
His true form

"Re-chid…?" Arch Starr's in agony. Where once his friend stood. "Rechid, Rechid no,no this can't be happening. RECHID!" The man who is now off in the distance. Stands there cackling. "Oh this is just gold! Do you see what your up against now KID!" Arch head snaps forward to face the beast. Under his breath he whispers "You will not get away with this…" The man in the distance speaks. "What did you say sunny boy?"Arch stares past the man. "I SAID YOUR NOT GOING TO GET AWAY WITH THIS YOU FREAKSHOW OF A MAN". Arch barrels out. The man in the distance stares. Though no emotion was shown the man was petrified. "GYRA MUNSTA ELTA ENDRA NYSTRA UNSTA COMRA NOMBER STAY" The earth shatters as arch screeches the spell. The rocks which were once stable now amidst within the air. "Arch wellows out in pain. A bright red illumination blasts into the dark sky. The light from everything around him coalesse into the bright illumination above arch. Every besides him crumbles into dust. Leaving nothing around him. Except for his friends who were surrounded by darkness. The man who was once calm and confident was no long petrified. He was now fossilized. Never moving an inch. And suddenly. Everything stops as the luminescence shoots down engulfing arch. For a brief moment after the chaos there was peace. Emerging from the luminescence was a creature. No longer Arch. He no longer has control. With every step the ground around him shakes and shatters. Step. Step. Step. Step. The creature looks down upon the man. It speaks. "Rise, I wish to end you. So show me if your worth to keep alive." The creature licks up the man and throws him against a wall 70 feet away. Obliterating it. The man who coughs blood stares horrified. He starts to cast a spell. Before being interrupted as the creature leaps towards him. Slamming his body. Breaking the man rib cages. "Is this all you can do?" Arch breaks a bone. One.by.one. The man screams in agony. "Come on I thought you were the king here!" He the punches the man in the stomach making him cough up blood. Over and over again the creature beating him senseless. "Is this really ALL you can do?" The creature laughs. "Well I guess I should finish this, though really it has been fun." The creature. Sharpens its claws stabbing the man after hours of of tormenting. After his claws penetrate the man he turns them all the way around. Leaving the man dead in his tracks. The creature drops him. Leaving him there. Arch grabs his friends and carries them home. After that day Arch was no longer known as king. But as the demon lord.

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