
The World is at stake!

Hey ! Gorbachev ! where is my state appointed Girlfriend ?? ha? . After all the Soviet Union should provide me with everything one need. Right? After all that's the essence of communism and equaliy. he..he.. Humph! I the embodiment of Soviet have seen through everything!! Because I am the Tyrant of Iron and Blood, New Tsar of the North, collector of beauties , Warden of the wall, liberator of Eastern Europe, Savior of the Soviets, , Nightmare of the Free World, sex symbol of the degenerates, Terror of Marvel Heroes. Leader of the Red Regime and the mass murderer extraordinaire the great butcher , the Great General Secretary! The enemies of the people who are also the people should all taste the iron fist of Soviet! Long live the soviet! Long live Capitalism!! -------------+++++-----+------

CodeZero587 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 17: Soviet Saviour.

As the gunshot rang out reporters and civilians alike took to flee. The stampede was exasperated as many civilians were shot and machine guns started firing.

In this chaotic situation while all the reporters took flight , the beautiful female reporter kept the camera rolling. Broadcasting the entire incident live and capturing the most intense moments in the camera.


" Your excellency. Your excellency! Are you okay? Your face is unnaturally pale."

" Y..y..ees? P..tin? I am fine. It's okay. C..ontinue."

Andrei, who just woke up from a coma. Struggled to respond properly.

While an officer reported,

" Sir, i apologise sir! the civilian airliner loaded soldiers to raid the airport, and the camouflaged cruise ship loaded armored vehicles to capture the pier weren't able to coordinate properly. Thus causing the delay. I wait for your order sir!"

Though it was a normal report Andrei felt something odd and looked towards others. They were all looking at him with awe and respect.

Putin answered his questioning gaze.

" Sir! Your excellency, we are simply awed by your courage and intellect. All these events played out all according to your plan.Even under a gunfight you didn't move an inch, knowing full well they don't dare hurt you.

With someone like you as the Soviet leader the Soviet union is saved!"

(Plan? what plan? I nearly had a heart attack!)

Andrei nearly bit his lips. This gunfight was definitely not his plan. He literally saw a bullet pass by his nose. When the firefight started he froze out of fear. Thus he stayed put like a sculpture on the table.

Originally he wanted to awe the Bultic leaders and force them to submit , coming so close to death was definitely not in his mind.

Unknown to him The President of Lithuania expressly ordered everyone not to shoot the Soviet leader.

Ironically when he shouted that order he was exposed and immediately shot dead.

In turn this gave the Soviet KGB Soldiers a tremendous boost in morale.

The act of supposedly not flinching under direct gunfire made a tall image of Andrei in their minds.

Which is soon to be transferred across the world through free press.

The only person who noticed Andrei's actual situation is Yor, who gave him a pill and didn't bust the bubble. Andrei was really grateful.


The fight was really bloody .

More than 100 people died in just under five minutes. Half of them are civilians.

Putin himself was shot twice. But he was really happy. He finally got to rectify his previous blunder.

The fight only ended when Soviet airborne troops who occupied Tallinn International Airport surrounded the conference room.

As Arnold was bought in Andrei waved his hands to signal the troops not to embarrass the Estonian President.

"Congratulations, Andrei, you have won. What a wonderful attack plan.

Enjoy your victory over an ant.

Are you satisfied?

Are you happy? Congratulations, you have destroyed another country that would have escaped the clutches of an evil empire."

" I have given you a chance before.

It's because you believe too much in NATO. That led to the current situation.

It's a very stupid thing to entrust your destiny to others without your own strength."

Now that Arnold is going to jail anyway, he doesn't mind breaking the jar,

"Look at the way you aggressors rule my nation. How many crimes our people suffered at that time, we were successively occupied and ruled by Prussia, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Germany. Since 1710, Estonia has been ruled by Tsarist Russia for more than 200 years. Only in February , 1918 Declare the independence of the Estonian Republic. Only a day later, the Germans occupied The capital, and then in November, you Soviet declared sovereignty over Estonia."

  "Under your terrible rule, my nation has no future. Those purges, those famines, those people who died because of Soviet tyranny, will face the justice and judgment that should come to you Kremlin thugs ! One day people will stand up!"

In the last sentence, Arnold roared in righteous indication.

Everyone including Andrei was silent .

One of the soldiers even blurted out, " Are we the baddies?"

( I am definitely gonna send him to the gulag for ruining my scene.)

" Hump... The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

Stop crying like a child complaining. If you feel injustice go to God , go to Stalin, Khrushchev, or even Lenin to vent your feelings and ask.

The only thing I can do is send you to meet them.

  I'm not interested in the fate of your little nations at all."

He threw a document in front of Arnold, "But you should read this document at the negotiating table before you come to talk to me about independence. "

  Arnold took the document with doubtful eyes, opened the cover, but the content inside made him more and more excited, regardless of the danger he was in, he read the document in detail in front of Andrei.

The content of the document basically boils down to economic autonomy but no diplomatic sovereignty. They can even from political parties and hold elections.

