
Get on the floor

It was now morning, Arch who slept none dragged his way back to the house.and yet he wasn't tired. He was more ready than he's ever been in his life! Ready to show off his skills. To show who and what he really is. It was 5 am. Everyone else was gathered at the table. ¨Arch! Where have you been?¨ ¨dont worry about it, what we need to do right now is figure out how are we gonna attack. Rechid your team will be known as Beta, and we´ll be known as Alpha. Team alpha will move towards the right section. While beta will move in on the left. This will have our numbers split. But if my plan works weĺl be able to surround them. Just make sure. Do not break your squadren up!" "SIR". It was now 6 am. Time for them to head to Greatstone. Once they get to the battlefield it was deadly silent. ¨their planning an ambush."just then a loud speaker came on "Castor High has now entered the field the battle will now begin" "stay close we'll split up later down" they start to crawl their way to the center where they planned to split up the group. It was eerily silent, nothing was moving, no sounds except for the quiet shuffling of their feet. A voice soon shouted. "Looks like some rats found their way onto our turf. Isn't that cute! To bad that's gonna end right here, Right now!" Arch mumbles something, then speaks. A spear comes fly at them "BEXLEY NOW" Bexley then screams "ITS SHOW TIME" a wall of concrete springs from the earth reflect the spear stop it dead in its tracks Arch turns to Alamon "Alamon now!" "Of course" he replies as he sinks into the earth the shadows around them disappear as the travel towards the enemy. The shadows spring out of the ground grabbing the student in the air. Dragging him to the ground. His own shadow starts to shift as it crawls it way out of the ground surrounding the student. He screams till the shadows dissipate. Leaving the student cut up siverly. In capable of fighting. Another voice shoots from the darkness. "bravo, truly bravo. most people don't make it this far. truly a shame to. I hate that I have to kill you know. I'll do you the courtesy of doing it quiet quickly though!" The student speaks once more. "Sheesh la leng hi tun ma terenmor!" The earth beneath them start to shutter. "Bexley you can take your walk down save your mana." "Right" the wall then soon crumbles there after. Arch stares the man straight in the eye and yells while falling over "is that really all you've got?" Arch slowly rises off the ground. "WHY YOU. HOW DARE YOU TAUNT ME. I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT I CAN REALLY DO SINCE YOU'VE ASKED!" The earth starts to rumble faster and faster. Nothing Arch never moved a muscle. He's not even shaking "Sheesh la leng hi tun ma terenmor EXTRAMA" The earth starts to collapse. Revealing his hands are touching the ground. "I knew it, you don't really have to ability to cause earthquakes. You create sound waves!" The man's eyes widen "SO WHAT" "sound waves can travel through a vacuum." "Of course not. But.. no,no,no,NO WHAT DID YOU DO!" "Simple Drexel manipulated the air around us to only surround our heads so we can breath. The rest is no long available for your sound waves to travel through" NO, NO, NO" Drexel how about you take care of this one. "Gladly, HON GA LA TANG SO LA SUNH HA ESH CON LA" the air around his finger solidify into throwing knives. He threw the to the student pinning him to the wall making him unable to fight. Next we're the knight and queen. The queen flying above everyone. He knight flashed invisible. "Bexley, bexley then threw a powder into the air. "A voice lost in the shadows speaks. "And what was that going to accomplish?" "To find you of course!" "What?" The figure looks down to see his completely covered in the powder making him visible. When his own shadow betrays him. "Queen HELP" he turns to look at the queen. How was already captured by her own shadow. Both the knight and queen were down. "Now all that's left is the king." A voice forms "I knew those weakling couldn't complete a simple task." Arch speaks "speak of the devil and he will show his face." "Oh no you got me. However it seems I also got you." What could he mean? Then his knight squire and omega all collapse. "GUYS!" The voice starts once again "you see the transcript lied. My ability is to suck up other people's mana then use it to create Spears constructed of blood. You seen the only problem is I need blood! Soooooo you! A spear went Impaled Rechid dropping her dead to the floor.

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