1 Chapter 01: Rebirth?

I died.

Just like that, no pomp and glory, silently into the night like an insignificant cockroach. The world does not weep for me, neither does it care, it continues to spin like I never existed in the first place. The most ignoble death ever, Ozymandias eat your heart out.

As my life fades away into a black chasm of no return, it slowly faintly glows white and the brightness increases to reveal a monstrous creature made of golden rings and fiery wings, eyes that have only seen the truth and unseen ears which have only heard the sweetest music, an Angel in it's most primal and biblical form. He/She/it/what? greets me with a gentle voice reminiscent of windchimes and songbirds.

"It's human to regret, how about I take that regret away?"

"Take away my regret? I've done nothing to deserve such kind treatment."

"I would be what you would describe as 'an angel' and I'm terribly bored so of course like my fellow brethren I can help you reincarnate into a world, realistic or fictional."

"Do I have a choice of location and setting then?"

"Of course, I just want to be entertained in some way. I'll even give you some minor boons in accordance with the universe of your choice, what do you say?"

"Seems too good to be true, but I'm dead and have nothing to lose."

"That's the spirit, now the World if you please?"

"Fictional I suppose, how about 'One Piece'?"

"Excellent Choice but definitely uncomfortable existence there, so now would be a proper time to request your minor boons."

"Perfect Memory and Recall?'


"Conqueror's Haki as a Child without the necessary trauma?"


"How about a Devil Fruit?"

"At birth, no way and the fun of finding them would cease to exist."

"How about the gamer ability?"


"How about the ability to eat multiple devil fruits, Blackbeard has it?"

"You had to say that, Blackbeard indeed has two and the possibility of a third one...?"

"Please? It exists in the Universe, I didn't ask for a Sharingan or some other nonsense."

"That's true, you are far less obnoxious than the ones who generally come here. The fuck is a Truck-kun, I swear the other gods are just taking the bloody piss."

"I would have to agree, reading too many Fanfictions to cringe at the sight of boons breaking the power economy of the world. Alright I'll grant you that, three fruits at the maximum."

"So is my reincarnation as an original character or that of my own?"

"Original Character only, please."

"Monkey D. Luffy?"

"Smart Choice, a powerful bloodline, Father as the Head of the Revolutionaries, Grandfather is the Hero of the Marines, Ace and Sabo as brothers, Shanks to guide you as a Yonkou, ability to tap into Haki and other Fighting Techniques."

"And, I know the Canon well enough to take advantage of the system."

"I'm glad I chose you instead of some goody two shoes, who wants to save the world, save the people, his nakama, or whatever. Planning to be adventurous with the women, probably not monogamous this time I suppose?"

"Yeah, probably. I'm not a good man. I like my money, I like my women and I love my power."

"Sounds about right, every fucker asks for a harem, never gets it done properly."

"What kind of Angel are you even? Aren't you supposed to berate me?"

"What kind of Angel, huh? Not the good kind, buddy. Enjoy being the degenerate you are, which you hid away your entire mortal life."

"Thank you for this opportunity, Angel"

"No, thank you, especially for not being a self righteous ass or an ass who thinks he deserves everything. So are you ready?"

"I am, let's rock!"

The Angel seems to smirk with no mouth, the light begins to extinguish as the Angel's facade fades away into nothingness. Then the next second, I am being handed to a man by another. I look up, I see a gentleman resembling Garp and then I realise that it's real and that I motherfucking Monkey D Luffy, and I'm gonna do what ever the fuck I want.
