
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Mutant monster

What the girl said made everyone feel creepy.

Indeed, every time the monster appeared, it would select a few people to kill, and never kill too many people.

It's like raising a flock of chickens and ducks, and then picking out a few to kill when you want to eat them!

"There is no hope for us!"

The girl broke down and shouted.

"There will be no rescue or anything, the world is finished!"

At this time, the monitor Wu Chengyu gnashed his teeth and said: "There will be, there will be!"

"We are the elite of this society, destined to be high in the future and achieve great achievements, how can we die here?"

He looked up at the sky, which had been sealed off by thick ice and snow.

"As long as I can get out of here and contact the outside world, my father will bring someone to rescue me!"

But how to get out of here and onto the ice, that was the big question.

Liang Yue's strength is very strong, as a special teacher of Tianqing College, she used to be a martial arts master of the Chinese Wuying level, and even served as a personal bodyguard of the wife of a senior leader.

Now that I've awakened my powers, I'm even more powerful.

But no matter how strong she is, she also has no ability to fight against that mutated monster while carrying a large group of dragging bottles!


Zhang Yi and Xu Fatty, Uncle you three people according to the navigation, after more than an hour finally arrived at the old site of Tianqing College.

After coming here, there is nothing but white between heaven and earth.

Fortunately, there is a hill near the Azure College, which can be used as a reference, so as not to be unable to confirm the orientation.

The three men got out of the car, Zhang Yi held the pistol in his hand and said to the other two: "Watch out for the surroundings, beware of danger."

Fat Xu swallowed saliva, and his body involuntarily retreated to the back.

Uncle You stood in front of the three without hesitation.

Not only because his body is the most powerful, as a soldier, but also the elder of the three, he felt that he protected Zhang Yi and Xu Fatty is a matter of course.

But looking at the white snow in front of him, Uncle You also had some difficulties.

"But there's snow everywhere, so how do we know where the person you're trying to save is?"

Zhang Yi took out a mobile phone, want to contact Yang Xinxin to confirm.

But the cell phone can't reach the other person's number.

"My cell phone signal is a little bad!"

Zhang Yi is also very helpless.

"Let's look for it! The school is a large area, and there must be some tall buildings sticking out."

"The map shows the structure of the school, and as long as you find a building, you can figure out Yang Xinxin's general location."

Fatty Xu showed a bitter face, "The area of this noble school can be large! I heard there's even a golf course."

Zhang Yi nodded: "This school has an area of 3,000 mu. Let's drive slowly and there's no hurry."

Without a car, they wouldn't know they had to find it.

Uncle You said, "Let's search separately." It's faster this way."

Zhang Yi shook his head: "There is no need, for safety reasons, we still act together."

"It's okay to be slow, it's important to be steady!"

Uncle You smiled and nodded in agreement with Zhang Yi's statement.

So the three men got into their car and started looking for signs of high-rise buildings nearby.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before they saw some spire shaped buildings.

"There's a tall tower ahead! Go and see!"

Zhang Yi and Xu fatty got off the car and walked over to see.

Compared with the drawings found on the Internet, Zhang Yi confirmed that this is the astronomical center of Tianqing College.

"The astronomy Center is located in the southeast and is the front area of the campus. The student dormitory and the canteen are in the north, the difference is very far!"

Zhang Yi looked at the mobile phone, carefully thinking.

But Fat Xu said, "Is it possible that they hid in the classroom or in an open place like the gym?"

"After all, if you are moving below the snow surface, you must have a large space, otherwise the oxygen concentration is not enough." You also have to consider the risk of the snow layer collapsing overhead."

Zhang Yi slightly frowns and says: "I don't know, this campus is very large, we can only pick the most likely area to look for."

"The first is the dormitory and dining hall, these two places are the most likely. After all, there are clothes, beds and food."

"Secondly, there are gymnasiums and various teaching buildings."

Zhang Yi carefully analyzed Yang Xinxin may be in the position.

And Fat Xu and Uncle You are not idle, the two people came to the observatory spire, began to try to find the entrance.

This is easy for Fatty Xu.

He uses his powers to manipulate the ice and snow on the ground to disperse around, and soon reveals a space of four or five meters below.

The spire of the observatory also gradually enlarged, revealing the Windows below.

"Zhang Yi, you can go in here!"

Fat Xu said happily.

Zhang Yi disapprovingly replied, "What's the use of going down here?" We're not here to collect telescopes."

Fatty Xu: "Ga..."

He thought he would be praised, who knows Zhang Yi did not buy it, his expression immediately became frustrated.

Zhang Yi looked up and changed his tone: "However, the professional astronomical equipment inside is collected and may be used later."

A professional-grade telescope to spy on the enemy.

Well, it's all here, and it's all for nothing.

Xu Chunlei confidence increased, with Uncle you along the window to jump in, make some things out.

At this time, Zhang Yi's back suddenly had a feeling of discomfort, so that his hair stood up!

It's the feeling of being stared at by a beast!

Zhang Yi immediately turned around and assumed a fighting posture, both hands of the gun immediately aimed at the front.

And when he saw what was in front of him, he couldn't help but tighten his pupils.

In the white snow, a huge black monster lay quietly on the snow, eyes fixed on it.

The body lying on the snow seemed to leap forward at any moment.

With half of its body in the snow, Zhang Yi could not judge its size.

But Zhang Yi visited the dinosaur museum and just looked at the head of the monster and the head of the Tyrannosaurus Rex is about the same size!

The black body, the hair all over the body like a steel needle, amber pupils with a kind of strange joke staring at him.

"Mutated creatures!

Zhang Yi immediately came up with the term.

If I guess correctly, it is the source of the voice that Yang Xinxin heard on the phone!

Zhang Yi looked at it warily, waiting for its attack at any time.

But to his surprise, the monster just stared at him with no intention of attacking.


Zhang Yi frowns slightly, feeling that things are not so simple.

Beasts will strike whenever they find an opportunity.

Just Zhang Yi turned his back on it, but it did not attack.

Even if a person and a beast face each other at this time, he just felt strange from the monster's body, but did not feel the kind of bloodthirsty kill.

"What's going on here?"

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