" Why didn't you throw it out as a bargaining chip before the negotiations started? This is basically what we wanted" Arnold looked at him with disbelief.

This is Andrei's big stick and carrot policy.

First use military strength to deter the imminent ambitions of Eastern European countries

Then use economic interests to make them compromise.

In fact, the Moscow authorities have also made considerable sacrifices and compromises.

If Moscow continues to adopt a high-pressure policy, even if the peace between the alliance countries is temporarily restored by military means, it will only be brewing for the next storm. That's all.

Andrei being from a democratic country knew that trying to stop the rising tide of democracy is impossible.

The only thing an autocrat like him can do is to subvert it .

By doing this he was taking advantage of a great weakness in democracy.

That is 'The will of the majority.'

For the Bultic countries to remain in the Soviet union the invasion was necessary.

This is to implement a collective memory of suffering for the majority when they flirted too much with separatist tendencies.

So even if democracy remains the majority will refrain from official succession.

While the minorities remain loyal as they receive benefits through cooperation.

Of course he wasn't going to tell Arnold about this . Under the dumbfounded gazes of everyone he simply replied,

" Because i didn't feel like it."


The Soviet Union used the most brutal means to resolve the Baltic Sea crisis, and the compromise of the Western European countries to the Soviet Union caused concerns among the remaining member countries.

. It is undoubtedly a major blow to Georgia, Armenia and Moldavia, the other three countries that are bent on removing the red flag of of the Soviet Socialist Republic.

Moldavia and Armenia immediately chose to shut up and stopped chanting separation slogans.

  Other member countries with less separatist problem protested against the Soviet Union's unilateral revision of the Supreme Constitution, but because they were given great economic autonomy, their complaints were not too loud.

The previous national autonomy was to have great political rights but only limited economic autonomy, while Andrei's current approach is the opposite.

The franchise countries finally got the autonomy of economic development they dreamed of, so it doesn't matter whether they are independent or not.

... ....

President Bush of the United States is not feeling well right now.

Just as he was about to fall asleep at night, he was called to the Pentagon by a phone call.

Of course, the British Prime Minister, the leader of the Conservative Party John Major, and the President of France were also spoiled for his good mood.

François Mitterrand, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The men had all come together by phone for a special meeting of senior NATO leaders because of the stormy Baltic sea thousands of miles away.

  "We have received calls for help from the presidents of the three Baltic countries. If you have any ideas, you can discuss them. Try to make a long story short, and there is not much time left for them."

Bush did not sit in his seat, but paced back and forth, thinking How can the current situation develop in a direction that is favorable to him.

"What is there to discuss at this point?

. Now the Soviet Union is more like a desperate lunatic. No one knows what the crazy leader will do."

On the other end of the phone, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl's expression was almost mournful, with East and West Germany barely being merged . He feared the new Soviet leader would have some new ideas for Germany.

So right from the beginning he took a reconciliatory tone claiming that the Baltic Sea crisis was a matter of the internal affairs of the Soviet Union, and no country had the right to interfere in the internal affairs of the Soviet Union.

"They seem to have given up on the Idea of equality and unbreakable alliance between nations by invading an alliance country.

They have stopped beating around the bush and showed their true colours, just as they did when they entered Prague." said the British Prime Minister John Major.

"The most important question now is how to maintain stability." François Mitterrand suggested, "I think it is better for us to acknowledge the reality and ask consetion from the Soviets somewhere else. Like per se north Africa."

" François, you?!." Helmut raised his voice a few decibels, "You just want to look out for your own interest. Don't you understand it'll significantly increase the influence of the Soviets in eastern Europe?"

Though Helmut had a conciliatory tone in public, privately he was a staunch reganite hawk.

What's more François was the only president of Western Europe who strongly opposed the merger of Germany. Now the old grievances between France and Germany have been brought up again because of the Baltic Sea crisis.

CIA cheif on the other side was trying to presue Bush on a hawkish stand .

"In fact, we should not let European countries retreat, and we need our allies to force the Soviet Union one more time. If I guessed correctly, the seemingly powerful Soviet has already Exhausted. Showing toughness now is a ruse."

  "That's enough, Blunt!" Bush, who had been patient all this time, suddenly said

, "You don't need to teach me about foreign policy! And just after you put forward that ridiculous suggestion of forcing the Soviet Union by force, I told you that the intelligence agency sent back a kind of information, they monitored through satellites that the Soviet Union's land-based ballistic long-range missile silos are being activated, that is to say, if our allies confronted the Soviet Union head-on at that time, the whole world would have to pay for it!"

  Andrei did order the land-based missile silos to be activated, but all of this was to stage a dangerous drama for Western countries, so that Bush would back down.

When the US president knew this information, he immediately chose to stop.

He knew that the matter had become a big mess, touched the bottom line of the Soviet Union, and might develop in the direction of World War III at any time.

  "Get me connected to Moscow and our European allies. I think we need to sit at the negotiating table together to resolve these issues." Bush sighed. The good thing is that he can finally go to sleep.


Okay guys i kept my promise. Now a couple of reviews would really help my imagination.

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