
The tree's lie

Dreams of us are so distant yet they are ever so close, as I open my eyes there is a new future but a past that seems bleak. I wonder how I will ever have the courage to visit the "One" as I search for it and reach my hand out to the shining light that doesn't seem reliable but the sense of wanting something so bad and never reaching it, it kills me, so again, I reach my hand out wondering if this will be my salvation, my summer, in other words the thing that can bring me back from this revolt. The ice breaks and my hand is still searching. The sun weeps and my hand is still stretching, I am still going. The black crows look back at me while they fly down and peck at the corpses of the light and the dark consumes them in a tide of black. I feel a drop on my cheek as I notice the sky is this color that seems to exist but at the same doesn't as I cannot recall such a color ever existing...

All in all the mind is melting while the body is shutting down and I am still Reaching. For what? I don't know. All I know is this; that I want to latch on to this feeling and keep it forever and ever but as I realize the "truth" the clouds shriek and there it is. There they are. I am now liberated...

But am I? NO. It was a lie this whole time the tree's told me that I was a legend, they told me I had what it takes but reality comes knocking on my door as I look at my hand still reaching it's now burning, it is now freezing, it is now gone. I shed a tear as I notice that all of this was for nothing. THIS CAN'T BE THE END. I yelled and screamed at the top of my lungs until nature answered and said "You're not ready." and then I became "broken" my surroundings turned black and so did the sky, everything is now pitch black.

I wake up to the alarm on my nightstand and realize that life is so complex and ever so difficult. I now understand why I am human, no, why I am who I am. I may not be liberated or have transcended to a level beyond my or anyone's comprehension but now I truly do understand these thoughts of mine and I accept them. I go into the kitchen, my heart beats with every step I take and with each step it gets louder, I grab the knife as my hands shake and I start to cry even more. I am now...

This is going to be my second attempt at writing something. Do not expect much as I suck at this and am trying to get better. My grammar is ass and yeah hope u liked it.

ForeverBlankcreators' thoughts
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