uncovered and yet he's a double wielder and he's that strong?" 'granted it is strange though it can happen" Ms.Wretched eye sharpen "but not when he's that strong, anyway's it turns out his memory was erased. when his powers first uncovered he wasn't able to control it, he's an S rank" "what how do you know" "he described to me what happened when he was a kid, why they sealed his powers away, and their principle said that his weapon draw is a Rank S weapon draw".... " we'll luckily i'm going to be keeping an eye on him, i'll also be teaching him how to control his Abilities once everyone leaves after school, Ms.Rechid i would also like you to keep an eye on him, i already know you are sort of close to him and you feel a certain way about him so this shouldn't be to hard of a task for you would it?" "no, not at all Professor" "good i would also like you to come to our training session tonight, you are the only other double wielder in this school he'll probably feel more comfortable with you there… " "if that's the case should i get Almond he is the closest thing that Arch has to a friend right now" "indeed that would be a good idea, anyways how's he doing right now" "he's asleep right now but he's okay" "good, good, we don't need him screaming in pain anymore after all it is my fault i told him not to put his weapon's away" "listen it's not your fault, he regained his memory that's why he blacked out…. Anyways i'm going to talk to Almond before he leaves for home" "understood, i'll keep an eye on him i'll tell you if anything happens my healing magic might not be as good but i should be able to keep the pain from waking him up" "thank you professor"

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