
The Selected

"Alright, you're all set! I've got to say I'm quite pleased with your selection! Here the selected classes!" The principle then slides a piece of paper to arch. After grabbing the price of paper Arch says in response "thanks we'll get right on that" both arch and Rechid quickly leave the room. And start walking down the hall after a good period of ear wrenching silence Rechid speaks up "alright so who are we going to grab first~!" "We'll start with Alamon his class is the closest" "sounds good!" They continue to walk down the hall in silence till they reach the class. They walk in and everyone's heads slowly turn towards them. Silence fills the room. Except for the few girls gossiping in the back. "Why's the king and queen here?" "Is someone getting selected?" "Who is it?" "ALRIGHT EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" Rechid tells from across the room. silence quickly fills the room. This time everyone's quiet. She turns to arch and whispers into his ear. "Alright go ahead you shouldn't have any problems now!" "Thanks" Arch then turns to inform the class"ALAMON STAND UP" Alamon who was standing in the back of the class shoots up, and arch continues " ALAMON YOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED TO JOIN THE RANKS OF THE RIVALRY AS THE KNIGHT. YOU WILL BE JOINING US IN THE NEW HOUSE WE HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON. YOUR KEYS AND RULEBOOK HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO YOUR TEACHER. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SELECTION!" Arch and Rechid quickly turn and dash out of the room. "That was great arch! Let's head to the other two's classes and head back to the house. " alright sounds good" after about an hour arch and Rechid returned home. And all three members were standing outside the front of the Rivalry House "hey guys welcome to the new place! Each of you have labeled rooms up stairs, to the right is the kitchens, and to the left is the meeting room. Now go get settled in!"

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